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Messages - Tekato

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If so how can I do it? I've tried connecting the keyboard and mouse to the ps4 but I don't see any options for it in the game settings.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Valeria's Special's Rate of Fire...
 on: November 21, 2018, 06:52:03 PM 
There's no point in them nerfing it, cheap players will just find another tactic/exploit.

Ship's Log / Re: State of the Game Address #2
 on: November 21, 2018, 01:25:05 PM 
"In short, in games where an Antagonist could appear, the difficulty settings are used to widen the number of Raiders and Antagonists that could play together, always respecting the axiom that states that the more skilled players should win a higher number of games. Thus, the challenge you will be facing will be equivalent to your rival’s skill, and the rewards will be increased accordingly."

Sorry but this is bs everyone knows that antags with low mmr will get insanely over powered AI, thus making the match more challenging then it needs to be. And the rewards are still terrible for both sides.

Gameplay Feedback / State of the Game Address #3
 on: November 20, 2018, 02:11:20 PM 
Antagonist system is now optional.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Weapon from the past
 on: November 18, 2018, 06:47:14 PM 
The deformed glitched out altars where you put the spheres are still happening. It makes it impossible to place the sphere in them.

Oh wow, is it? I haven't seen that classical bug in a long time.
Yeah it happened this morning and we failed because none of us could put the sphere in. Just another day on the broken planet!

Bug report & Technical Support / Weapon from the past
 on: November 18, 2018, 01:55:07 PM 
The deformed glitched out altars where you put the spheres are still happening. It makes it impossible to place the sphere in them.

Spacelords Universe / Re: SPACELORDS Forum Word 2018
 on: November 17, 2018, 07:40:01 PM 
Free V-bucks

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hello
 on: November 17, 2018, 07:30:06 PM 
Lol why do you keep making these threads?
It's fun lol. Hey maybe someday they'll actually make it optional!

Gameplay Feedback / Hello
 on: November 17, 2018, 01:45:55 PM 
I'm not good enough to pvp, when are we getting the option to turn it off? Thanks have a nice day. I tried to learn how to defend myself but obviously i suck since my entire team got completely shutdown multiple times by Harecs and Schneiders. Taking another long break from this gg.

Let's keep beating on this dead horse I guess.

Incoming "just git gud scrub"

Spacelords Universe / Re: SPACELORDS Forum Word 2018
 on: November 16, 2018, 08:41:41 PM 
You forgot aneska.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: November 15, 2018, 01:49:15 AM 
Yeah don't shoot the messenger I'm sure she's doing what she can to give the devs our feedback even if it falls on deaf ears.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: November 14, 2018, 07:26:27 PM 
Isn't the community already divided and how exactly would removing antags make the waiting time longer for mentor matches? Wouldn't it be faster since you need one less person.

I don't even want them to remove antags. It would be nice if it was just optional. But if MSE says this will increase queue times than it's probably true. And we don't want to go back to that situation. Better some games with antags a possibility than no games at all.

Maybey they're predicting that if there were no antags in Mentor matches then people like me would then ONLY accept mentor matches, because they would be guaranteed no antag. Trust me, I've thought of this while brooding with my fingers together in front of my face. This would be a soft PvP switch. They don't want that.

I think we have yet to see what they'll do. Clearly they're aware. They are creative people who design videogames and are probably thinking of alternative solutions to the issue.

I will continue to self flagellate by playing the game because there isn't an antag every match. When there is one, I will tilt and stop playing for a while and goof on Discord until I cool off. This is just how it will have to be for now I guess.

I hope they do something soon this is getting old just watching newbies getting stomped left and right by lv 100+ while I'm trying to do the objective.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: November 14, 2018, 06:55:01 PM 
Isn't the community already divided and how exactly would removing antags make the waiting time longer for mentor matches? Wouldn't it be faster since you need one less person.

Spacelords Universe / Re: MMR difficulty during antaganist games?
 on: November 14, 2018, 06:07:41 PM 
Is this not an issue which MSE believes is important?

Anyway, for everyone else. I have gotten my MMR to 0.

It has totally broken the game. By lowering my MMR to below 1 I have essentially become unranked.

This makes it so whenever I antagonize ANYONE, unless they are ALSO unranked, then the AI gets a MASSIVE boost to damage and health.

So much so that they become IMPOSSIBLE to deal with, especially Wardogs. Wardogs come in such great numbers already that having their statistics scale like they were a Hades makes them literally invincible.

I had a group of level 100+ Raiders who I got matched with at MMR 0. Their collective Raider skill was 32%. They didn't make it past the first phase of Short-Fused and this is with me helping them or at least not interfering. I saw a Wardog simply punch their Harec and he was downed. He was killed a moment later by the same Wardog firing a shotgun blast.

This is only possible because of what I can do with the system. I can control my MMR and that gives me complete control over any and every match I play in.

When I am a Raider my MMR lowers the difficulty so fucking low. Hades rifle grunts have, no shit, 80 HP. They will unload a clip into me for something around 60 damage total. Their strikes will do 4 damage. This is at 10% difficulty. I can probably get it lower depending on the other Raider's MMRs.

So..I have demonstrated that MMR is an incredibly heavy influence on difficulty in the game and that it is evidently one of the only deciding factors.

I am just one person but having MMR 0 means I will always have the advantage and I can give that advantage to fellow Raiders while using it as an antagonist makes me an unkillable supergod. Which goes back to my point about bandying about Jvela's post, it is giving people the wrong idea because it is not entirely truthful.

If you want to succeed at this game then you should lower your MMR as it has everything to do with difficulty. Your level, your forge level, your amount of matches played - none of it matters. If it does it is in such a minuscule way as to be totally negligible.

And, if anyone was wondering, my rewards have not changed at all. The only thing that has changed is now, as an antagonist, the Raiders I fight will receive a 0% skill bonus from me. They get nothing from fighting me and with a near-perfect performance they can barely get a 6 with me as an antagonist. Not to mention the immortal butchers that the AI becomes.

I had a friend, whose MMR was above 40%, who told me about a long ass 40+ minute match on a mission which was rated as 42% difficulty. He received a 5.6 for his troubles and got something like 1k gold and 600 faction. At my MMR I can do that same mission FOUR times as fast as him getting a 9.1 each time, rather effortlessly, and come away with 12k+ in gold and 4k+ in faction. In the same amount of time.

In the SAME amount of time. Needless to say, he decided to start lowering his MMR by becoming a friendly antagonist. I told him I thought it was an incredibly wise decision.

Lower your MMR. You will thank me later.

So true mmr is so stupid you pretty much get punished for being good at the game.

Gameplay Feedback / Why do I even bother
 on: November 02, 2018, 11:34:02 PM 
Decided to give this game another shot and the first match ends up being mentor with a lv 170+ antag. Tried for a bit at the beginning but then decided to suicide a million times after realizing that i was pretty much doing the entire objetive by myself as the noobs kept getting killed off by the antag. Please ban me so i don't come back to this terrible game here's my username: tekato1188 .

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