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Messages - Tekato

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Bug report & Technical Support / Re: RARE Stroma card for Hive
 on: October 03, 2018, 03:53:32 AM 
I was able to get it today so it looks like it's still obtainable.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.0 Patch Notes
 on: October 02, 2018, 08:19:34 PM 
They will probably fix the switches in 7 months.

They've been pushing out updates pretty frequently so I'm sure it won't take that long.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.0 Patch Notes
 on: October 02, 2018, 06:38:23 PM 
Not sure if this is a good or bad thing but I haven't gotten any mentor matches sincet this update. Either way the matchmaking has been on point so far placing me in matches with players near my lv and mmr. Seems like a great update even if the antag matches have increased for me.

Mentor matches are still a mess. I wanted to try the updated In Shock and had a mentor match with two level 1 players and a level 72 antag. The added snipers are pointless in the first part and just add another reason to stay in cover, as if the behemoth's lockon wasn't enough encouragement already.

For the Kuzman boss fight MSE changed the levers to require holding them like on Low Blow. This makes pulling them tedious and the antag has several seconds to down you while you are stuck interacting with them. So not only do you need to pull Kuzman away from the switches, have to deal with adds, but now you take several seconds to flip each switch so the entire process is just tedious now.

This of course doesn't factor in the level 1 players who always get shocked and require you breaking line of sight with them. And let's not forget about the antag who can wait patiently until you are helpless.

I'm honestly amazed we made it as far as we did considering one of the newbies quit, only to realize that they couldn't play another game until this one was over so they eventually came back. I doubt these players will stick around very long when the game punishes them like this and I can't say I blame them. The game has no in-game tutorial, it doesn't give them time to learn the mechanics, and it forces them into antag matches most of the time. Mentor matches are a waste of time for the 20% extra experience you get.
Wow that sounds terrible the switches were already difficult enough to pull all 3 without getting shocked to death. Looks like we'll have to add this one to the easy antagonist mission list.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.0 Patch Notes
 on: October 02, 2018, 05:31:42 PM 
Not sure if this is a good or bad thing but I haven't gotten any mentor matches sincet this update. Either way the matchmaking has been on point so far placing me in matches with players near my lv and mmr. Seems like a great update even if the antag matches have increased for me.

Suggestions / Re: We need a better Local starter
 on: October 02, 2018, 05:02:51 PM 
60 is fine once you get farther in the game. They are meant to be glass cannons basically.
What needs to change in the local raider that is available. Harec requires alot of skill to use even at higher MMR, even his skill requires some though to use. I would propose using shae as a starter since she requires less skill to kill enemies and her bewitch skill adds survivability at close quarters. That is if new players understand how to use powers, so a new training tutorial is a must.
No shae is a worst starter, her default stock gun is trash and bewitch doesn't even work on close quarters. Atleast harec can teleport around and his default gun can take out enemies pretty quickly. Honestly out of all the locals he's probably the easiest to start with.

Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.0 Patch Notes
 on: October 02, 2018, 04:16:27 PM 
You guys definitely fixed the matchmaking, or at least for antagonist. So far all ny matches this morning have had an antagonist 6/6 matches. Awesome so much fun.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tolchok is still broken
 on: October 01, 2018, 09:33:33 PM 
Out of all the broken weapons in this game you want to start with that one lol. Valeria's little girl is a much bigger threat imo with instant down and pushback with ridiculous aoe range.

Can't be used while wounded
Requires timing on the ability and the gun shot
Once gate is placed, Valeria can be flanked because of cooldown on repositioning her ability.

I know you're just being condescending because I posted an antag video and got wrecked by an OP weapon. If I show you a video of me using it AS an antag and decimating a team, would that help change your mind?
It's not that hard to get the timing right on little girl or just use the whip. In that mission where you rekt that team the whip/little girl would have just completely stomped them aswell by blocking the bridge path and locking them down with no where to go. Im not saying that weapon isn't op but that there are much more broken things like loath's cookie as well.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tolchok is still broken
 on: October 01, 2018, 09:15:48 PM 
Out of all the broken weapons in this game you want to start with that one lol. Valeria's little girl is a much bigger threat imo with instant down and pushback with ridiculous aoe range.

