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Messages - MSE_Karen

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Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Antag; self imposed challenges, anyone?
 on: November 27, 2018, 11:59:37 AM 
Hello guys!

We have been reading all your suggestions about antagonizing and how to confront Mentor Matches and, since a lot of you have offered alternatives (immunity, opting out, etc.), we would like to release a new State of the Game Address explaining how the Antagonist system works and how it affects to new players.

We'll let you know when we release this article but we hope it clarifies some things.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Weapon from the past
 on: November 26, 2018, 12:08:49 PM 
Hi guys!

Thank you very much for reporting it. This bug is already fixed but it will be applied in a future patch ;)

Suggestions / Re: Are we ever going to get new comics ?
 on: November 26, 2018, 10:45:29 AM 
Hi guys!

That is something we would like to revisit in the future. Right now we are focused on creating and releasing new content for the game like the Space Guilds update ;)

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.3 Patch Notes
 on: November 23, 2018, 10:57:04 AM 
Hey, guys!

Just letting you know the option to exchange a duplicated blueprint for Gold will be available in another patch, waaay bigger ;)

Ship's Log / Stefanie Joosten joins Spacelords!
 on: November 22, 2018, 05:01:32 PM 

MercurySteam is working with actress and model Stefanie Joosten on the creation of a brand-new playable character for Spacelords! This new character will be available in Early 2019.

 “I met with several MercurySteam team members at a gaming convention last year, where I had the chance to play Spacelords for the first time and was very impressed by the unique visual style of the game,” commented Stefanie Joosten. “We agreed it would be cool to collaborate in the future if the opportunity ever arose, and I am really happy to say that the time is here and now!”

After playing the character Quiet in Konami’s Metal Gear Solid V, Joosten will now lend her image and voice talents to play the role of Sööma, a member of the Umbra Wardogs faction, born in the Cydonia region, on distant Mars, as part of a seclusive cult devoted to helping those who suffer pain and oppression.

Sööma joined the ill-fated expedition to the Broken Planet as a rite of passage into her Order’s senior echelons. But the terrible reality of the war raging over the Broken Planet will put her beliefs and natural kindness to the test.

“Sööma is a really interesting, layered character to play,” adds Joosten. “She possesses great inner strength and fights with the conviction of someone who is certain her cause is just, but still harbors a naivety that will clash with the conflict she is about to become involved with.”

“We have a standing commitment to our community to continue adding top-quality content to Spacelords, and creating this new, iconic character in collaboration with Ms. Joosten adds a whole new level of depth and charisma to Sööma,” said Enric Álvarez, Studio Director. “It has been a real pleasure working with Stefanie. We are sure Sööma will become a major “fan favourite” for all our players!”

Ship's Log / Spacelords Update 11.3 Patch Notes
 on: November 22, 2018, 03:36:50 PM 

The latest game update includes what we expect to be an improvement of the reward system for high-level matches.

We've been receiving feedback about high-difficulty matches whose rewards do not feel equivalent to the invested effort from the players.

We consider that matches should be rewarded because of the challenge they offer, so we've done a full readjustment on game difficulties which aims to disperse the population along a more diverse MMR range. This also allowed us to greatly increase the weight of the MMR on the match final score calculation and to reduce time, death and extraction importance over the score as well.

From now, higher scores - which imply higher rewards- will be more accessible and frequent on high level matches.

The 11.3 Update will be available today, including a brand new weapon for the Raiders’ leader, Harec – The “Easter Egg”.

New to Spacelords? Play now for free!

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Warning: Infinite Schleuder hack in play
 on: November 20, 2018, 04:42:08 PM 
Hi Khadecy!

I was referring to the people in this post, but the truth is a lot of players reported this user through our support mail, Twitter, Facebook and the unofficial Discord channel:

- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- Discord:

Thank you!

Hi guys!

Well, maybe we get to see Cortez more often than you think. Who knows! ::)

Español (foro general) / Informe del Estado del Juego 2
 on: November 19, 2018, 03:13:49 PM 

¡Hola, SpaceLords!

