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Messages - MSE_Karen

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Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Warning: Infinite Schleuder hack in play
 on: November 16, 2018, 10:30:29 AM 
Hi guys!

Most of you already know this, but just in case, that player was banned a week ago. Thank you all for reporting it!

Suggestions / Re: Spammer Alert
 on: November 16, 2018, 10:23:38 AM 

Thanks for reporting it! ;)

Hi lokoangel48,

We understand this is a discouraging situation. It happens when the host has a bad connection, but it's true this is beyond our control.

As you mentioned, the players who do this reset the progress but it makes no sense since the rewards become lower. Still, if you see a team of players taking advantage of the host migration, please, let us know and we'll investigate it. You can send an email to attaching a screenshot or a video.

Thank you very much for your patience.


Muchas gracias por vuestra paciencia, chicos. Nos alegramos de que ya podáis jugar ;D

Hola chicos,

Acabamos de encontrar una posible solución al problema. ¿Podríais, por favor, comprobar que ya podéis jugar con normalidad?

¡Gracias de nuevo!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Report cheaters on PS4
 on: November 14, 2018, 01:42:06 PM 
Hi reydelpro,

As Agent-Z46 mentioned, the best way to investigate this player is by sending an email to If you remember the player's username, please, include it in the email (if you can also attach a screenshot or a video, that would be perfect).

Thank you!


Gracias por contestar tan rápido, Pululon. Acabo de pasárselo al equipo de QA para que traten de reproducirlo y arreglarlo lo antes posible.

¡Un saludo!

Suggestions / Re: TYPOS found on this site
 on: November 14, 2018, 01:28:20 PM 
Hi immortanjoe,

Thank you very much for letting us know about these typos in such detail. Would you mind sending them to This way the team will be able to correct them at the earliest.

Thank you again! ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Good luck with your game.
 on: November 14, 2018, 12:32:19 PM 
Hi Tekato,

We do listen to the community and we keep releasing updates with new content and changes based on your feedback. Since the game became F2P, a lot of new players have arrived to Spacelords and they need time to understand the mechanics.

We hope that the addition of the chat in a future update improves the communication in the teams and the game becomes more exciting with the arrival of the Space Guilds.

Thank you!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mentor Matches and Antagonists...
 on: November 14, 2018, 12:14:03 PM 
Hi guys,

We are aware this is one of the most candent topics at the forum and we keep working to improve the matchmaking system, but there are a lot of factors involved when paired with someone with a different level (country, platform, etc)

The Antagonist feature is the core of the game and removing it would result in a divided community and longer waiting times when looking for a match.

We understand your frustration and have all this feedback in mind.

Thank you very much.

Hola chicos,

Con algunos de vosotros estamos hablando ya desde soporte, pero nos gustaría saber si seguís teniendo problemas y si aún os sale el mensaje de "No fue posible unirse a la misión". Estamos investigándolo ahora mismo y nos sería de gran ayuda saberlo.

Muchas gracias.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ignorant Teammates
 on: November 13, 2018, 05:40:36 PM 
Hi immortanjoe,

We are sorry you experienced this. There are hints during the missions and Cortez is always giving instructions, but we understand these kind of situations can lead to frustration since the newcomers need to learn how everything works.

This is why we'll release a big update including a chat that should alleviate this issue. We really appreciate your patience and we hope to see you again on the Broken Planet.

Thank you very much for your feedback!

P.D. You can always use our support email,, to report any inappropiate behaviour (if you also attach a screenshot or a video, that would be great)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Tramposo caradura
 on: November 13, 2018, 09:46:22 AM 
Hola Sefate,

Si pudieses enviarnos un email a reportando esta situación, te lo agradeceríamos, pues lo ideal es que este tipo de reportes se hagan de la forma más privada posible.

Cualquier tipo de prueba que puedas aportar en el mail (screenshots, vídeos, etc.) será de gran ayuda.

Muchas gracias.

Spacelords Universe / Re: MMR difficulty during antaganist games?
 on: November 08, 2018, 01:08:04 PM 
Hi guys,

In a recent post, MSE_Jvela explained how the MMR system and the difficulty works. Maybe this clarifies things a little bit:

I hope this helps. Thank you for helping us making a better game!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Please fix this
 on: November 08, 2018, 12:41:10 PM 
Hi Piti,

That shouldn't be happening. Please, send an email to and we'll look into this issue at the earliest.

Thank you very much for your patience!

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