Gameplay Feedback / Great way to start the day!
 on: October 01, 2018, 05:33:42 PM 
First match of the day blueprint on A fistful of sand with an antagonist! Gg you can guess how that went and how amazingly skilled the antagonist was... Well back to warframe it is.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Seriously
 on: October 01, 2018, 03:45:15 PM 
True I wasn't considering MMR when I said that, the highest MMR match iv'e done was with an MMR of 56% and there 2 shots from a grunt can bring you down to wounded, 3 for a death but that was just another hurdle for me. We ended up winning those matches but struggled allot without good rewards. I cant recall ever seeing an Antag around the 56% range but i'm sure it would of been even more challenging then that.
And yes I'm also aware of Valeria's potential. I think for her they need to make that monster that comes from the Whip killable and cause an Ability Cooldown.
That'll be hard to balance for pve since she's pretty useless without her ability. And she's not the only one that can lock down small hallways, ayana and ginebra can be deadly as well. Ginebra can knock you into a wall and kill you in 1 shot and ayana can place many mines on the path.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Seriously
 on: October 01, 2018, 11:25:46 AM 
They have the advantage because they chose wisely, thinking about what there up against. The mentality for each side is often played differently, a player playing as a Raider plays with the goal to level up, get gold/faction points and blueprints, Its in the name your in it to Raid. So your goal is so simple it's almost mind numbing if it weren't for the bosses and characters, put aleph in and kill grunts, that's it.

The Antagonist mindset is much more challenging as it requires you to be both merciless and patient. Have you ever thought of being an Antagonist and think I want to get Gold, Blueprint, Factions and Level up through these means...nope. It's much easier to do all that as a Raider. Those that Think of doing Antagonist want one of two this, to get there Antagonist affinity when they level up to get specific cards, (these antags are often the one who choose not to fight) and the other type is the kind that want to actually experience the thrill of a Hunt because hunting unpredictable and potentially powerful raiders beats the mundane A.I....and yes MS is right, it is thrilling once you get a solid feel for it.

If you don't want to die at the hand of an Antag start thinking like an Antagonist and beat them at there own game, You lose cause you think you can never get past the horde to reach an "OverPowered and Unbeatable" Antagonist. This game *IS* challenging but if you want to play
 laid back as the "food" ( Rewards) rolls in your mouth then it will remind you of that ever time as you suddenly get an Antag. I'm just saying, you cant have your cake and eat it too.

If I can ask of anything from MS is that when a Raider party has a hard won fight and comes out on top in any mission that they get  evalutated differently and receive an Abnormal reward for there very clear troubles. like did you die 30+ times with a skilled Antag and still came out on top, that's a 9.0 right there and what ever new reward they can think of.
....I don't know.

Umm idk if you've played high mmr matches but the AI gets pretty ridiculous and are often more of a threat than an antagonist. Saying that playing as a raider is mind numbingly easy with or without an antagonist is just wrong and clearly says that you haven't played this game very long. Also some maps like mind over matter, no reservations, low blow and the one to defend the protector, have some clear oversights where they can be cheesed by using valeria to pretty much lock down the small hallways or just killing the objective for easy win. MSE has a lot of work to do this antag system is just to easy to exploit.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: RARE Stroma card for Hive
 on: October 01, 2018, 02:51:58 AM 
Any time you use stolen essence to heal yourself, even 1 single point, you heal 75 health to all allies within 30 meters. There is no cool down to this, as long as you run out of stolen health get more rapidly and use it again, you can heal again and again, as fast as you can burn through stolen health, get more and use it.

This card is beast!!!
That does sound really good, it pretty much turns hive into a healer. Looks like I'll be joining you on the hunt for this card.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Bewitch
 on: September 30, 2018, 09:15:31 PM 
Bewitch doesn't work at close range they can see you when you get to a certain distance. Your best bet is to keep your distance and try to get a headshot while they can't see you. Also never go for a grab it's not too difficult to listen for the grab sound and parry it, which will most likely put you down in 1 hit.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: RARE Stroma card for Hive
 on: September 30, 2018, 06:46:17 PM 
What does the card even do? The description seems very misleading.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Mentor matches should not allow Antagonists
 on: September 29, 2018, 03:17:14 PM 
You say it's not okay yet you still went through with destroying these beginners that will probably quit playing this game because of your actions. Inb4 "i'm just playing as intended" gg.

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