Bienvenidos a la segunda entrega del Informe del Estado del Juego. Como ya hicimos en nuestro anterior artículo, queremos aclarar algunos de los puntos más importantes para nuestra comunidad.

Últimamente hemos visto en el foro oficial del juego, y en nuestras cuentas de Twitter y Facebook, que tenéis varias dudas  y preguntas con todo lo relacionado al MMR y dificultad del juego, dos conceptos bastante distintos pero relacionados y sobre los que queremos arrojar algo de luz en este post.

Para empezar, todos los Raiders tienen un MMR que se va calculando según ganen o pierdan partidas. El MMR no es siempre perfecto, existe también un valor de incertidumbre "K" que indica cuanta confianza tiene el sistema en que un jugador realmente merezca su MMR. Cuanto más juega un jugador, más decrece su incertidumbre “K”. Por ello, las partidas con usuarios nuevos son normalmente las más desequilibradas. Necesitan jugar unas cuantas partidas para que el sistema sea capaz de proporcionarles partidas con el nivel de desafío acertado.

¿Qué es el MMR?

Se podría definir como la capacidad de un jugador para ganar partidas. Su habilidad efectiva, entendiendo esto como la suma de varios factores:

                - Su puntería y como se posiciona en el campo de batalla.
                - Su capacidad para elegir el Raider adecuado en cada partida.
                - Su capacidad de forjar armas y combinar bien sus cartas.

Echemos un vistazo a la dificultad, diferenciando entre partidas sin y con Antagonista.

Partidas de 4 Raiders cooperativas sin Antagonista:

En estas partidas, la dificultad de la partida se establece en base a La media de los MMRs de los jugadores. El valor resultante es un número entre 0 y 100 que afecta a diversos parámetros tanto de los enemigos como de la propia misión:

- Parámetros de la IA enemiga se ven afectados por este valor: daño (a disparos y a melee), resistencia, velocidad, calidad de sus algoritmos (más o menos inteligencia), así como las habilidades especiales de los enemigos de élite con Aleph.

- Parámetros de la misión: Tiempos, cargas de Aleph requeridas, palancas, vida de los Jefes Finales, elementos especiales de la misión (Beholders, torretas, Protectores...)

En resumen: La dificultad, cuando no hay Antagonista, es el nivel de desafío de cada partida y se usa para calcular las recompensas. A mayor dificultad, más recompensas.

Partidas de 4 Raiders contra un Antagonista:

Lo primero que debemos mencionar es que el porcentaje de dificultad no afecta de la misma manera cuando se juega sin Antagonista que cuando se juega contra uno. Una IA en una misión con dificultad 30% sin Antagonista no es equivalente a una IA en la misma misión con dificultad 30% cuando hay Antagonista. Del mismo modo, el propio diseño de cada misión influye en la capacidad de un Antagonista para hacer valer su habilidad: algunas misiones ofrecen oportunidades de enfrentamiento PVP más directo que otras, lo que significa que las diferencias de MMR se manifiestan más fuertemente.

Spacelords es un shooter, un género en el que el diferencial de habilidades entre un jugador top y un jugador casual es muy alto. El modo Antagonista es un modo con 3 variables principales: MMR de los Raiders, MMR del Antagonista y dificultad. Este matchmaking a 3 bandas es una herramienta muy potente que sirve a un propósito concreto: que gente de niveles de habilidad dispares puedan jugar juntos.

¡Poder emparejar a Raiders y a Antagonistas de distintos niveles de habilidad es muy importante! Permite encontrar partida más rápido y con servidores más cercanos para tener mejor calidad de conexión. Si dejáramos la IA con una dificultad media, esta es la distribución de winrate que veríamos para Antagonistas con MMR entre 20% y 40% jugando contra Raiders de MMR 30%:

Con esa distribución de winrate, cualquier Antagonista por debajo de 26% MMR o por encima de 34% resulta en partidas demasiado desequilibradas. Esto limita enormemente las posibilidades del matchmaking para proporcionar un Antagonista adecuado a los Raiders.

