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Messages - B30

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Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 10.4 Patchnotes
 on: September 20, 2018, 01:37:24 PM 
… at higher level, with a 50%, it will be hard to get other things ...
I don't think so, because I got only 2 common blueprints since the F2P update. I repeat only 2 in about a month. And I played daily (with a few days off) and checked most of the rotations, what they had to offer.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Unveiling Alicia's Newest Weapon!
 on: September 20, 2018, 10:17:07 AM 
I never watch these streams because they are always late at night. MSE you're a european developer (I know the us market is important), but can't you just for once choose a european streamer to showcase the new stuff, or are there none?

Nothing against you mindmintv.

Suggestions / Re: Duplicate Blueprints
 on: September 20, 2018, 09:27:01 AM 
It's not true anyway, the game says you get a DUPLICATE, but in fact you do not get ANYTHING. Where is the duplicate I received, it's nowhere to be seen?!
Otherwise it would have to look like this or something similar.

Gracias por tus palabras y tu apoyo Dagg73,

Nosotros seguimos trabajando intensamente para mejorar el juego, de hecho este jueves haremos un anuncio importante.

¡Saludos de parte del equipo de desarollo de MercurySteam!

Thank you for your replies!  :)

Just use your smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer to send your email. ;)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Lets the hype begin?
 on: September 18, 2018, 11:23:19 AM 
No, silly. I mean their players.
You certainly mean their player;D

But because of the update, I hope it's not going to be one step forward and two steps back again.

I have finally received it too, but it's really terrible to receive nothing after sooo many attempts (and not forgetting the long waiting times).

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Distorted Great Hunter Skin
 on: September 16, 2018, 09:14:20 AM 
… But people like me and you know. We know it's there... taunting us... :(

Oh yeah, it bugs me and I don't want too use his new skin because of this.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The Hatchet for Rak needs a buff
 on: September 16, 2018, 09:06:34 AM 
I completely agree. This weapon is his worst, especially because of the short range. Back then I was full of anticipation when I forged it, and then was very disappointed when I tried it for the first time on „A Breath of Hope“ shooting the guardians. Man, it was a let down. Use the the „DPY-2M“ it’s way better.

Bug report & Technical Support / Distorted Great Hunter Skin
 on: September 15, 2018, 12:23:09 AM 
Rak Mayura's right foot of his new "Great Hunter" skin is distorted (see image below).

Suggestions / Re: Antagonist system
 on: September 14, 2018, 12:10:43 PM 
The problem is the rewards, you earn less in an antag match  …

Exactly, it's just dragging things out and it does not bring the slightest benefit to the end result.
And that raises the question, why should somebody play against an antag? Unfortunately somebody have to, because it's not optional. Make it optional or change something in the reward system.

No, please not! No santa or pumkin-head skins like in all the other MMO's, I'd rather have more skins that fit the story/history/universe of Spacelords.

yeah, I got several granny but finally got 1 barrier BP.
I won't build it until my forge is maxed! XD
You lucky one, but I'm sick of trying it and getting nothing in return.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New bp system
 on: September 10, 2018, 10:26:20 PM 
Over two weeks and NO reaction to any of the Threads / Posts may not be the smartest decision, as this will certainly encourage negative comments, lack of interest or sympathy for the game or developer.

I don't know if this is a bug, or whatever, but since the transition to F2P Mikah's barrier blueprint is UNAVAILABLE, you constantly get a granny blueprint.
If I would've gotten an aleph boost everytime I got a duplicate, I would be the UTIMATE Spacelord!!!

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