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Messages - B30

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: MMR Madness
 on: October 14, 2018, 10:06:16 AM 
The rewards stay the same, so having a high MMR has no advantage or benefit (on the reward screen) and keeping it low is a lot more nerve sparing (e.g. playing against a low MMR antag).

MMR 35%, Gamescore 8.5 = 3500 Gold
MMR 65%, Gamescore 8.5 = 3500 Gold

It also doesn't make any difference in playing a mission with or without an Antag, because the rewards are staying the same. Makes you wonder why?
Why playing the missions on higher difficulty or under more difficult circumstances, if you are not getting rewarded for doing so.

So, the reward system really should be revised urgently!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Rak Hack or BUG?
 on: October 12, 2018, 07:51:41 PM 
Of course it is a bug weapon, he is the most feared hunter in the galaxy - he hunts a lot of bugs.

No, none of her skins seems to shine/glow anymore (in the character viewer; PS4).

Suggestions / Re: Blueprints
 on: October 12, 2018, 07:21:41 PM 
Oh boy, if I could forge all my blueprint duplicates, then I could equip entire armies with them. I would be the greatest warlord on the Broken Planet.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: A Breath of hope Insane amount of enemies
 on: October 11, 2018, 08:28:38 PM 
I can confirm this too, the other day we (a team of 4) barely made it to the guardians but then trying to kill the first guardian we all died. It was insane, the enemy spawn rate in this mission is unbearable right now (my mmr was 39 or 40).

I don't know what's going on since last patch, but it's getting ridiculous. I mean maybe you can win a few times, if you play it often enough, but it's no fun anymore, that's pure torment.

MSE, what are you guys trying to accomplish with this!?  :(

Edit: Yes, we had a Valeria in the team.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Age of Antags
 on: October 11, 2018, 05:47:06 PM 
And they implemented a problem where there was none: in Shock, with the new lever mechanism, where you have just 30 seconds left on the second timer. Last time I was Mikah with the Barrier (Teamlevel was around 165-450) it was impossible to win this mission.

… We felt the old "insta-use" levers incentivated doing suicidal maneuvers a bit too much. With this new changes introduced in the game, we tried to incentivate a safer & slower approach in order to solve the situation. …

Safe and slow with just 30 seconds on the timer, ha, ha, that's a good one. It's now more suicidal than ever! This needs some changes please.

Suggestions / Re: Loadout slots
 on: October 11, 2018, 01:48:56 PM 
That would be alright, but it would be a bit annoying too because I already bought a few.

And what's really odd about these buyable slots is the 3rd slot (550) costs even more than the 2nd slot (250).  ???

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Best weapon for each character?
 on: October 11, 2018, 10:43:07 AM 
• MPFA Rimbaud (default): Good (good damage generator - he, he)
• Heaven's Bane K8: Good (great damage too; good for antaging too)
• Ansgar "Aarm" MM1 (rare): Good for slow and stationary enemies (bosses)
• USU 21: his worst weapon; avoid this one and rather use one of the other three

• DPY-2M (rare): Good; probably his best weapon (good damage)
• Shepherd (default): Good (keep in mind it's a spread weapon)
• The Hatchet: his worst weapon; avoid this one (could be good, if MSE gives a range buff)

Suggestions / Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
 on: October 10, 2018, 11:16:53 AM 
The RNG card system totally needs to be reworked (one way or the other), you can spend hundreds of thousands of points without getting the card you want, which is more than frustrating. This is ridiculous with the few faction points you get per game. And a card shuffle is also not exactly cheap (4800!!!)!  :(

Bug report & Technical Support / Character selection BUG
 on: October 09, 2018, 09:14:19 PM 
If another player chooses the same character (e.g. Alicia) as I chose, but he was quicker in the selection, then my selection cursor also remains logged in to Alicia and I am stuck, so I can not select another character anymore and the game randomly assigns a character to me when the timer has expired and the mission starts, this happened a few times in the last couple of days - this is very annoying! (PS4)

… Harek retarded.
Most useless shit as rider and most broken shit as Antag. …

Hmm … I have a feeling that you are not exactly Harec's biggest fan?
I would even say you do not like him!?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: In shock difficulty spike/ soldier glitch
 on: October 03, 2018, 12:56:53 PM 
… We felt the old "insta-use" levers incentivated doing suicidal maneuvers a bit too much. With this new changes introduced in the game, we tried to incentivate a safer & slower approach in order to solve the situation. …

Why should it be helpful, if you need MORE time now to switch the levers, than before the patch. You know there is a timer running and Kuzmann, soldiers, snipers and an antag are lurking around nearby???

Spacelords Universe / Re: In Shock testing videos: Patch 11.0
 on: October 03, 2018, 12:29:43 PM 
… We changed the amount of time required to press the levers in order to deincentivate players doing suicidal maneuvers. The new timing is meant to incentivate taking a slower & safer approach in order to succeed. …

What? Why should a slower lever switch be safer than a quick one (as it was before the patch), when Kuzmann, snipers and an antag are lurking around nearby???

Gameplay Feedback / Re: In shock difficulty spike/ soldier glitch
 on: October 03, 2018, 12:13:22 AM 
Are you serious, MSE!? I tried the mission three times today. Two low level mentor matches (each with a quitter) and one high level player game, it made no difference. Of course, the increased level of difficulty and the new lever mechanism has ensured that we lose.
MSE, you should really consider playtesting your game before releasing a patch, you can't be serious about that!?
Play your game and you will realize that THIS IS NOT FUN!

Why are you constantly trying to scare away your players, I don't get it. But maybe I missed something, enlighten me.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: In shock difficulty spike/ soldier glitch
 on: October 02, 2018, 10:29:12 PM 
Why these changes in „In Shock“ - this is terrible, with all the mentor matches and quitters these days! Are you trying to force people to play the new missions more, by ruining the beloved old ones!? I would rather ask myself, why do players tend to avoid the new missions (maybe because they are a bit of a long drawn-out chaotic mess, in particular mind over matter), but instead of fixing these missions, you prefer to ruin the missions that are fun to play.  :(  >:(

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