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Messages - Shiva714

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / Re: First impression
 on: June 27, 2017, 12:34:39 AM 
From shortcomings:
- I consider the most important shortcoming (personally I) too strongly and often shivering camera in short video scenes;

I agree 100% with this comment. RotPB is a great looking game and the jittery cutscenes take away from enjoying the details in the graphics. Not once could I see the full image of the lady painted on the nose of the ship that the raiders use. You guys are putting in a lot of work to make the game look unique. Let us see it.

Gameplay Feedback / First time Beta player on X-Box 1
 on: June 25, 2017, 10:48:48 PM 
Hello Fellow Raiders!

I played RotBP beta for the first time 6/27. I only played solo mode to get a handle on the controller functions and character moves. But I had a good time playing the first two missions.

On my TV, I could only see half of the options to "browse" and "select" at the bottom of the screen. There was no way to adjust the boundaries so the game could fit the screen. I didn't see any comments about this issue in older feedback posts, but I assume this function is not available in the beta release.

I really like the the overall "look"  and graphics of the game, which was the first appealing feature that caught my eye when I saw the game previewed as a future X-Box 1 release.

I also liked that the enemy seemed to be slightly harder to kill than most games. This might also be because I was figuring out the strike and grapple moves, but the enemy handed me my butt quickly if I didn't attack them in a definitive strike.

Firing weapons, especially Shae's pulse rifle, felt slow and not very responsive to controller trigger moves. Have to put in some more time to see whether it's "just me".

Again, I had a good time overall and look forward to gittin' gud enough to play the multiplayer/matchmaking options.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Console Closed Beta
 on: June 18, 2017, 04:49:41 PM 
I have an Xbox 1 console. I successfully registered for the console closed beta two weeks ago. I have a log-in name and password that works. I have not received any messages on how to access the game in order to participate in the closed beta for the weekend of June 17-18. There are no messages in my email spam folder, either. Please help. Thank you.

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