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Messages - Tekato

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Radar in spacelords...
 on: December 04, 2018, 08:53:05 PM 
I was wondering if there is any plan to implement a compass? As harek I like to do recon and spot antags for my teammates. It's difficult to communicate locations effectively without a common reference point.
I got a better idea, why don't they add some big arrows pointing directly at the antagonist too.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches should be Gentle
 on: December 04, 2018, 02:30:47 AM 
Exactly!! Also if they're not able to be an antag yet, they shouldn't be forced to fight against one. It's totally unfair for them and especially if the antag is in the 100+ range.

At first it sounds like a good progressive idea but it gives a false representation of what the rest of their matches will be like.

I think if an Antagonist enters into a Mentor Match then the difficulty should get a flat-rate debuff depending on the number of below level 10 players that are present. This way high level players aren't given a bunch of bullshit to deal with while they handle the Antagonist, so it is up to those player's skill levels to determine the winner and the low levels can learn the objectives without being bothered too much.

The high level players are responsible for mentoring the low level players. This means dealing with an Antagonist so they don't get butchered by them. If you're not doing this then you are not a good mentor. If you're doing this then you probably don't care too much about Antagonists in Mentor Matches.

This, to me, is the purpose of Mentor Matches. To truly test your skill when the stakes have been raised.

The reward for the Antagonist being better than the the high level Raiders in this instance is they get to feast on the low levels. This should give any high level player motivation to defend them, after all, you are defending your own lives. If you cannot defend against said Antagonist then it is not the game's fault, not the Antagonist's fault and not the low levels fault. It is your fault for not properly preparing for an inevitable Mentor Match.

The whole basis of this game; "Embark on an epic sci-fi, free-to-play adventure. Spacelords is a brand-new take on the shooter genre. Through its 4 vs 1 counter-operative campaign, you experience both sides of the story: Join the Raiders in their fight to free the legendary Broken Planet... or switch sides and fight as the Antagonist alongside the invading hordes!"

What you are suggesting, Lethal, is the wholesale neutering of its core feature to appease people who may not even play past 4 hours either way.

Mentor Matches are exciting because you get to show off in front of new players and when an Antagonist joins in then it is all the better for it.

I take care of my mentees, you should too.
The problem with this is the antagonist is obviously going to pick a character that counters the highest level raider. For example lets say the high level carry picks ayana and the antag chooses hans. Good luck trying to get your mines to go off on a flying target and he also makes her ability useless. Or lets say you end up picking a slow fifth council character and they're a good harec?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches should be Gentle
 on: December 03, 2018, 09:45:25 PM 
I agree, the Mentor Matches should not average the higher level players MMR into it. Despite the new changes I still have to lower MMR. And among those reasons one of them is because I have friends who try the game with me and because my MMr may be too high they get slaughtered and believe that this is an accurate representation of the game for all players. I have to explain to them it was my MMR that slaughtered them and then I have to lower my MMR and ask them back promising it will be less difficult next time.
Then you get a lv 100+ antag that slaughters them and only focuses on the low lvs because they're easy prey and he runs away from you because he knows he will lose. These players will most likely never come back.

Ship's Log / Re: Road to SpaceGuilds #4
 on: November 30, 2018, 08:25:06 PM 
These changes sound interesting but I do feel like most of these weapons were already good enough. I hope these aren't the only weapons being adjusted since there are other weapons that desperately need a buff or change to make them more useful.

Don't  get me wrong, I do appreciate all the work that went into these changes.

@Tekato, as far as "one shot fests" go, at certain difficulties even a lowly grunt can drop you with one blast. At your level I know that you know this already. Ungodly amount of damage that can drop your fully overhealed Hive in a heartbeat is a regular occurrence with the way they jack up the adds in this game. CQC has always been a rock paper scissors guessing game to an extent and it just takes feeling out the Antagonist  your battling to see what their tendencies are. I'm no god at this game, and I don't use a mic either when I play to coordinate, but I do try and play as much as I can in a team and avoid random matchmaking and that results in wins 95% of the time regardless of whether or not an Antagonist shows up.  Sorry for the long post but I guess in closing I'm trying to say that I highly doubt Mercurysteam is going to change the way damage is dealt and the way the crits work and the cqc and everything. One of their main goals is to make this game super challenging so that's how it is whether we like it or not.
I'm fine with the AI one shotting since you can use cover and have ways to deal with them.  But players no, they can easily get you behind cover and some characters don't even need to aim. One example is rak with shepherd he can just shoot his grenades at a wall near you, they will bounce and most likely take you out in one blast. And what I meant by the cqc is lag can make your grapples slow down or speed up to the point where someone can sneak up do a grapple and you won't even hear the sound, and there's a lot of cases where you punch someone right infront of you but for some reason it fails. This makes cqc inconsistent and unreliable.

