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Messages - MSE_Karen

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Ship's Log / Aneska Now Available!
 on: January 30, 2019, 04:00:04 PM 

After her defeat at the hands of the Raiders, Aneska found herself alone in a hostile planet. After considering her options and reuniting with her loyal war machine, Aneska decided that the time had come to fight for a cause she deemed worth fighting for.

She grudgingly admired Harec’s courage and skill as a leader. In the past, Aneska had thought the Raiders to be a ragged brotherhood, composed by outcasts and defectors and pariahs, but now she realized that description fitted her only too well…

You can watch her trailer here:

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Reconection bug
 on: January 30, 2019, 03:47:34 PM 
We are happy to hear that, thank you! :D

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Reconection bug
 on: January 30, 2019, 12:54:24 PM 
Hi Deh_Ton,

We are sorry you are having issues to play. Please send an email to and we'll help you at the earliest. We need your username, platform and a screenshot or video showing the error message if possible.

Thannk you very much in advance.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Upside down
 on: January 29, 2019, 02:01:29 PM 
Hi Litch,

Since there's only a screenshot and we need to find the match and check the data, could you please send an email to We would need your username (if you also remember your teammates' names, it would be great), the platform, the day and hour you found this player, etc. All the data you can provide will help us a lot.

Thank you very much and sorry for the inconveniences, we'll try to fix this bug as soon as possible.

Fan Corner / Re: Fan Made Games (Maybe I Made One)
 on: January 29, 2019, 11:14:13 AM 
Hi guys,

We wanted you to know we have banned the user "Uk, ok" for a week due to toxic comments and bullying since we don't tolerate inappropiate behaviours on the official forum.

By the way, thank you very much for always being constructive, guys. Your idea sounds amazing, Quanrian! ;)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Linking accounts
 on: January 28, 2019, 10:14:34 AM 
Hi Poetpix,

I'm afraid it's not possible to link accounts in different platforms :( You can link a Xbox One account with a Windows 10 one, though.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Kicked out of group
 on: January 24, 2019, 04:58:53 PM 
Hi again,

Would you please contact us on so we can investigate the issue? We would need your usernames, platform (ps4) and a screenshot or a video  of the issue if possible.

Thank you very much in advance and sorry for the inconveniences.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Kicked out of group
 on: January 24, 2019, 10:45:16 AM 
Hi Golden_Stone Ocean,

Thank you very much for reaching us. By any chance, are you guys playing from different regions? PS4 doesn't allow players to create a squad if you play in different zones (NA and EU, for example).

Suggestions / Re: Recruitment UI suggestions
 on: January 23, 2019, 05:22:48 PM 
Hello guys,

While it's not possible to change a group lider in a squad (you can invite a player by searching his/her name though), you can indeed promote a leader in a Guild ;)

Hi guys!

Those are really creative ideas! Though we have no plans to implement the seasional events in the short term, we'll have all these suggestions in mind if the opportunity arises ;D

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aequilibrium
 on: January 22, 2019, 01:40:24 PM 
Hello guys,

I think there has been a misunderstanding regarding my previous explanation. I apologize if we explained it in the wrong way.

In fact, the Aequilibrium is less complicated than it may seem. The Aequilibrium moves to one side or another when a member from the Guild levels up having a certain affinity. If the player leveled up with Raider affinity, the bar will move toward the Raider extreme; if the member of the Guild leveled up as an Antagonist, the Aequilibrium will move toward the Antagonist side.

Since there’s a disproportion between Raiders and Antagonists, it’s important to have in mind that obtaining the Antagonist affinity is easier because it’s heavier.

Just imagine a two hours lapse without levelling up. The Aequilibrium will move by itself toward the side it was inclined before. During the first hours, the movement will be subtle, but it will increase as time passes if no one in the Guild levels up. At this moment, the Aequilibrium increases its speed after 12 hours and then it increases again after 36/ 96/ 168 hours. When a member of the Guild levels up, this time resets to 0 and the Aequilibrium stops moving by itself.

We hope this clarify things.

Thank you very much!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Aequilibrium Dropping
 on: January 18, 2019, 06:33:10 PM 
Hello guys,

I just posted this in another thread, I hope it helps understand how the system works:

As you know, the Aequilibrium oscilates between the Raider or the Antagonist orientation depending on the matches you play, the victories and defeats, etc.

As it is concieved now, if the members of a Guild don’t play, the Aequilibrium tends to move toward the extremes. In general, it tends to lean to the Antagonist side because there are more matches played as a Raider than as an Antagonist. In other words, if you play the same amount of matches, let's say 10, as a Raider and as an Antagonist, the Aequilibrium bar is going to favour the Antagonist side because it's "heavier".

This happens because we established a higher variable, which is related with time, before the arrival of the Guilds. This percentage worked fine for the Tiers since there were a lot of players playing in different time zones and the Aequilibrium was always oscilating, but it's different for the Guilds. They are smaller, so if their members don’t play during a weekend, for example, they will see how the Aequilibrium increases or decreases drastically.

To solve this issue, we are going to tweak these numbers, making them more fair for the Guilds. We are working on it right now so you'll most likely see these changes applied in the next updates.

We apologize for the inconveniences this may caused to you. Your feedback has been very useful in order to locate this issue, so thank you very much for your help! ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aequilibrium
 on: January 18, 2019, 05:30:49 PM 
Hi again guys!

As Draco stated, we are always making adjustements based on your feedback.

As you know, the Aequilibrium oscilates between the Raider or the Antagonist orientation depending on the matches you play, the victories and defeats, etc.

As it is concieved now, if the members of a Guild don’t play, the Aequilibrium tends to move toward the extremes. In general, it tends to lean to the Antagonist side because there are more matches played as a Raider than as an Antagonist. In other words, if you play the same amount of matches, let's say 10, as a Raider and as an Antagonist, the Aequilibrium bar is going to favour the Antagonist side because it's "heavier".

This happens because we established a higher variable, which is related with time, before the arrival of the Guilds. This percentage worked fine for the Tiers since there were a lot of players playing in different time zones and the Aequilibrium was always oscilating, but it's different for the Guilds. They are smaller, so if their members don’t play during a weekend, for example, they will see how the Aequilibrium increases or decreases drastically.

To solve this issue, we are going to tweak these numbers, making them more fair for the Guilds. We are working on it right now so you'll most likely see these changes applied in the next updates.

We apologize for the inconveniences this may caused to you. Your feedback has been very useful in order to locate this issue, so thank you very much for your help! ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra's Fifth Weapon...
 on: January 15, 2019, 03:53:34 PM 
Hello guys,

As you commented, Ginebra's weapons feel situational because we want them to be equally effective, but also that you choose one or another depending on the map or the situation. Just like the characters, we promote diversity, but we are going to revise all her weapons to see what we can do.

Thank you for letting us know your concerns ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 15, 2019, 03:10:03 PM 
Hi guys,

Indeed, when a high level antag like Draco invades a match, the game balances the AI, but it also generates a higher number of allies. As you guys know, we are always making adjustements and we can assure you there will be deep changes related with the AI and the Antagonist in the next update.

We want the game to be a challenge, but our goal is to reward players because of their performance, not just because they win or lose a match.

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