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Messages - alef321

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: $20 and $10 skins! Seriously?
 on: October 03, 2017, 12:25:57 AM 
it makes me not wanna get any at all.

I just played a round where we got stuck on the elevator on the final part of hanging thread getting grabbed to death for 16 lives.
antagonsit was Lycus ,literally nothing we could do.
the melee system does not work.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Too much time in menus and cut scenes
 on: October 01, 2017, 10:58:38 PM 
I disagree , got zero complains about it.

all true.
after dropping 120 bucks on the tomorrow children and seeing the news that the game is closing down, I' m being real careful with any f2p games.
But this ain't a F2p game, the prologue is a Demo, so you can get a Taste of the Real game, Think of there Marketing as you think about TellTale games, You Get to try one campaign for free (witch is the prologue in this game) and see if it's something for ya : )

If I hadn't played a bunch of missions from the past Beta I would skip this game judging by the prologue.
I imagine that will be the reaction of many new players if something isn't done fast.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: RNG system a grind and troll
 on: September 28, 2017, 04:50:13 PM 
the reward system needs some massive overall

very useful information right here, good post.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My considerations
 on: September 25, 2017, 09:08:07 PM 
''Founder pack owner''
hows the player base on the first chapter?
I imagine its even harder to find players on the paid content.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback on the current game content
 on: September 25, 2017, 03:28:03 PM 
I totally agree about the passives and moves
Harec is seen doing some cool stuff on the first cutscene.
Lycus is told to be a badass , Yet all we see is the same mold with different  weapons pretty much.

Alicia should be albe to drop from the air when pressing grab buttom
Lycas should move quicker and have a roll ability with charges
Harec should be able to create clones that survive a couple bullets/hits and do melee but can't kill
not just that but everyone should have  a passive,something unique to them like Harec gets more defense the more he aims with his gun.
just tossing ideas out.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Region & Currency
 on: September 25, 2017, 03:22:59 PM 
very useful information , thanks!

Suggestions / Re: Antagonists should NOT lose umbra point, only gain
 on: September 25, 2017, 03:18:31 PM 
it's not just the antagonist
this game is harsh on your no matter the mode , masochist's wetdream , if you're into feeling pain, this is the best experience .

after playing some more
they really need to slow down the animations for strike and grab and color code the melee
to green,yellow,red for example.

Suggestions / Re: There NEEDS to be a Melee Tutorial
 on: September 25, 2017, 03:00:51 PM 
no,there needs to be a melee rework
it doesn't work as intended and it just not fun at all.

market it as a f2p game and sell it as an actual full feature game with microtrasactiosn was not a good idea.
you'll make everyone angry with this model, you gotta go all out in one side(f2p) or another ( b2p)

all true.
after dropping 120 bucks on the tomorrow children and seeing the news that the game is closing down, I' m being real careful with any f2p games.

not regarding the matchmaking time

It would be interesting to have a scalable difficulty with 2/3/4 player choice.So you can Just duo with your best buddy when the game releases , the more comfortable and convenient the game is ,more people will stick around weeks after hopping on the game to try it out.

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