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Messages - Keyixa

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: July 06, 2017, 05:58:16 PM 
So, you'll unlock my thread despite my decision but you won't change the god awful "reward" system? Yea, thanks! You can forget about it, I'm done.

You can keep your "reward" (like you can even call it that, I'd rather be in a coma than having to waste my time with this slot machine system) system the way it is. It's clear enough by the developer response you don't want to change it anyway but you'd unlock the thread regardless. I won't be wasting my time with this, plenty of other games with even instanced reward systems and there's plenty of grief there as well, I don't need to get a headache each time I finish a mission.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 27, 2017, 08:30:26 PM 
-looks at most of the 2 page post- ....are you sure it would turn people away??  I mean the fact the oldest MMO"s like WoW and EVE(<--- not a good pick but still relevant) practically have a dice system, And yet still alot of people play it. 20 min??? they spend 4 hours in one raid sessions, Maybe even more through trial and error.                                             

Point is, make a poll and post it somewhere and see if they agree with....... your opinion

Thanks for stanking up the thread with pointless replies. Don't care if anyone agrees or disagrees. Objectively, it's a terrible system.

You can argue semantics all you want. It's mind-blowingly stupid to have a reward system based on an RNG lottery system that has players go AGAINST each other in a COOPERATIVE game, with even the currency you do get (aside from gold to purchase blueprints) going into more RNG with the character and faction points to purchase cards at random that marginally improve your character (since Aleph boosts are so situational and scarce).

So, since no one else seems to add anything of value to the thread, I will lock this.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 22, 2017, 09:00:10 AM 
Sure, just get aggressive when you defend this broken system.
I'm sorry if you think I'm being aggressive here, I don't feel like I've crossed any line towards you that you haven't towards me.
Even though I can see we have a different idea of what kind of grind/RNG systems are acceptable, it's worth discussing because the devs need feedback to make this game as good as possible.
This is gonna do nothing but turn players away, not even F2P games use this sort of slot machine systems.
Warframe is the best example of how it can work. This just invites griefing, massive RNG, and even getting decreased rewards or none, upon successful completion.
As the dev said, this kind of loot-sharing is used in many games, B2P ones and even P2P ones like WoW, where sometimes you have to grind for months to get your drop or collect multiple items for a set. Here it's much simpler, you only need one blueprint which you roll for against 3 people, most of the time even less and if you win, you're good to go.

This won't get people playing more, it will do the opposite, drive them away since it's as anti-player as it gets. No sane person would pay for a gambling system to get attached to their game.
This may drive away SOME players, others won't mind. People pay for worse gambling as I said, and you know why? Because they enjoy the gameplay (in worse cases they are addicts :-\ ), and if you don't enjoy playing these missions over and over, this game won't offer you much I'm afraid.
The devs also have the incentive to keep you playing/grinding, by keeping the rewards low, so splitting it makes sense in that case.
Keep in mind that the game will be "very cheap", but will have microtransactions.
Now I do not know if you can use paid currency for anything other than cosmetics, but it's not impossible, so that would be another reason for this system.

Yes, a system that has players compete for their rewards, RNG, antagonist that can fail you the mission, long duration matches with around 20+ min, this being a huge problem with the system grading you on speed, as well as number of deaths which also cuts into your rewards, griefing on the rewards system with other players potentially just picking whatever you pick, just to cut into your rewards, this can happen even when failing so you get either extremely few currency or even none, and this isn't even getting into the gameplay balance problems, as well as the economy ones, and this is just for multiplayer, solo and even antagonist have their issues as well.

You can keep defending this system but don't expect anyone else to swallow this lottery trash.
I've been playing Warframe since closed beta and they had similar problems but the game is vastly different today, after 4 years. If it would have stayed the same, with the same issues, the player base would be nonexistent.

I've already listed the reasons why this system is disconnected with the rest of the game and doesn't benefit it, in an objective manner.
The players don't adapt to the game, the game adapts to the players or else it's gone.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 21, 2017, 04:59:20 PM 
What I really like about the current system is the mind-games part, bluffing and trying to manipulate people into picking something else in PUGs is fun.

Yes, I bet griefing people is tons of fun, no? Like I said, objectively bad. If you really want to go against other players, it should be limited to the antagonist system.
Overreacting a bit?
The system serves a purpose, even if the devs don't admit it and it is to artificially lengthen playtime and keep people playing. At launch there probably won't be much content and without needing to replay missions, people will chew through the game very fast and leave it until the next DLC.
If this is needed to keep a healthy amount of players, it is fine by me.
That said, losing the blueprint roll could offer some currency or something.

Sure, just get aggresive when you defend this broken system. This is gonna do nothing but turn players away, not even F2P games use this sort of slot machine systems.
Warframe is the best example of how it can work. This just invites griefing, massive RNG, and even getting decreased rewards or none, upon successful completion.

