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Messages - B30

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Bug report & Technical Support / Aha, it's spambot weekend again.
 on: November 10, 2018, 02:57:35 PM 
The title says it all, as I think.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: State of Difficulty: 11.2
 on: November 02, 2018, 07:22:15 PM 
… Nonetheless, we understand that some frustrating situations could happen, especially on High-MMR matches. …

Haha very funny! Since the last update, frustration is commonplace. My MMR is down at 36%. I just played "A Low Blow", we were three players (so a normal mentormatch-team, since the fourth player basically logs off). Two high level players and a level 1 player, the enemy spawn rate was so high that we were spawn-camped after the first few minutes. I mean the spawn rate was insane (3 elites, and a bunch of mooks right at the Raiders spawn-point, and more were closing in) and of course bazooka guys and snipers nearby.

No disrespect, but show me the fun in that, I could not discover it.

I have to say, lately I play less and less. And quess what, I am fed up for today.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: State of Difficulty: 11.2
 on: October 31, 2018, 02:03:27 PM 
… Please, remember our main objective is to make the game fun and challenging. …

Okay, it is already challenging as HELL, but when can we expect the fun again?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disconnecting and other problems
 on: October 26, 2018, 01:37:09 PM 
I wonder why I still play mentor matches, yesterday it was all bad again with all the disconnects. Was playing In Shock, with two level 1 and a level 5, and all three disconnected, so I had to play the second Kuzmann stage all alone and of course I couldn't win it. With the new lever mechanic, the high spawn rate of the enemies and of course Dr. Kuzmann himself.

Mentor matches can get really frustrating and annoying.  :(  :'(

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 23, 2018, 10:49:02 AM 
If MSE keeps it the way it is now, then they really need to adjust the rewards, why should I, as a player, complicate my mission with an antag, when I can play the same mission without an antag (lesser deaths, faster playthrough) and thus a better result in the end? Only for the challenge, that's too insufficient for me.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Game Difficulty
 on: October 22, 2018, 04:21:26 PM 
It's not about high or low MMR, we just stated that the difficulty of the game went up since the last patch. A game with a MMR at about 45 to 50% was quite enjoyable, but not anymore.

I think everyone knows that a high MMR only causes headaches and has no advantage or benefit (on the reward screen) and keeping it low is a lot more nerve sparing (e.g. playing against a low MMR antag).

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 22, 2018, 01:26:08 PM 
… PVEVP is some thing for everyone. …
I honestly believe if MSE makes it optional the Antagonist mechanic will die. …

So, it's obviously NOT for everyone. Why else would it die?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Game Difficulty
 on: October 22, 2018, 12:56:56 AM 
Yes, the level of difficulty has really increased, it is a bit frustrating at the moment, with all the mentor matches and quitters.  :(

MSE see also:

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Fith Council not feeling like Tanks.
 on: October 21, 2018, 03:27:14 PM 
… Things have gotten a lot less fun after the latest patch, and it’s not only because of the nerfs to some raiders, whatever tweaks they made to mmr/mobs… well it ain’t pretty…

Yes, I have just experienced this, my MMR has fallen pretty quickly from mid 40 to mid 30. For example in "A weapon from the past" and "A low blow", we were overrun by opponents. I mean come on, you kill one enemy, oh there already two new ones. It's like chopping of one of hydras heads, wtf!?

What is going on here? MSE, you know that RDR2 is coming out this week, so you should not scare away any more people, right?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: In shock difficulty spike/ soldier glitch
 on: October 20, 2018, 11:08:23 AM 
The mission is playable again thanks to the new time limit, thanks MSE.  :D

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Outfit vs Skin
 on: October 20, 2018, 10:22:22 AM 
I think with outfit they mean that you can change details of your current skin, such as sunglasses, eye patch, scar, new cap, etc.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.1 Patch Notes
 on: October 18, 2018, 09:36:51 PM 
Why don't you guys take Ginebra completely out of the game? With the many Ginebra nerfs somebody has to be surprised that she is still in the game. Poor kitty, get back in your cage and stay there.   >:( :'(

And now you can probably throw HIVE's Shy into the bin too.  >:( :'(

But if such a simple win in the game is possible (shooting old gramps), there will always be players who will exploit that. MSE knows this flaw for so long, it seems they have no problem with it. They prefer to ruin missions that have been fun (In Shock), rather than solving real problems (fixing old gramps in A Fistful of Sand).

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Character selection BUG
 on: October 15, 2018, 02:58:16 PM 
Yesterday it happened again in the "The Beast's Lair", and the game selects Ayana for me, what a great help with this mission  :(.

But what's really annoying, it was my only blueprint mission. I don't normally exit missions, but this time I had to, I'm sorry for the other guys.  :(

Gameplay Feedback / Re: MMR Madness
 on: October 15, 2018, 08:54:50 AM 
Using bounty hunter weapons in team is helping a lot for gaining gold. The higher bounty hunter percentage the better.  In the best case, if everyone in the team uses a maxed out Bounty Hunter weapon, you can get great rewards.   ;)

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