PvP is just a one shot fest idk how anyone can enjoy that but whatever. And I was probably the lv 300 I don't really care about being exposed online tbh so feel free to do so. can feel like a "one shot fest" at times, but it really does keep you on your toes and makes you approach the game differently. I'm neutral on the antag system really, but the chance of invasion keeps the game from being too stale, I'm okay with it.

And no, it wasn't you. Didn't you say you always offer surrender first? That I don't actually mind, but his guy just outright disconnected SMH...
It doesn't "feel" like it, that's exactly what it is. You can't have a seriously balanced pvp when you have weapons and cards with 100-200%+ damage buffs. Sure you can get better as a raider/antag but at the end of the day if you get hit by a random crit no amount of skill is going to save you. This game has many easy kill methods/exploits and lag/latency issues from peer to peer can make cqc into a complete joke. It's just going to keep getting worst and worst the more weapons and cards we get.  Just make this mess optional so those of us that don't care for this game mode won't have to deal with it anymore.

Ship's Log / Re: Road to SpaceGuilds #3
 on: November 29, 2018, 07:28:36 PM 
Does this mean we might be able to use one of these brother's as a raider in the future?

Oy vey. I understand peoples frustrations with the Antagonist system it can be broken at times. But please tell me how is it other players have such a hard time dealing with an Antag and i dont? How is it my games are so different from theirs that they would call for the Antagonist system to be removed or made optional? But before you answer let me give you a little insight on how i play the game.

When i jump on Spacelords I check to see what Bps are available and which ones have very high gold and faction rewards.  I play as a raider when try to obtain my daily rewards and when completed ill switch up and play as an Antag for a few games. I run in to my fair share antags. I win some i lose some, but i have a good time. I get that some of the player base doesnt like PVP but its not like they arent skilled players. So what reason could you give me other than "you dont like PVP" to get rid of the Antagonist system.

Further more Every person that dislikes both the Antgonist system and mentor matches only wishes to  get rid of it by making it possible to opt out of both. Yet they never offer up any solutions to try and fix the current system. Half these problems could be solved with a solid form of communication between players. The prompt system doesnt work. If players (both vet and rookie) could communicate more clearly, coordinating against antags and teaching rookies would be so much easier.


Only thing that's rough when you begin the game against antags is jack diddly for rewards and wasted time. That's what irked me back when I first started playing and what I feel for newer players today.

That being said, everyone is different. I love the gameplay so much, I didn't mind (most of the time) getting my ass kicked by antags. And it honestly made me a much better player. Not only helps being better against antags obviously, but also the PvE. It really sharpens your awareness and your ability to carry. As for as advantages/disadvantages in PvE, there are ALOT of variables that make that up, player level is just a small part of that. The game not being newbie friendly may not be good on MSE part to the sell the game, but it being a positive or negative is subjective. It's niche title anyway...

As for as folks quitting on sight when an antagonist shows up...don't know if it's a PC/XBox thing, but I play on PS4 and am level 168 and I have only seen that happen like 3 or 4 times through my playtime (and one of them is someone on this forum, who won't be named, but is a level 300+. You should be ashamed of yourself  ::)). But your mileage may vary I guess...

I'm not opposed to antags being optional, but that would mean less games for antags. I don't play antag personally, but if I did, that pissed me off. Since I don't, I have no strong feelings, but the PvP folk would have every right to get mad ... My personal opinion is to just penalize players a portion of their rewards who opt out of antag. Tier 5 (LV 1-19) won't get penalized, but after that penalty will be steeper the farther the tier.

For now, like I suggest to every anti-antag person, find a group on reddit, discord, gamefaqs, etc who feel the same as you do and squad up. You'll queue matches much faster and you can all surrender when an antag shows up.
PvP is just a one shot fest idk how anyone can enjoy that but whatever. And I was probably the lv 300 I don't really care about being exposed online tbh so feel free to do so.




Oy vey. I understand peoples frustrations with the Antagonist system it can be broken at times. But please tell me how is it other players have such a hard time dealing with an Antag and i dont? How is it my games are so different from theirs that they would call for the Antagonist system to be removed or made optional? But before you answer let me give you a little insight on how i play the game.

When i jump on Spacelords I check to see what Bps are available and which ones have very high gold and faction rewards.  I play as a raider when try to obtain my daily rewards and when completed ill switch up and play as an Antag for a few games. I run in to my fair share antags. I win some i lose some, but i have a good time. I get that some of the player base doesnt like PVP but its not like they arent skilled players. So what reason could you give me other than "you dont like PVP" to get rid of the Antagonist system.

