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Messages - Level9Drow

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Suggestions / Re: Solo Challenges!
 on: February 15, 2018, 01:07:12 AM 
Wow, I wish they had upvote capabilities on these forums. These are great ideas.

Suggestions / Re: 5 Player Lobbies
 on: February 15, 2018, 01:02:49 AM 
Queue with 5 and a random player is picked for antagonist? I think it'd be lots of fun to kill my friends. Dunno how the system handles matching, if it's doable.

That would be cool, but I'm guessing that would allow players to game the system. It's be open to abuse. they should allow private games that don't have the same rewards. It seems like it would be a good custom match mechanic with little to no rewards.

 on: February 15, 2018, 12:25:13 AM 
I'm not taking about their model, simply large numbers. You can probably count on antagonists in a larger player pool. I mean, if I'm playing solo I've always got the antagonist mission searching, which isn't often, but most people just want to play regardless of game mode. It beats sitting in a long search.

Then they would need to either allow an "invader" option, or somehow curb the frequencies of invasion. They said they have new features regarding antagonist and weapons locked behind antag rank in the works. I'm hoping this will answer much of my worries. I give feedback here so they can read it and consider it.

 on: February 15, 2018, 12:02:21 AM 
It seems like, when the population reaches desire that every match will include an antagonist.  Just based on how matching works there will, assumably be 1 to 4 trying to play antagonist at any given time. So, ultimately, you should expect this to be a competitive pvp.

I'm not sure the developers would agree with you. At least that's not how they described it. And if what you say is true, this is a tragedy, as this game has fantastic PvE content in a time where PvE campaign mode content is extremely scarce with games now a days. I left Overwatch because I wanted more PvE content and was tired of PvP, i'm afraid if they aren't at least willing to focus on PvE in some way they won't be offering anything new that bigger developers don't already offer. Other team shooters have PvP in spades, this game has PvE in spades, when allowed to. Why ruin a good thing?

 on: February 14, 2018, 11:38:04 PM 
I think losing to an antag does need to clearly show that it gives good rewards.  The loss screen effects peoples feelings about the game negatively. So, it could be kinda tweaked to make it clear that (if anything) you just got more because of the antagonist, which is a great system for asymmetric models, because there will always be those guys you just can't beat.

If it's purely about rewards than the most efficient method would be to surrender, feed or throw, because you get the most amount of rewards relative to time spent in the match. But it's not entirely about rewards, it's about the joy of achieving goals and the act of progressing forward with the action. The antagonist is nothing more than an obstacle to this enjoyment. Especially in the case of an overpowered raider like Hans, additionally played by a high ranked player.

The game is confusing, it paints a picture of a group of players getting together for PvE, but then occasionally shatters this expectation with an "invader" mechanic. This is disjointing because it will automatically put a preference on one scenario over another for the players, they are contrasted. Whereas other games are either ALL PvP or ALL PvE, and there is not comparison within the boundaries for players to expect.

Now for a PvP player this may or may not be a big deal. But for a PvE player this means any time the game you enjoy is "invaded" by an antag it means you will do whatever is necessary to avoid, or expedite the encounter. We just want to get back to the part of the game we enjoy. Depending on the player there are different methods unfortunately that facilitate this ends. A) Surrender, B)Throw, C)Feed or D)Suicides. Some of these methods are more or less ethical and may be frowned upon, but until we have a "turn off invader" option, or some other unforeseen development that can alleviate this issue, these methods of avoidance will be a reality for matches with PvE minded players in the game.  You cannot cater to both play-styles and not expect friction to occur, that isn't a realistic expectation.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Weapons Locked Behind Antagonist Ranks
 on: February 14, 2018, 09:38:21 PM 
Yeah. They need the incentive to antagonist because its one of the games niches. I do think they should make it Either or, though.  Like you need level 12 to build guns either Raider or Antagonist rank.

So , that way, you can build your little guns pretty early just from playing the game if you want, or you can rush antag rank and build them sooner.  Just for the option.

Yes, this would be a good idea. You can go the slow and steady route which takes longer, but is less agonizing and random, or you could go the quick route, which is more chancy.

Spacelords Universe / Re: how you find out about RotBP?
 on: February 14, 2018, 06:41:27 PM 
I browse through the PSN's discount or free games every so often, found it there and the trailer looked neat.

