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Messages - Tekato

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Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Regarding Bandwidth
 on: November 02, 2018, 05:03:42 PM 
Not much they can do about this until they get servers, peer-to-peer connection will always have this problem.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.2 Patch Notes
 on: October 29, 2018, 10:01:16 PM 
In Fistful Sand, now all raiders spawn with Full aleph, lol. I don't know. This is bald change.

you played with a hacker, you're like the 6th person I have heard report this. I have a video of it and all screenshots include the same player.

Umm.  it wasn't a patch. And it's not patched yet!!

Elaborate with a screenshot? Raiders don't spawn with aleph unless it's a hack, which there was a steam player doing a lot of over the weekend.
What a stupid hack.. I experienced one of these a while ago but I thought it was just a glitch. The antagonist lost due to supplying my entire team with max aleph every time he died.

Suggestions / Re: Harec cannot melee while reloading
 on: October 28, 2018, 09:30:46 PM 
This is so stupid... As a sniper you shouldn't even be trying to melee unless you're low on ammo. Why are you even reloading during cqc.

I knew about tons of tacticians who will come here.

Ok, i am sniper, here is corridor based maps - Antags coming to me on in 10-20 meters. I have time for one shot, if i will hit him in head - i win, if not - i am dead, just because reload issue.
Shooting in head need a lot of skill, especially with gamepad.

Its stupid to do so disadvantage to sniper on so "great" designed maps, where sniper have no free room. Here work agressive style of sniper gameplay, but with mechanic of melee of antagonist and mobs - its useless.

I dont care much about this game, i doubt devs will do it playable and interesting.  If you like disbalanced game - its your choice.

Ok first of all why would you pick a sniper for a small corridor mission... And where is your team at? Just stay behind your teammates and the antag shouldn't be able to reach you unless they're stupid. Or use your ability to latch on to a wall etc.

Suggestions / Re: Harec cannot melee while reloading
 on: October 28, 2018, 07:36:55 PM 
This is so stupid... As a sniper you shouldn't even be trying to melee unless you're low on ammo. Why are you even reloading during cqc.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Game Difficulty
 on: October 25, 2018, 07:07:46 AM 
I knew something was odd when I was playing with Alicia 2 hits and she was done

You survived more than 1 hit on a wardog? Now that is impressive.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 04:12:56 AM 
Wow. that is just horrible. So this is how you guys propose to "FIX" the game, is this how you show you care? You complain to MSE about the antag system and how its destroying the game but then you act like this. How exactly is this behavior beneficial for the game?  Some of these new players still want to play the game even with an Antag but they cant because of rage quitters and and players blowing missions. This behavior is robbing these new players of a legit experience.   You guys are actually creating a toxic environment within in the spacelords community.
The environment is already toxic with an antagonist. What other choice would they have if they don't want to participate in pvp besides uninstalling the game? Anyways we all know if they didn't suicide and actually tried to fight he would have gone all out destroying the lv 1 along with the rest of the team. Also abuse tolchock and the bubble to block any progress on the 2nd part of the mission.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: LOST 70% GOLD NO REASON
 on: October 23, 2018, 10:18:33 PM 
Damn sounds like you accidentally purchased revives for your team on the last mission you played... It costs 40k and it's an easy mistake to make.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Game Difficulty
 on: October 22, 2018, 02:58:26 PM 
It seems like there is a lapse in logic if you believe having a high MMR should mean you win every match. I do not think the majority of the people who complain about this situation understand what MMR is supposed to do and what it means having a high and low MMR.

Any game that uses a matching system will eventually match you to a match you will not win because as you increase your MMR you are telling the game you are better than X% of the people who are also playing. Just like MMRs work for every game, it is a measure of your skill in relation to other players.

In this case the "other player" is the AI and it seems logical that it should become increasingly challenging as you increase your MMR.

I mean, you can't get a score of 10 at any MMR as far as I know. And even at ~30% MMR you will get a 9.2-9.3 with a perfect score(even less than perfect). You should logically infer that the game was balanced for ~30% or whatever the lowest MMR is that you can also achieve a 9.2-9.3 with a near perfect performance.

Then you can draw the conclusion that having ~20% OVER the difficulty the game was designed with then you are attempting an extra challenge for largely your own personal gratification. There are very very minuscule rewards for getting your MMR high and the reason for this is super duper obvious. It is stupid easy to get a high MMR.

MMR is for the challenge, if that is your thing. It does not seem to be anybodies thing, however. Well, you're in luck as it is stupid easy to lower your MMR.

The idea that the game isn't being balanced correctly comes from this misunderstanding about the nature of the MMR system. Many people fail to realize that just because the game lacks a sophisticated PVP ranking system doesn't mean the rules have changed at all regarding the way matching is set up. You will eventually, like every other game, get a match you can't win. Just because it is against the AI shouldn't matter either way.

Unfortunately, no one will see it this way. They will relentlessly slam their head against the MMR wall wondering how they, who are so very good at the game, could possibly lose. Then come here and strongly imply the game is too difficult without admitting it is their own lack of skill preventing them from claiming the victory they feel they are owed.
The problem is the game is being balanced towards pvp as well. So guns eventually don't deal enough damage to take care of the enemy hordes and your hp doesn't scale up either while enemies damage/health just keeps going higher. Eventually at around 60%+ mmr it becomes too much for raiders to handle. They need to remove the mmr system and just add difficulty modes that are properly balanced for the current raiders strenghts.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 22, 2018, 02:49:57 PM 
If it dies simply because it's made optional it just means it's not a good game mode.. Very few people enjoy it and this game will keep going down hill if this keeps up.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 21, 2018, 10:36:38 PM 
It's not about winning or losing... I've lost plenty of matches with no antagonist because the AI enemies can be very competent and difficult. Antags imo are just annoying and most of the time abuse/exploit in order to do anything they can to win. But honestly I don't care what they do with this game anymore as I have already quit. but I'll still check the forums once in a while to see if they change anything that could make me come back.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Fith Council not feeling like Tanks.
 on: October 21, 2018, 12:48:53 AM 
They lowered their bullet resistance by 10% again in an attempt to balance pvp and ofc it affected the pve side of things negatively.

Gameplay Feedback / Good luck with your game.
 on: October 19, 2018, 04:30:12 PM 
Done with this game, too many cheesy antags ruining my matches and mentor matches. I've put up with it because I thought the developers were actually listening to the community but I was mistaken. I am not having any fun and even less after this update since all it did was make antagonists more common. Almost all my matches have an antag and they all use cheap or annoying tactics to screw us over and for some reason get mmr 50+ AI.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.1 Patch Notes
 on: October 19, 2018, 03:08:05 PM 
I'm sorry but I have to be honest... This update and changes are terrible, nobody asked for any of these changes.. We've been asking for duplicate blueprints to be changed, buffs to weak guns, and mentor matches to be adjusted so that antagonist can't join them, more faction points/gold rewards, reduction of blueprint reforging cost, etc but none of these things that the community have been asking for have been addressed. I get that they're a small group of devs but why are they nerfing things nobody asked to be nerfed or buffed, while completely ignoring the things that need to be changed asap. The only thing in this patch notes that the community actually asked to be fixed is the in shock switches and that's it.

Suggestions / Re: Minor inconvenience: Rak Mayura
 on: October 18, 2018, 11:23:01 PM 
Bump.. Was hoping this got fixed on this update but that was not the case, maybe the next one!

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.1 Patch Notes
 on: October 18, 2018, 07:57:05 PM 
I know they're trying but a lot of these changes are just.........

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