Mercurysteam's Hangout
BARRACKS => Bug report & Technical Support => Topic started by: Keiya25 on September 23, 2017, 01:37:31 AM
Hey there Mercurysteam. This happened to me in the Beta as well. After successfully matchmaking once I have trouble doing it a second time. Infinite matchmaking occurs and I have to close the app and restart to get back into a game almost everytime.
Ps4 Pro
Founders pack and Prologue.
Same issue here :(
I downloaded this today played two online games and cannot seem to find a game not even with a friend its not matchmaking as it seems but says it is...very confusing and very frustrating considering i jus paid for the first campaign and really enjoying and eager to play what i paid for with my friends
I have the same problem but i can't even play as antagonist because i never find a match. I bought alien myths and i'm loving my experience although i didn't had the full experience due to this problem.
Please fix this mercurysteam.
It matchmakes at 10 to 30 minutes random, needs fix, add bots to replace anyone online or something, maybe also improve the matchmaking for more wide area but lower matchmake load times and also add private slots or invite only game. :)