Las partidas bien equilibradas siempre son más divertidas; los jugadores se mueven por todo el nivel, utilizan todos los mecanismos de la misión y el resultado final es más imprevisible. Mediante el ajuste de la dificultad (la habilidad de la IA) podemos extender la cantidad de Antagonistas posibles para una partida de la siguiente forma:

¡Ahora el winrate se mueve en rangos aceptables para Antagonistas de MMR entre 20% y 40%! Utilizamos la dificultad de la IA del juego como hándicap para igualar la contienda entre Raiders y Antagonistas, siempre respetando que los jugadores con mejor MMR tienen más posibilidades de ganar.

El escalado de dificultad sirve para suavizar la dificultad de las partidas con Antagonista, pero no se tiene en cuenta a la hora de calcular premios. Tanto Raiders como Antagonistas calculan sus premios usando el MMR del rival; a mayor MMR, mayor el desafío y mayores recompensas.

En resumen: En partidas con Antagonista, la dificultad se utiliza para ampliar la cantidad de Raiders y Antagonistas que pueden jugar juntos, siguiendo la máxima de que no debe invertir la tendencia en la que los jugadores más hábiles deben ganar más partidas. En este caso, el nivel de desafío es el nivel de habilidad de tu rival, y las recompensas aumentan de acuerdo con eso.

Esperamos que hayáis encontrado este texto informativo. Si tenéis más dudas, por favor, comentádnoslo en el foro oficial del juego y en nuestras cuentas de Twitter y Facebook.

¡Muchas gracias y nos vemos en el Planeta Roto!

Ship's Log / State of the Game Address #2
 on: November 19, 2018, 01:20:52 PM 

Hey Spacelords!

Welcome to the second instalment of the State of the Game Address. As with our previous article, we want to shed some light over some of the more candent topics and concerns shared by our community.

We have been following many threads in our official forums, and in our Twitter and Facebook accounts, about Spacelords’ difficulty and MMR systems, two different but closely intertwined concepts. We hope the following post helps shedding some light over this subject.

From the moment they start playing, all Spacelords players have an MMR rating, that takes form as they win or lose matches. Since the MMR rating is not always a perfect indicator, it exists a “K” uncertainty factor that determines how reliable one player’s MMR factor really is. The more the players game, the lower their “K” uncertainty factor is. That’s the reason why games with new users appear to be the more unbalanced ones -they need to play a few games until the system is able to provide them with an appropriate challenge.

So, what’s the MMR exactly?

We could define it as the players’ capacity to win games. It is their effective ability, indicated by the sum of different factors: 

- Their accuracy and positioning over the field of battle. 
- Selecting the Raider best suited for the mission at hand. 
- Their capacity of forging weapons and choosing a good combination of Cards. 

Now, let’s have a look at the difficulty. We will differentiate between games with and without Antagonist.

4 Raiders Coop Game without Antagonist:

On these games, difficulty levels are determined by the players’ average MMR. The resulting figure is a number between 0 and 100 that affects both the AI and the mission on many different parameters:

- Enemy AI parameters: damage (shooting and melee), endurance, speed, intelligence and special abilities in the case of Aleph-charged elites.

- Mission parameters: Time constraints, Aleph charges required to progress, final bosses’ health, and other elements unique to a certain mission (Beholders, mounted guns, Protector’s health, etcetera.)

In summary, the difficulty level in a game without Antagonist is determined by the mission’s own elements, and directly affects the rewards; the higher the difficulty, the better the rewards.

4 Raiders Coop Game against an Antagonist:

First of all, it needs to be said that the percentage of difficulty doesn’t affect a game the same way when there is an Antagonist present. For example, the challenge presented by an AI with a 30% difficulty in a game without Antagonist is not equivalent to that of an AI with a 30% difficulty fighting alongside an Antagonist. On the same vein, the mission design may offer the Antagonists some extra opportunities to achieve their goals, causing that the differences between MMRs become more evident.

