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Messages - Rhynerd

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Suggestions / Re: Sugerstion about comunication
 on: October 25, 2017, 12:40:30 AM 
I still want an "I need Aleph" quick message.

Spacelords Universe / Re: character predictions
 on: October 25, 2017, 12:35:29 AM 
There is also the revolver local at the end of the "What is Raiders of the Broken Planet?" video.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Ginebra (Coming Soon???)
 on: October 23, 2017, 01:21:30 PM 
There does seem to be a robotic animal behind her in one of the lore page pictures. I would say that it is either her transformed form or she has a connection to a robotic companion (which she might share a mental connection with, considering the second lore page) that she can call upon as an ability.

From what I know, leaving completely counts as a loss on your record and penalizes you accordingly. As a raider, it would also mean not getting end-match rewards.
Since your under 20 stigmas, I imagine it would just affect your antag elo (if that exists).

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Starter Weapons: A little anemic?
 on: October 11, 2017, 01:51:00 PM 
Other than Lycus's two guns, the only weapon I can call a specific upgrade for a character might be Alicia's Smoking Daisy, and this is mainly because I used to use it to blow myself up as an antagonist. It's hard to get Aleph out of a bomb.

Harec's weapons exist on different points of his charge up time to max damage line, with the Ignis Fugit offering the lowest damage but fastest charge while the Aura Mortis has the highest damage but the largest charge-up time. This in turn affects how much players will move him around or use his abilities.

Konstantin's weapons (as far as I know, having only used default and Shtorm) have different rev-up times and react to overheat differently. I actually stopped playing with the Shtorm in the closed beta because I found the effort to balance the slower rev-time with the weapons heat system too much of a hassle, yet I remember another player who was an infamous Champion of the Apocalypse who would use that weapon against other raiders, most likely for the heavy burst damage it could do if he could get the drop on a player.

Hans's weapons have different mag sizes, firing rates, blast radii, and will ask for different amounts of mobility. With the default, you're free to move as you please for the most part. For the Angsar, you will want to hold an area or to create a sort of carpet of death against charging enemies. Play defensively and make every shot in your 3 round mags count. For the USU, you are rewarded for flying into the face of enemies and penalized for flying away from them, and this gun is one you could actually treat like an assault rifle, both in spite of and because of it's 8-round mag.

Mikah's weapons, as far as I've heard, affect the ranges she fights at. Granny prefers longer ranges, while the K&N (or is it K&K? I forget.) is something to unload into enemies from point blank.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Harek, the Unquestionable Leader
 on: October 11, 2017, 01:13:03 PM 
I wonder how this Sitcom dynamic would be affected by Kuzmann joining the ranks. Would he be that one friend nobody really likes? Do you think he'd try and be the group doctor from time to time only for people to remember that he tried to use an old corded drill one Shae's skull?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Shae's letter to her parents
 on: October 11, 2017, 01:02:04 PM 
Who knows, maybe it's in Spanish for the English users. Either way, it seems kind of odd that this bug made it out of the beta.

The video in this link seems to show a guy with a revolver at the end.

That being said, I hope one of the future raiders uses a semi-automatic pistol.

Spacelords Universe / Re: A question for the PR of MercurySteam
 on: October 04, 2017, 11:18:44 AM 
I could imagine a fair sum of Raiders being able to translate into a Board game, considering how DOOM 2016 apparently has a good board game version. That being said, I think I'd be more interested in the figures and artwork and comics if Mercurysteam has enough of a budget and demanding audience to create these products.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Private Matches/Games
 on: October 03, 2017, 10:35:03 AM 
Out of curiosity, what would be the estimated time for that? I imagine there would be a rehaul on the netcode required or something, but how long does that usually take? Months? Years?

I'm going to give some in-story ideas as to why the characters have holsters without pistols:

Lycus probably uses his holster to hold is default shotgun. It's not the most fitting holster (unless you get his Martian Merc skin or something) but it gets the job done.

Hans's holster was probably just a part of his flight suit and he's gotten used to it being there. I imagine he could carry a pistol but he either stopped bothering after he was discharged by the Hades Division or found the pistol to just be excess weight that he didn't want to bother with.

Konstantin does still keep to some military procedure despite being a raider, the pistol holster is probably a regular part of his uniform that he's used to having, but the pistol he used to have was either lost or destroyed in his fight with Ginebra.

Harec's pistol holster is a good question. His skins imply that he used to not have a holster, but for some reason attached one to his belt between the origins of this skin and the events of this game. Maybe he tried using a pistol a couple of times and couldn't get a good feel of one? Maybe he tried to using a pistol and it got lost or destroyed in combat? Maybe he has a pistol but keeps forgetting about it and the holster is a failed attempt to remind him of that pistol?

Fan Corner / Re: Loads of fanart <3
 on: October 03, 2017, 01:15:22 AM 
Maybe after I've cleared up my work tonight I'll try and start something simple with Mikah. Think I should try something cute or something similar to a Dungeon of the Endless sprite?

I think it would be fine if the antag rank could be used to replace one of the two other options, but being a third requirement is... unpleasant.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Your Community
 on: October 01, 2017, 02:34:18 AM 
I can agree that there should be a way to unlock guns without playing antagonist.
I think the losses you're experiencing should probably be taken up with the bug report section of the forums and the discord.
I don't think Mikah's worthless.
Also, I think another issue that could be addressed here is the fact that you can only buy extra loadouts with real money at the moment.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: No English Community Rep Presence
 on: October 01, 2017, 02:28:27 AM 
Yeah, the most presence of developer interaction with English speakers that I've seen so far is on the unofficial discord. Been a while since I've seen MSE_Tenka or anyone else some around here.

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