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Messages - Tekato

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Rak has some questionable stuff
 on: October 12, 2018, 03:21:46 PM 
His damage is average compared to other characters. You were probably getting shot by other enemies at the same time.

I laugh when I see this post on Bug report. Such a salt moment. Shame... better luck next time.
Obviously, Harec outplayed you, but nothing else.

I did not think he could one shot the protector because even aura mortis, at a low forge level can give 272 damage in full charge headshot. (Level 2, Hero killer = 0, Quickshot = 5, Difficulty 25). He needed 3 shots to remove the protector's barrier. 6 shots or more are needed to kill him. So, tell me, how did the protector die?
I didn't think i'd really have to explain this to you but as you can see he was level 10 so his mmr was low and ours was high. That means the game will give us a harder time by giving the protector much less hp and throwing many more stronger AI at us. This means even a low level harec can pretty much 2-3 shot the protector as I previously stated. This takes 0 skill imo but i guess i just need to git gud.

Yeah I'm pretty salty myself today, a lot of dumb things have happened in this game recently. Like some random guy decided to suicide a million times on my one-time faction points mission because he wanted to lower his mmr. I honestly don't think I've ever been this frustrated with a video game before coming to this one.

A can't say much regarding the Protector himself but as for the Antag I would of been on him like white on rice.
Except you also have to protect him from the mobs of enemies and all he has to do is get 2-3 shots from far away which is easy with the stalk ability and it's dead. Shae can just bewitch everyone and get free shots while invisible. The only counters i see is to bring a sniper yourself and get them first.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: A Breath of hope Insane amount of enemies
 on: October 11, 2018, 08:53:37 PM 
Did you guys have any raiders specifically meant for crowd control. Kuzmann, Valeria with the Whip, Beast Loath, maybe Ayana Kwena, etc. Valeria alone can wipe clean most horde situations before they get out of hand

Aside from that having poor team coordination can also lead to Lives after Lives being taken. (I'm keeping in mind that you two are also veterans and not trying to patronize you guys.)
Nope unfortunately nobody brought a cc character, though i was killing a lot of enemies with Schneider it just wasn't enough.

A fistful of sand harec sniped the protector from across the map gg. Seriously when are you going to fix this mission.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: A Breath of hope Insane amount of enemies
 on: October 11, 2018, 07:53:01 PM 
I know you probably already considered it but wouldn't it be because your MM at the time was a bit high?
Nope I lowered my mmr to the 40s it shouldn't have been this bad but they just kept respawning constantly at the end it was a never ending horde.

Gameplay Feedback / A Breath of hope Insane amount of enemies
 on: October 11, 2018, 06:58:27 PM 
Idk if anyone else has experienced this but the spawn rates on this mission are off the charts, especially near the end it gets so chaotic. Tone it down a bit  mse.

Ship's Log / Re: New "Killerball" Weapon for Schneider
 on: October 11, 2018, 03:33:10 PM 
Can't wait to finally start playing with Schneider's balls.

Suggestions / Re: Loadout slots
 on: October 11, 2018, 01:03:00 PM 

Suggestions / Re: Faction points grind needs adjustment
 on: October 10, 2018, 03:46:39 AM 
The issue is duplicates. It would be tolerable if getting a card in a shuffle prevented you from getting a duplicate with a different experience modifier, but all too often you get 2-3 of the same card per shuffle. Also, you should be able to pay gold/faction to set a single card as preferred increasing the chance that it will appear in your hand. And lastly, there should be a way to pay to upgrade/reroll the experience modifier of a locked card.
These are all great ideas and i hope they get added but it would take a while to implement, so in the meantime they should increase the faction point rewards.

Suggestions / Re: The Possible Problem with Optional PvP
 on: October 10, 2018, 02:36:30 AM 
Unfortunately optional pvp is probably never going to happen, the best we can hope for is better rewards for antagonist matches. There's no point in talking about this anymore, all has already been said.

Suggestions / Faction points grind needs adjustment
 on: October 10, 2018, 01:04:40 AM 
This is just getting more and more ridiculous the more characters you unlock. Earning 1-2k per match is not nearly enough when you need to spend more than 100k points per character, just to get maybe 1 or 2 rare cards that you actually want. At least the gold grind can be somewhat alleviated by using bounty hunter on your weapons and you actually know what you're getting when you purchase things with gold. Unlike cards which are completely random and can take even more than 200k if you're unlucky enough.

Suggestions / Re: Minor inconvenience: Rak Mayura
 on: October 08, 2018, 03:07:40 PM 
Hi Tekato,

I just reported it to our QA Team to investigate it. Thank you very much for letting us know!
Thank you for letting them know.

Suggestions / Re: Minor inconvenience: Rak Mayura
 on: October 08, 2018, 12:52:52 AM 
Basically I just want the weapon to stay in the mode I have it on and not switch back to default when I reload. Having to press L3 on every reload gets annoying after a while when you just want the spreadshots.

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