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Messages - Victorray

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Spacelords Universe / Re: Loaht exploit
 on: January 27, 2018, 07:23:56 AM 
All the kewl kids say that Loaht is a real blast!
Really fun character and nice to have on the team, but that exploiting stuff really left a sour taste in my mouth. I had someone who would do it on my team and out of principal I didn't like it, because then it was ruining the experience for the antagonist, just way too easy for us and just plain boring

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Unfortunately they intend for the game to be this grindy. It's their way of slowing down progression. But unfortunately it makes for some infuriating moments. If you don't have a squad then the queues are nice and meaty, and if by some miracle you get THE weapon drop, let alone a weapon to drop then you have to fight over it with 4 other people. They won't fix the good situation either since it makes them money. If gold was easy to come by then there would be no reason to pay for their currency except for cosmetics and let's be real, people care way more about cool new characters than they do skins. I love this game, I do. But there will always be a part of me that's bitter that they made it so grindy and so that gold is so enticing to buy.

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Spacelords Universe / Loaht exploit
 on: January 19, 2018, 09:38:34 PM 
Please fix this. The game is literally unplayable when you face an exploiting loaht. A soft patch shouldn't be that hard. I never call people out but in this instance it's to warn players of a ps4 player by the name of Pleyers who exploits with his friends. Please ban him and anyone else using this exploit and fast because it's ruining the game. People already don't want to be the antagonist, now there's incentive not to.

Gameplay Feedback / Lune character
 on: December 16, 2017, 04:42:18 PM 
Sooo, is she not free for founders? If not that would be pretty shitty. She's literally the only healer in the whole game and yet she's the hardest to get. What was even the point of becoming a founder? It was a huge gamble becoming one when none of the other campaigns had been shown off nor the characters. And ya know, maybe just maybe I would tolerate it if she wasn't 180k! And then even then I might be able to accept it with a warped mind if matches didn't take 8 billion years to get into
... ps4 queues have just been horrible and they've been that way for awhile

Also I know it's Iune. It doesn't seem to want to update in the title

I'm going to play devil's advocate and say most of the antagonist who only do Hanging by a Thread probably only do it for the stigmas. Once the antagonist system is fixed this might not be a problem.
So you really can't be too mad at the people since playing as the antagonist is very rewarding.
It's only rewarding until a certain point. And something tells me the people farming hanging by a thread just do it because they want to climb the leaderboard and naturally suck. It makes the game way less enjoyable for newer players. Plus it seems extremely boring to be fighting inexperienced players on the same map over and over, and actively avoiding the other maps which ruins it for the people who want to play the other maps.

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I meant to write "isn't rewarding". sorry about that.
what tells you people farm there simplely cause they suck? I mean, duh, some people do that; I'm not denying that at all but just assuming people are just assholes just make the situation worse.
It being boring to you is subjective and pointless as a remark. I dislike farming and starting to find the current missions boring but still do them to get what little i can out of them.
I know these people are ruining the game and I'm not for that behavior. It's good to look at other's perspective and find the best salutation from both sides. No offensive to the developers, but it's there doing. Once the system is better I honestly doubt it be as big of a problem. 'Course you'll still have assholes ruining the game on purpose but i digress.
I'm pretty damn sure most people don't enjoy repetitiveness especially when there's no challenge

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I'm going to play devil's advocate and say most of the antagonist who only do Hanging by a Thread probably only do it for the stigmas. Once the antagonist system is fixed this might not be a problem.
So you really can't be too mad at the people since playing as the antagonist is very rewarding.
It's only rewarding until a certain point. And something tells me the people farming hanging by a thread just do it because they want to climb the leaderboard and naturally suck. It makes the game way less enjoyable for newer players. Plus it seems extremely boring to be fighting inexperienced players on the same map over and over, and actively avoiding the other maps which ruins it for the people who want to play the other maps.