Then in the near future he found his life partner Drow and after much strife they let love in!  ;D

I would consider it an abusive relationship. :P

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Targeting AI instead of Antag
 on: February 13, 2018, 12:58:00 AM 
In general, that's a bad situation because you have two versus one. Of course, this is no different than an Antagonist trying to fight two players at once. You are still giving a directional input to distinguish between targets. This isn't anything that favors Antagonists because they suffer from the same problem of accidental targeting. If anything, it actually favors the AI. However, since the Antagonist in your scenario is typically going to be the larger threat it would be suggested to down them first. Keep in mind, they can and still will shoot you even when downed. Thus, your safest option would be to not CQC them at all and simple shoot them to death and then perhaps CQC the Elite. Perhaps, in the future we might get some sort of lock-on system that might help but that will likely present challenges of its own.

While I agree with you that this is a problem for both Antagonists and Raiders I disagree that it is more of a problem for the antag. If I am the antag and I target another raider than the one I was originally going for well than that's good all the same because it reduces the number of lives the Raiders have and reduces my total opponents by 1 from 4, which is 25% of my opposition. Not only that, but he's immune for a short time after and can chain grapple another raider, or two, I've seen it so many times. If, however, I am a raider and I aim for the antag and get a minion instead, well that's terrible. The antag just grabs me out of my grapple, because I am not immune like I would be if I grappled an elite or an antag, and the minion is less dangerous than an antag. So even if I managed to successfully kill the minion and the antag didn't kill me, for whatever reason, the net gain is less than the net gain for the same situation for the antag.

Spacelords Universe / Re: how you find out about RotBP?
 on: February 12, 2018, 11:12:12 PM 
YouTube. :)

Gameplay Feedback / Weapons Locked Behind Antagonist Ranks
 on: February 10, 2018, 06:13:33 PM 
Please, please, PLEASE!!! Remove the weapon lock out behind antagonist rank. This is horrible, it's a horrible experience, I can't even surrender as antagonists, I have to endure abject humiliation, waste time playing a mode of gameplay I don't even want to or enjoy playing, but I am FORCED to play in order to get weapons. Please change this. My enjoyment of this game is steadily decreasing.

Don't end up like Evolve, I loved that game but it died due to poor choices like these. I bought the full game because I loved the campaign modes and wanted a new take on shooters other than PvP all the time. I left Overwatch because I was sick of the cannibalistic nature of those kinds of games, this game looked promising. Allow people to choose how they would like to play, don't FORCE them into a mode they don't enjoy. More options are better. Please. I can't stand playing antag, even when I win I feel terrible.

 on: February 10, 2018, 06:07:35 PM 
Or I'll give my feedback, request that they remove weapons from antag rank. Seperate the two types of players and see if they value their customer. If they do they would have an option to turn off "invader" mode, and remove weapons from antag mode. It has been the single most horrible experience in this game I've had. Which is sad, because the rest of the game is so fantastic. This game is going to end up like the game Evolve if they don't stop FORCING this horrible experience on others. In the mean time I will surrender and get it over with, because it isn't any fun. This problem for them will never go away.

 on: February 09, 2018, 09:33:30 PM 
Kuz + Lichtbogen = Dead Hans

Set trap by popping a couple enemies with the Lb. Wait for him to fly in range, shock drop and fry. Squadies clean up the wounded Hans. Rinse and Repeat.

And if you don't have this weapon? Ah, the flaw of the design is revealed, and what then? Take your thrashings without complaint or recourse, I suppose. How "encouraging".

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Closed System Faction Card
 on: February 09, 2018, 08:22:57 PM 

Spacelords’ Advice / Closed System Faction Card
 on: February 09, 2018, 06:42:17 PM 
I have a question regarding this card and Dr.Kuzman. It says in this card that you are healed a set amount of health each time you get a kill. My question is: Do kills by Dr.Kuzman's lightning arcs count towards this?

That is all.

Bug report & Technical Support / Targeting AI instead of Antag
 on: February 09, 2018, 06:17:40 PM 
Is there any way to get the system to prioritize an antagonist player over the AI around him? It's annoying when you got a clear shot on the antag, go to grab or strike and then grab, or worse, strike an AI only to have the antag capitalize on this. Seems unfair.

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