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Messages - Level9Drow

Pages: 1 ... 78 79 [80] 81 82 ... 86
Suggestions / Re: Skill/ELO rating on leaderboards?
 on: February 27, 2018, 11:09:48 PM 
They should let you know what your "ELO/Difficulty" is when facing AI is as well when you're out of a game. Fore Example: I could know what the general difficulty % would be for my next game before going into it. Admittedly, this may change based on the people I am grouped with, but it would be a good indicator of what to expect.

Suggestions / Re: Brent's Thread
 on: February 27, 2018, 07:33:10 PM 
Completely agree with everything you wrote. But the slide and air bomb gimmick is good against people not expecting it and great against enemy AI.

And you are right, when I unload the magazine over the antag and then miss and land with nothing to shoot it's lame. They just look at me and shoot me. LOL

Suggestions / Re: Brent's Thread
 on: February 27, 2018, 07:13:57 PM 
It's more fun to use, but if you have both guns you'e be gimping yourself if you chose Smoking Daisy oveer the new Novera. It "technically" does more damage than the New Novera IF (that's a big if) you unload the shells on someone's head. This is instant death or at least instant wound, in most cases.

I have both. I am using the Smoking Daisy, but have the blue print of the Novera but am not too excited to build it because this means I will no longer use the Smoking Daisy and will HAVE to use the Novera, because why wouldn't you? The damage is so consistent and good, the range is decent and it bounces, AND it fires fast and travels fast. The Novera pretty much makes all of her other guns obsolete.

Suggestions / Re: Brent's Thread
 on: February 27, 2018, 06:44:38 PM 
Buff Smoking Daisy: make the shots travel faster so you don't have to lead so much or buff the damage a tad (maybe 10 points per shot) or finally you can make the clip 4 instead of 3. I don't mean to say all three of these should happen, just one.

Suggestions / Re: Rewards
 on: February 26, 2018, 06:29:59 PM 
Coin Flip for blueprint should be in ADDITION to chosen currency rewards. There should NEVER be a situation in a modern game that you end up with ZERO rewards for time spent. Antagonist should get something, even when they lose (not sure what that is). And losers from Coin Flips should get something, preferably the currency they chose.

Listen it's ALREADY bad enough you have to roll against other players who are your "allies" or have others cut into your gold or card points. At least make it so at bare minimum you come back with something you can USE in the game and built towards.

And Q, don't give me this, "The experience should be the reward", this is a modern game and this is supposed to be electronic ENTERTAINMENT not a reflection of a Darwinistic existence of real life and work, war and politics. We play games to ESCAPE this, not relive it. Giving players some kind of reward for their time isn't a new or controversial concept in the modern gaming culture.

Well, the game needs to be server based, not client based, that goes without say. The game "For Honor" suffered from this EXACT same thing because they were client based. Until they became server based, this issue never went away.

 on: February 23, 2018, 09:28:42 PM 
you can also suicide with it to deny aleph :D

Yes you can :)
You can also die and take the enemy AI with you if you are wounded and surrounded with no hope of survival. Just unload them all under your feet and the AI or antag (if they haven't grabbed you) will blow up with your kamikaze.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Iune is Great.
 on: February 23, 2018, 09:05:15 PM 
Won my two matches played as Antagonist yesterday with her. Because Sigh is brutal. (And FYI the team I was against wasn't noobs.., 16,15,14,6 on Fistful of Sand  Ginebra, HIVE, Loaht, and Doldren(Victory by Kills not Objective.) and 2 Noob on second one (2 and 3) 6 and 16 on No Reservations. (One leaver)  Shae, Alicia, HIVE with the Konstantin Leaver.

What does "Sigh" do?

 on: February 23, 2018, 09:03:24 PM 
Way I hear it you can drop the shells whilst dodging so it is a melee aid more than a gun. Hah.

Yikes, that's REALLY close though. 9/10 times one of the shells is still close enough and explodes near enough to you that you are wounded or take damage. I think you can dodge your own shells if you are on the go in the first place, as in running, drop them, then dodge. But I don't think you can stand, drop them, then dodge and not take damage. At least not that I've noticed. I will try it more offline when I get home today to see if it can be done.

Suggestions / Re: Loaht's ability should not kill him
 on: February 23, 2018, 08:23:50 PM 
Or at the very least, there should be a unique character card that does what you are proposing.

 on: February 23, 2018, 05:56:59 PM 
I finally got smoking Daisy and tried it out.... what a trash gun. I would go so far as to say it's the worst gun I've used in this game. It definitely needs buffs in several areas, or a new gimmick like +melee damage since it does have a bayonet mounted on it. I would definitely classify it as her weakest gun with the coolest skin, such a shame :\

All the damage is in the explosive shells. You do the most damage jumping over enemies heads and releasing the shells or slide bombing. You can also just run and drop them off behind you blowing up any pursuers. The shells do a TON of damage. But the actual fired shots themselves are really slow and do about 50 to 70 ish  with limited range, only 3 shots and you really have to lead them if they're moving. The primary way to use it, I've noticed, is not as a gun, but as an accessory to her high jump and slide.

Mechanically the gun is fun to use, but is kind of weak as a "firearm".

Spacelords Universe / Re: Genebra's Slave Skin
 on: February 23, 2018, 12:50:32 AM 
I want to throw in my support for getting the skins cost down to something more reasonable too. Unfortunately I doubt this will happen as the topic has been brought up for several months now and all MS did was justify the 60$ skins with "It's alot of work, so sorry gotta pay if you want it." I have never tried so hard to support a game whose developers just dont seem to care at all about it's fanbase's concerns on most subjects.

I agree with want TheBrentWoody said above,let's just wait and see what their updates are before jumping to conclusions. They say they have something in sore. It may improve things in this regard.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Iune is Great.
 on: February 22, 2018, 10:20:08 PM 
It seems like her kit is cut in half when playing as antag. Which is no big deal, not all Raiders are meant to be antag and some excel at antag.

I'm saving up for her currently.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Iune is Great.
 on: February 22, 2018, 10:11:23 PM 
I have a question about her Mind Control I was wondering about. Does it affect Elites and/or Raiders?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Iune is Great.
 on: February 22, 2018, 09:37:10 PM 
Are you serious?!! At 50%-60% or more the minions DESTROY you if given the chance, kicking you as soon as they can (every second you are in range) then blasting you the split second you are out of melee range. They shoot you from across the map with their energy "pulse rifles?" and you're telling me when Iune "charms" them they turn from killing machines to simple minded dopey grunts? I would expect they be and act as the same unit they were just a second before.

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