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Unfortunately, it's not going to teach people to git gud, they're just going to call BS and quit the game right after trying it. Matchmaking Rating is a thing for this very reason, but antagonist mode seems to be exempt from this.
The simple fix would be to stop giving antags the map information before they enter a match, because they're spam cancelling until they get Hanging By A Thread at the moment to guarantee victory.
I hope people aren't like that. If I had that mentality I would've quit instantly since me and my friends lost practically right away on hanging by a thread and I've come so far after sticking with it. I had no idea that antagonists were hunting for noobs, that's really shitty and just shows how bad those players are

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I too prefer having an antagonist, but I'm not talking about us, I'm talking about the health of the game in the long-term if all these brand new players are introduced to the game and just get obliterated within 5 minutes at the first map.
I just don't think there are enough antagonists to send them newer ones. And if they don't send antagonists at all they don't learn how the PvP is, and trust me the sooner you learn it the better off you'll be.

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Send them all my way. I don't see enough antagonists in my games and I love when they come. It adds way more variety than just bots. You can always predict what a bot will do, but people always make new strategies. And it gets to a point where the rewards are beyond negligible without the antagonist there, so it just feels like you make no progress without them

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Griefers on Hanging By A Thread
 on: November 07, 2017, 03:14:50 PM 
I agree, because it gets extremely annoying when you lose because of something so dumb

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Suggestions / Re: Steam store page is bad
 on: October 18, 2017, 09:08:11 AM 
Thanks for your advice. We are not "falsely advertising" the game as F2P on Steam. That's the way Steam indexes the game due to the free Prologue.
You probably didnt understand me.
i dont want say that YOU fals advertise game as f2p. But It is looks like f2p.
As i said you need to change it amnd made prologue a DEMO and put normal price tag,
This is imortant from psyhological point of view a lot of people see this game as a F2P some even belive that it is f2p. Basicaly F2P tag creates unnecessary connections between rotbp and f2p ganre in minds of players.
Lmao your post literally says it's false advertising...

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Calling him OP is insane. In fact I I think he's a bit underpowered if anything. If you've beaten him in the campaign I'm sure you can grasp the simple mechanic of not holding hands as a team. His ability literally gets interrupted by melee, so he can't charge it very long and if he is charging it you can just shoot him. His range isn't very spectacular, so it forces him to get in somewhat closes leaving him open to ranged characters. Having played as him he's extremely slow, as slow as Kon. He can be outbursted by pretty much every character, so it's not like he has that going for him. It sounds like you just aren't playing optimally

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: HP values on raiders
 on: October 04, 2017, 05:33:06 AM 
I think the health is fine where it is. Shae and harec have tremendous range, and as such have lower health. If you're good with both no one will ever get close to you, be it antagonists or ai. Your team is also meant to protect you, not hold your hand all the time, but keep the antagonist off your back if you need the help or if you get swarmed. That's why composition is important. You probably shouldn't have a harec and shae on the same team as you'll have low health and very little cqc capabilities

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Weapons require antagonist ranks to craft
 on: September 26, 2017, 11:31:20 PM 
Going to be honest .. Have you guys actually won yet?
It took me 3 wins to have a high enough rank to build all the current blueprints if I wanted to (gold is an issue atm)

Maybe play the game before complaining?
Before making patronizing comments like that you should think about it first. My ps4 username is sessso and I just got ranked among the top 4 in the antag league, so yes I've been winning. I haven't lost a single match as the antag. But I know some people won't enjoy this, and the fact is that the ranks settle in weekly. That's a whole week of not crafting, and maybe more if you're not great or don't like the mode. Having beaten you in terms of wins, I'm pretty sure I can talk about this system objectively. I love the game I do, but I'll also always be giving feedback, as this is the feedback area...

Suggestions / Re: Antagonists should NOT lose umbra point, only gain
 on: September 24, 2017, 09:45:21 PM 
No one has any of the new weapons yet. But you will be able to start constructing them in 5 hours depending on where you rank in the antagonist leaferboard. You don't need to be too high either. As for not losing any points when you lose, then there's no real consequence for losing. The leaderboard is up there to try to see who the best of the best are, and if no one lost points would just be whoever plays the most

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