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Messages - Tekato

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disgusting
 on: November 25, 2018, 05:49:49 AM 
Maybe I'm just overreacting and should have tried harder.

Suggestions / Can we get more card slots
 on: November 25, 2018, 12:13:38 AM 
4 card slots are not enough with the amount of cards available. There are some valuable cards that I wish to keep, but I also want to try new builds and don't want to spend another 300k faction points to get my old cards back incase i don't like the new ones.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disgusting
 on: November 24, 2018, 08:19:13 AM 
Raiders do that same thing, so...... ???
Raiders usually pick valeria to clear out the hordes of enemies not to purposefully camp an antagonist. Plus the antag gets to see what we pick so they can just get someone that can counter valeria.

Gameplay Feedback / Disgusting
 on: November 24, 2018, 12:43:27 AM 
Can't believe people still antag cheesing in medias res and low blow with valeria and whip... Fuck off.  Locking people down in a small area with no way to move forward is a piece of shit thing to do.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Rewards.
 on: November 23, 2018, 02:27:40 PM 
MMR is finally in a good spot, let's hope they don't make anymore adjustments and screw it up again.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Antag; self imposed challenges, anyone?
 on: November 23, 2018, 12:21:19 PM 
I'm not interested in any form of pvp just make it optional for everyone.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.3 Patch Notes
 on: November 23, 2018, 12:16:51 PM 
Hey, guys!

Just letting you know the option to exchange a duplicated blueprint for Gold will be available in another patch, waaay bigger ;)

Can we exchange them for faction points too or just gold?

If so how can I do it? I've tried connecting the keyboard and mouse to the ps4 but I don't see any options for it in the game settings.
You have to buy a keyboard and mouse adapter. XIM is the best kind. You can find them on Amazon.

Thanks I'll have to get me one of those.

Ship's Log / Re: Stefanie Joosten joins Spacelords!
 on: November 22, 2018, 05:25:46 PM 
Wow the new character looks great, can't wait to see her in action.

Suggestions / Re: Lower MMR Spawn rate
 on: November 22, 2018, 02:18:22 PM 
I think that is a bug there... most of this happens with wardogs... you have to be in constant movement, no thinking, just killing, killing, killing, 2 secs that you decided to do something else and the map is filled with enemies... is insane

Agreed these wardogs need to chill and those elite wardog shotguns need some adjustments, they shouldn't be downing you in one shot from accross the map. Why don't enemy shotguns have range damage fall-off like lycus and alicia. I swear u could be 300 ft away and still get downed in one shot from a shotgunner elite or grunt.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Antag; self imposed challenges, anyone?
 on: November 22, 2018, 09:30:15 AM 
I am merely doing Uras-Beherit's will, Which is crushing those damned filthy raiders!! MuWaHaHaHa!!

As he said, "Hit them Hard, My young Apprentice." Yes, My master, I shall!!

I hope someone returns the favor when it's your turn to play as raider.

Suggestions / Re: Lower MMR Spawn rate
 on: November 22, 2018, 09:27:08 AM 
Yeah the difficulty in this game fluctuates way too much, sometimes 30% feels like a breeze but other times it's like all hell broke loose. Idk what's going on with mmr these days.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Antag; self imposed challenges, anyone?
 on: November 22, 2018, 04:20:31 AM 
Normally, the only restriction that I place on myself when I play as the antagonist is that I try as hard as I can to kill those Filthy Raider Scum and show no mercy ever.

Of course, its much easier if the game makes me the antagonist of a group of low level players, as I can kill the Raiders quicker, make them surrender earlier, and get my rewards faster.

I always try and want the win more than my opponents, and I try to make it happen.
How is this a restriction? You're just making yourself look like an idiot and a bully.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: State of the Game Address #3
 on: November 22, 2018, 03:04:10 AM 
Remember that test scientist did with the rat in the electrified cage? when they first electrified the cage floor the rat looked for a way out frantically. After so many times of not finding a way out the rat accepted there was non and just took the pain. When they opened the cage door the rat sat and endured the pain even though there was now a way out.

the rat says the same thing we say: "Too good to be true, too good to be true."
Lol sorry I only did it for the memes.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: State of the Game Address #3
 on: November 21, 2018, 10:44:05 PM 
Damn it I suck nobody fell for this!

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