Spacelords is a shooter, a genre where the skill breach between a top player and a casual player is very high. The Antagonist mode introduces 3 main variables to the mix: The Raiders’ MMR, the Antagonist’s MMR and the difficulty ratio. This 3-sided matchmaking is a very potent tool that serves a very concrete goal: teaming together people with diverse skills.

Matchmaking Raiders and Antagonists of different skill levels is very important! It speeds up finding new games and benefices the quality of the connection by finding the closest server available. The following would be the win-loss ratio we’d obtain if we leave the AI with an average difficulty in games including an Antagonist with an MMR ranged between 20% and 40%, facing a team of Raiders with a 30% MMR:

Given that win-loss ratio, including an Antagonist with an MMR below 26% or above 34% would result on a highly unbalanced game. This considerably limits the chances of finding a suitable Antagonist for the Raiders.

Well-balanced games are always more fun to play, with players focussing on the mission goals and offering a more unpredictable outcome. By adjusting the difficulty (the AI’s skill) we can expand the number of Antagonists available for a game:

Now the win-loss ratios are acceptable for Antagonists with an MMR between 20% and 40%! We use the AI’s difficulty setting to equalize the fight between raiders and Antagonists, but always bearing in mind that players with better MMR have better chances to win.

Increasing the difficulty is used to smooth out games with an Antagonist, but it is not considered for calculating the rewards. Both Raiders and Antagonists obtain rewards based on their rival’s MMR; the higher that MMR is, the more rewards they obtain.

In short, in games where an Antagonist could appear, the difficulty settings are used to widen the number of Raiders and Antagonists that could play together, always respecting the axiom that states that the more skilled players should win a higher number of games. Thus, the challenge you will be facing will be equivalent to your rival’s skill, and the rewards will be increased accordingly.

We hope you have found this post informative. If you have any questions, let us know in our official forums, and on our Twitter and Facebook accounts, and the team will be happy to give you an answer. Thank you all and see you on the Broken Planet!

Suggestions / Re: Minor Annoyances
 on: November 19, 2018, 12:02:55 PM 
Hi Jester278!

Thank you very much for taking the time to make some suggestions in order to improve the experience. I'm passing on this to the design team so they can investigate the possibilities to include these changes in the game.

Regarding the player who disconnected and came back to get the reward, the best option is contacting us on including the player's username and the platform he/she was playing in (the most helpful thing would be including screenshots/videos as a proof).

Thank you again!

Suggestions / Re: Dear MSE...
 on: November 16, 2018, 06:12:55 PM 
Hi guys,

First of all, thank you very much for your support. This user hasn't been banned permanently, but we felt his attitude was getting out of control.

To ensure that everybody understands what happened, these are the first rules in our FAQ post:

I hope he understands the situation when he comes back. We can't understand these personal attacks neither. We try our best to read all your comments, not only here, but in all our social media channels. And I personally have difficulties sometimes to answer some questions since they require a more technical answer.

In those cases, I ask my co-workers from design, programming, gameplay, etc., in order to give an appropiate response. Please, believe us when we say we read everything and try to help you the best we can.

As MSE_Jvela mentioned, we'll be back with the "State of the Game" section, so you can see how the game evolves little by little with your help.

Thank you again for your understanding.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: HIVE's Adaptative Evolution card
 on: November 16, 2018, 05:16:43 PM 
Hi Grafcompeny,

Please, check if you have this Card activated since this bug was fixed long ago. If you still can't figure out how to do it, contact us on and we'll help you at the earliest!

Hi guys!

That definitely should not be happening. We are looking into this bug right now and it should be fixed in the next patch, thank you very much for your help!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Hive Destiny Bride and emote bug
 on: November 16, 2018, 05:02:18 PM 
Hi NinMug!

Thank you very much for reporting it. The QA Team is investigating it right now! ;)

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