Mercurysteam's Hangout
BARRACKS => Gameplay Feedback => Topic started by: Zrog on November 05, 2019, 08:08:07 AM
Why can't you guys just make a simple Card system?
You earn Faction points, and then use them to buy cards.
And then you own those cards, forever.
No build time, zero.
The End.
That's how it SHOULD be!
If you have too little points?
Buy Mercury Coins!
Boom, there's your monetization of the process.
What is the point with creating the mess of a system you have now?
I really want to know the motivation for WHY you guys added crafting and this card building system? Please, explain why it exists and why it's better than what I just propsed above??
I'm trying to figure out how to get a card I've wanted FOREVER
and I'm buying, destroying, building etc. etc
Game wants to log on for days just to build fucking CARDS?
Stop with these systems PLEASE!
I love this game, but everytime I try to get back to it... can you guys just stop adding these systems to replace the old ones?
God damn dudes.
Also, Devs!
Please consider this: if the system was just simple and straight forward like I suggested, no destroying cards, no build time, just BUY card, boom done! Buy the next one.
I personally would actually play the game A LOT more!
Right now I just stop playing because I hate these systems.
But if I could buy the cards I always wanted easy, just need to earn the faction points, then I would play and unlock for many characters!
Because that unlock system would be ENJOYABLE and not an irritation like what you have now.
That system would incentivize players to come back and experiment with more Raiders cards! Even Raiders I don't usually play, just because such a system would make it easy for me to have fun experimenting with cards.
But if I have to wait several days to get the card before I can even play?
Then No. I'm out.
I want to play and enjoy the game.
Not sit with this ๐ go figure.
I'm pretty sure this would be a better draw for many other players too, knowing they can get what they want straight up, not have to wait days to build CARDS! Before they can even build the card they ACTUALLY want!
Like... come on dudes...
I donโt mind the Talent building system. However, a way to mark a goal Talent and the route of talants required to get there would be extremely helpful.
Or when your done building a Talent on the way to your goal, it will automatically suggest the next one on the route
For you to build next.
Your logic and tone is kind of childlish
But the system is a unfair i agree , it's funny because i have to wait so many days for a specific card..i stopped playing until this card is done...that's weeks of me not playing just to wait for a card
Where before i logged on almost everyday
Although i think the way address the problem should be a bit civilised OP
I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole post because I felt it sorta repeated it's self in some parts (also sorry for referring to the post as "it" I don't know if the post maker is female or male), however, I wanted to add my two cents.
Personally, I fairly enjoy the card system. I feel as if I'm actually working towards something and not just buying junk to buy it. Plus I find the system of having a card locked until you buy the one before it is good for new comers. It allows players to experiment with builds rather than just finding the "best" builds and then not really testing anything else out. I mean that's why we have so many one punch Doldrens. Sure it was effective but it gets tiresome after awhile.
That being said I do have some problems with it...mostly the prices of rushing things. The most expensive character in the game is 180,000 (correct me if I'm wrong...don't exactly remember). Granted that is gold and we use talent points to buy the cards. However, to rush a card you have to spend some INSANE amount of gold, way more than any raider...that doesn't make sense to me. The wait time should be addressed to but personally I don't mind. As for the destroying past cards for new ones I don't mind but I can see how others find it tedious or annoying but it is a step in the right direction.
Mr."Topicstarter" pls use caps next time xD
Mr."Topicstarter" pls use caps next time xD
What do you mean?
Your logic and tone is kind of childlish
But the system is a unfair i agree , it's funny because i have to wait so many days for a specific card..i stopped playing until this card is done...that's weeks of me not playing just to wait for a card
Where before i logged on almost everyday
Although i think the way address the problem should be a bit civilised OP
How is my Logic of all things childish?
I am very tired of the devs destroying a game I REALLY loved.
I've written feedback to them for sometime via Email and they told me to get on their community board.
All of their updates don't ever really adress the problems with the game, and sometimes they even WORSEN or replace a bad system with another bad system like with the cards now.
It's infuriating! I have never seen a developer do this to their own game, shooting themselves in the foot constantly.
It makes zero sense. And the actual core game itself is amazing right... so it's like... what the fuck are they doing?? ๐I just don't get it.
I would play this game weekly if these simple systems were just straight forward. They aren't. And cards are vital to the game.
So it fucks it up. Good job devs.
Personally, I fairly enjoy the card system. I feel as if I'm actually working towards something and not just buying junk to buy it. Plus I find the system of having a card locked until you buy the one before it is good for new comers.
No I agree the progression of buying cards itself is good but... then you have to DESTROY cards you spent days to build to build other cards if you want to change things ๐ฌ
That's messed up... it doesn't add anything to the game to have it like that.
The card destruction bullshit is just... pointless? It has no meaning other than to annoy the user and force you to spend MORE time doing bullshit tasks in the card menues and wait for build time when you could be PLAYING the game that those systems are there to support.
It's asinine.
You could just have a system where you have to buy cards in order. And earn the points to buy them. That's what the system should be.
It means there's still a grind, a value to unlocking higher tier.
But once you unlock them all, the reward is you can finally change your playstyle and experiment, giving you as a player a greater depth into the game.
That's what the card systems motivation and design should be about.
Also you have to consider how this looks for new players.
These systems are NOT good for drawing in new people!
They are very player unfriendly systems.
And give the game a bad name.
So it's not just about if You personally think it's fine because you have the time to wait for card builds etc.
I love the game, but this shit ruins it for me.
I want to experiment with cards, not have to log in for days just to build the shit I want, that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
And with every update containing some bullshit like this it just makes me not feel like playing the game, and I'm a fan!
So I just see this as the devs dragging the game into an unavoidable death.
I do agree destroying cards is annoying. The only reason I see why they would do this is to make it where players cant unlock every card within a month or so and giving players more time to play longer...however, it doesn't work that way its very tedious especially with the long wait periods. I mean I just got done building a card I really want that took 3 days but I want this other card too that requires me to destroy it. And that's from using the "fast" method.
I don't mind the crafting system either. Gives me something to look forward to ( yes, i have no life ) as well as something to play for. Destroying old cards is alright for me, since i only craft when i really want to exchange. It happened that i've accidentaly sacrificed a skill i was using, so the paths should really be pointed out better. Unlike others i have the time to play enough to gather points and gold, and although i get where you're coming from, a free to play game to be grindy is what to expect. I don't feel it to be a grind though, because i'm having fun playing it. In comparison this game is actually pretty generous. If anything, i'd like primary and secondary skill lists to be combined, as the primaries of my toons are more useful imo, so i could equip 2 primaries. You get what i mean :)