This won't get people playing more, it will do the opposite, drive them away since it's as anti-player as it gets. No sane person would pay for a gambling system to get attached to their game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 20, 2017, 04:19:11 PM 
What I really like about the current system is the mind-games part, bluffing and trying to manipulate people into picking something else in PUGs is fun.

Yes, I bet griefing people is tons of fun, no? Like I said, objectively bad. If you really want to go against other players, it should be limited to the antagonist system.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 20, 2017, 04:16:51 PM 
So you're saying you like your lottery system? It's objectively bad, very anti-cooperation and nobody here even likes the idea behind it. Not to mention, the current system for solo and antagonists which is even more abysmal since they get only a small fraction.

The whole point of the game is cooperation, and since most missions take around 15-20+ minutes to complete on average, the high difficulty and learning curve of most of them, having a reward system based on RNG and competition (with everyone being able to cut in to each others reward) is insane.

Take for example the blueprints, if all players select it, only one of them will be awarded, while the other 3 get NOTHING. That's right, playing for like 20~ minutes, even successfully completing a mission against an antagonist as well, your potential reward can even be NOTHING. It doesn't even make sense from a lore perspective since we aren't mercenaries or even actual raiders, we're playing as a rebel faction that has to defend the planet against the actual raiders.

I don't see the FUN in getting NOTHING for my efforts.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 09, 2017, 02:04:21 PM 
If the reward system stays the same, it will hurt the game, bad. It needs to have instanced rewards, each player should be rewarded with it's own currency and blueprint.

It's a massive mistake to have the loot system be competitive in a cooperative experience.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My thougts on user feedback
 on: June 09, 2017, 01:56:25 PM 
You're being biased, you're here to just rant about the changes to the camera but in truth, objectively, it was terrible.

Especially so since you cannot even help heal your teammates when they are wounded or even yourself if you happen to have gotten flanked. It only takes a few shots to get wounded, especially on characters such as Harec and it's nigh impossible to even get to cover most of the time because the camera sways everywhere, let alone try to actually shoot back while wounded.

Objectively, it's a change that can only benefit gameplay.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback for PC
 on: May 28, 2017, 11:25:26 AM 
PC specific issue as well is that we have no text chat. Seems there is cross play with consoles, as in, we on PC can play with people on console but text chat goes a long way towards coordinating with your team, especially so on PC since most people don't have or won't use a microphone.

The pre-made messages are also not enough to coordinate effectively on specific actions.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Grappling Feedback
 on: May 27, 2017, 07:06:45 PM 
That's true, the shotgun shoots peanuts in comparison to even just the Strikes ALONE, nevermind the crazy strong grapple.

The best idea would be to have the grapple not be a free kill unless the target is injured or has low hp. I can see the devs wanted the  grapple to be more of a Takedown rather than a traditional grapple like in fighting games (Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat) but it would work better if it didn't have this many benefits.

Removing invincibility and having it do like 50/80% of the target's HP or something like that would be better, Maybe have it instantly kill only if the target doesn't notice you, but some characters are always visible, so that's a problem, but it would make the stealth aspect of the game more important that way.

Basically, have the grapple work as a takedown in stealth/enemies unaware and as a finisher in melee combat when the enemies are aware of you. And yea, the invincibility is way too much. Having to watch your teammate get grappled or yourself and not be able to help or get help kinda kills the cooperative aspect.

Gameplay Feedback / Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: May 27, 2017, 06:54:23 PM 
Hi, enjoying my first beta so far, however, the biggest issue right now is far from technical.
No, the biggest issue in the game is the reward system, take for example the blueprints, in the rare case you do get one, not only do you have to compete with your teammates for the right to acquire it, you have to keep grinding the same mission a random amount of times for a specific one and also for the character you wish for.

The other monetary rewards are also split between the amount of players that select it. I don't see the point in doing that, this is a cooperative experience, no? Then why do we have to compete for our rewards?

This might be a logic decision if the game was F2P, which I understand it is not.

Missions also generally take quite a lot of time to complete (average of about 25 min. and it also doesn't help that you have to watch the cutscenes sometimes on public matches), while also not guaranteed to succeed and even more so if you're going against an antagonist (which should also receive rewards besides leaderboard ranking, especially more so if he's successful).

So what's the deal with the rewards being so meager and also having to compete over them?

Would be best to get a small amount of each currency (character, faction and gold) on fail and depending on the mission score (which isn't a bad idea, just a bit harsh in how it grades the players, best I could ever get was a bit about 7 out of 10 each time even if I never died and so on) and a medium/high amount on completion.

Solo players should also get a balanced reward system. Having them be shunned from obtaining the amounts you get in Multiplayer is a horrible idea. I can see rewarding Multiplayer with a bigger pool of rewards but it shouldn't be a requirement to have to play Multiplayer to progress your characters. 

That's why the system needs an overhaul, right now it's way too biased for Multiplayer and even then, way too hostile since it is competitive in a co-op game.

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