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Messages - MSE_Hellath

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Gameplay Feedback / Re: Faction points problem for the 50th time
 on: March 07, 2019, 10:35:29 AM 

First of all, please refrain from using swearwords. As you have been warned by other mods recently, consider this your final warning before earning a temporal ban if you persist in this attitude. I have edited your post accordingly.

Lastly, toxic behaviour is a reflection of someone's own personality, not something triggered by playing a game, watching a movie or reading a book. If you acknowledge yourself as toxic, then change, but don't attach blame elsewhere. Again, toxic behaviour will not be tolerated here, nor in the game.


Spacelords Universe / Re: Aneska Questions
 on: January 28, 2019, 10:47:23 AM 
Hey all,

Thanks for this amazing thread. I'd encourage your to read Aneska's lore entries when the character comes up. If you have any questions then, please post them here and I'll do my best to answer them.


Thanks all for sharing your thoughts. As you already know, Spacelords is a living, ongoing game, and we make adjustments based in the data we receive from hundreds of games -they are not done arbitrarily.

Of course, the data is not infalible. Please, keep adding feedback to this thread. The more data we have that goes beyond the merely numerical, the more informed our future adjustements will be.

Just a quick reminder: the Antagonist will be the start of the 4th milestone of the Spacelords Roadmap: The Aurora Spectres. Its role will be  heavily revised once we get there.

Once again, thanks all for your support.

Suggestions / Re: How to Portray Women in Video Games
 on: December 10, 2018, 11:57:05 AM 

It goes without saying that the MercurySteam team is fiercely proud of the Spacelords character design. All characters are designed to be strong and visually striking, while maintaining the visual direction we envisioned for the game.

We have discussed character design in many other threads, and this particular one offers only a rather sexist view of the subject instead of a healthy discussion. Thus, we proceed to close it down.

Suggestions / Re: Dear MSE...
 on: November 15, 2018, 12:39:20 PM 

Please, refrain from this attitude immediately. Our community team strives to keep you updated with all the news coming out from the studio, and do their best to be your liaison with the developers team -who obviously are working on the game itself.

We accept criticism, as we believe it is the way to improve the game. Not all the suggestions can or should be implemented, and those that can actually take A LOT time and effort to do so for an indie developer as MSE, as anyone who understands the basics of game development can attest.

For any indie studio, having a person dedicated exclusively to a community role is an important investment and a show of commitment to the fans. You are entitled to agree or disagree with the service provided, but this unseemly confrontation and names calling ends now.


Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disconnecting and other problems
 on: November 05, 2018, 07:09:13 PM 
Hello. We are paying good attention. In the next upcoming updates we will expand and improve the communication with other players, including a chat system.

Thanks a lot for your feedback, it is incredibly valuable for us!


There is not, nor ever has been, a bug that results in missing Gold. For what you mention, you must have invested on buying your way out of a Survival Phase. By using this game feature, you pay 40K Gold to instantly prompt the pilot to return with a full stack of lives.

We hope this clarifies things.


Bug report & Technical Support / Re: AFK player who ruin games
 on: October 30, 2018, 03:34:57 PM 
That is correct. Please, send us all evidence you have on toxic behaviour to We are developing tools for identifying serial suicidals, that are proving effective for enacting temporal and permanent bans, but all the help you might provide will be extremely valuable.

Thanks all for your help.

I gave them the benefit of doubt on my tittle.
I have already made other posts and not even a single member from MSE team answered me.
This is my last attempt to make me believe that they are trying to get the game better and better but, there's NOTHING since september 20. Not even a single word about the current state of the game.
Is it too much to ask for them to take a look at the hangout and answer some of our topics? NOBODY on the team can take 5 minutes to answer some posts? have u seem how many there are already?
I'm not a new player on the Multiplayer universe, and, When the Dev team starts to ignore or take too long to answer/support the community, is a metter of time for the game to fall apart.
I dont want it to happen and that's why I have posted.
otherwise I could just turn my back to the game and never come back again.
Hello TheHex. Sorry, but that's simply not true. Several different members of the studio on a daily basis, if time permits -we double up in different roles in the studio, but the evidence is there for all to see.


Don't worry, they are coming!
And I must say the final skins are MUCH better than those leaks... ;)

Thanks all for your feedback. We are addressing this issue and you will see the result in the next game update, available very soon. Please, let us know what you think once it's up -we will publish the patch notes a day before the update arrives, probably tomorrow.


Spacelords Universe / Re: Invulnerability exploit
 on: October 16, 2018, 01:13:28 PM 

Thanks for reporting this. We are aweare of this issue and will solve it in an upcoming update.


Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.0 Patch Notes
 on: October 04, 2018, 06:39:53 PM 

Along with the many tech changes, some new "under the hood" gameplay systems have been implemented. We now have more power to tune mission difficulty server-side. In this first iteration, our focus is on low MMR matches. Low MMR matches sometimes have a very slow pace, with too few enemies around. We are increasing enemy spawn rates and lowering AI skill a little bit to bring the game a bit more action and, hopefully, not modify the difficulty curve too much in the process. Veteran players will notice these changes mostly on mentor matches.

- Increased enemy spawn rate at low difficulty levels.
- AI behaves more permissively at low difficulty levels.
- Decreased enemy damage at low difficulty levels.

What do you mean by 'low MMR matches' exactly?

Missions that are less than 20-25% difficulty?

Yes, something in the 20-30%, progressively.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My Mentor Match Adventure
 on: October 04, 2018, 06:35:02 PM 
Dear all,

Just a friendly reminder to keep the conversation cordial among fellow forum members. Skyline has earned a 2 week ban, that can become permanent if this behaviour persists once he is allowed to rejoin the forum.

Thanks all for your contributions and support.

Fan Corner / Re: Fsjal Spacelords
 on: October 03, 2018, 01:36:11 PM 
That's... what's her name... Alaska?   :P

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