Further more Every person that dislikes both the Antgonist system and mentor matches only wishes to  get rid of it by making it possible to opt out of both. Yet they never offer up any solutions to try and fix the current system. Half these problems could be solved with a solid form of communication between players. The prompt system doesnt work. If players (both vet and rookie) could communicate more clearly, coordinating against antags and teaching rookies would be so much easier.


Only thing that's rough when you begin the game against antags is jack diddly for rewards and wasted time. That's what irked me back when I first started playing and what I feel for newer players today.

That being said, everyone is different. I love the gameplay so much, I didn't mind (most of the time) getting my ass kicked by antags. And it honestly made me a much better player. Not only helps being better against antags obviously, but also the PvE. It really sharpens your awareness and your ability to carry. As for as advantages/disadvantages in PvE, there are ALOT of variables that make that up, player level is just a small part of that. The game not being newbie friendly may not be good on MSE part to the sell the game, but it being a positive or negative is subjective. It's niche title anyway...

As for as folks quitting on sight when an antagonist shows up...don't know if it's a PC/XBox thing, but I play on PS4 and am level 168 and I have only seen that happen like 3 or 4 times through my playtime (and one of them is someone on this forum, who won't be named, but is a level 300+. You should be ashamed of yourself  ::)). But your mileage may vary I guess...

I'm not opposed to antags being optional, but that would mean less games for antags. I don't play antag personally, but if I did, that pissed me off. Since I don't, I have no strong feelings, but the PvP folk would have every right to get mad ... My personal opinion is to just penalize players a portion of their rewards who opt out of antag. Tier 5 (LV 1-19) won't get penalized, but after that penalty will be steeper the farther the tier.

For now, like I suggest to every anti-antag person, find a group on reddit, discord, gamefaqs, etc who feel the same as you do and squad up. You'll queue matches much faster and you can all surrender when an antag shows up.
PvP is just a one shot fest idk how anyone can enjoy that but whatever. And I was probably the lv 300 I don't really care about being exposed online tbh so feel free to do so.

Ship's Log / Re: Road to SpaceGuilds #1
 on: November 27, 2018, 06:23:26 PM 
It will only affect stressed enemies. So a local, or someone managing their stress, sneaks up behind you, they will not show up on The Radar
That makes sense I just wasn't sure.

Ship's Log / Re: Road to SpaceGuilds #1
 on: November 27, 2018, 06:08:49 PM 
Honestly we didn't really need a radar, but cool I guess? Also how would this function on low stress enemies, will they still show up on the radar? Like if an antagonist tried to sneak up on you unstressed will they get exposed by the radar. Seems like this could create many problems for antagonists.

Thanks for updating us on new content anyway Karen.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disgusting
 on: November 27, 2018, 04:19:12 PM 
I ll go to vote surrender but still play. Im not trying to promote the rage quit culture. 

But yea man, I play as an Antag and i know that shit is cheap lol.
I always vote surrender on any antag match but ofc I'm forced to play through this 1 shot pvp mess with no real choice.

This is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. I already have to tolerate the blueprint system as it is, putting together win streaks and then HOPING to get the right blueprint to present itself and then HOPING the % gods allow me the opportunity to receive and build it. Now we have weak-willed players that refuse to participate/call for surrender at the first sign of an Antagonist. Let's be honest, the Antag may cause you to get a 7.5 on a mission rather than a 9, and fighting them may net you 1k gold instead of 1.5k good (Major difference..) It is only occasional occurrence though, by surrendering your messing up my opportunity to receive a blueprint I have worked torward just because ONE other human player is standing in your way and you don't like it. I understand if your team is on their third set of lives and the map/antagonist is dominating your team and your only on the first section, but surrendering instantly especially with new/low level players in the mix can hurt other players in the squad who give every mission all they have and lose that chance and have to go back to the drawing board because you don't want to try.
Nobody ever accepts the surrender anyway tbh.  All it takes is one person to refuse and the rest of the team are forced to stay because if they disconnect they get punished.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disgusting
 on: November 27, 2018, 02:15:03 AM 
I ll go to vote surrender but still play. Im not trying to promote the rage quit culture. 

But yea man, I play as an Antag and i know that shit is cheap lol.
I always vote surrender on any antag match but ofc I'm forced to play through this 1 shot pvp mess with no real choice.

Suggestions / Re: Plot and Character Design
 on: November 26, 2018, 07:16:43 PM 
Damn I didn't think it could get worst than my shit posts, but here we are! The pinnacle of stupidity.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disgusting
 on: November 25, 2018, 07:42:02 PM 
Yeah I agree everyone should be able to play who they want. I just get really salty when I feel like there's nothing I can do at all during the match. I honestly just can't stand the antagonist system at all.

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