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Messages - Gororaris

Pages: [1]
Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Periodically can't play"
 on: November 10, 2021, 01:05:12 AM 
Sounds like it was an issue with your account and not for the Xbox servers. Seeing as how I play Xbox One too and had no problem logging in. Glad it could be solved

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Periodically can't play"
 on: October 29, 2021, 04:38:52 PM 
Could be anything. The majority of the times it happens after I can see a mission's grades and I'm taken to the main menu. It's also a guarantee if I use the Xbox home button to take a capture or try to record something.
I try to behave, I don't abuse the emotes, I'm classy whenever there's an antag and I don't emote whenever I get a kill

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Periodically can't play"
 on: October 28, 2021, 05:13:35 PM 
Usually I can. Every now and then I have to restart it twice in a row because I get the same message after the same restart but that rarely happens

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Periodically can't play"
 on: October 28, 2021, 04:56:45 AM 
Apologies for the inconvenience, but has there been any breakthrough with this issue? Because in the past 2 days it's happened 14 times; it's a bit annoying having to restart the console every time this happens. Apologies in advance for the inconvenience and for being so insistent

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Periodically can't play"
 on: September 21, 2021, 05:45:44 PM 
On Xbox One S

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Periodically can't play"
 on: September 20, 2021, 05:05:12 PM 
It happens often, at least 3 or 4 times a day. It can happen at any time: the first time I log in, during the character selection time, midway through, a match, while I'm browsing through the store. The privacy settings are set to adult defaults, and the option to join multiplayer games is emabled. And no, I never log off during the score screen, I always wait until I'm taken to the main menu and can see how much XP I earned

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Periodically can't play"
 on: September 01, 2021, 03:54:49 PM 
Yes I do. What usually works is for me to change the settings several times, allowing and blocking the console to let me join multiplayer games, but lateñy I've had to restart thd console to solve the issue
UPDATE: it just happened again. I was about to play A Breath of Hope, I had already slected my character and was waiting for everyone else to do so, and I got the same message and got kicked out to tte main menu

Bug report & Technical Support / "Periodically can't play"
 on: September 01, 2021, 01:28:08 AM 
I installed and started playing the game about 2 months ago, and pretty much every day, whenever I try to login for the first time or after I finish a game, I get a popup that says I can't play because of how my account is set up, even though my account is already set up to let me join multiplayer games. This past weekedn it happened a lot, to the point where I got this message AFTER I had selected a character and was waiting for the rest of the team to confirm their characters. Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening?

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