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Spacelords Universe / Re: Frustrating blueprint rewards
 on: September 24, 2017, 09:28:46 PM 
So, if at the end of a mission more than one player choose the weapon blueprint, only ONE player gets that reward, and the others get nothing, seriously (not even a few gold coins)? I really like the game, but this is sooo frustrating, playing the whole mission and getting nothing at the end.
Yeah I don't really understand the rewards system in this game. You work together cooperatively throughout the whole match, then at the end everyone is fighting each other to get the rewards they want, or pettily trying to rid other players of their rewards if they are angry about something from the match. It really doesn't seem healthy for the community. A lot of new players don't select any reward because they don't understand how it works and end up with nothing. Overall it just leaves a sour taste in your mouth at the end of every match which is the opposite of what you want in a game that is meant to be replayed over and over.

Suggestions / Re: There NEEDS to be a Melee Tutorial
 on: September 24, 2017, 08:44:05 PM 
The game has a visual instruction, see, read, understand, use. So what the problem?
So does this forum thread, but clearly you are having issues comprehending it. I'm not going to bother restating myself if you are just going to dismiss everyone's reasoning.

Suggestions / Re: There NEEDS to be a Melee Tutorial
 on: September 24, 2017, 12:18:26 AM 
Blaming the player for not reading something they don't want to read would be a horrible design decision. You should look for a way to teach them properly without them even noticing they're in a tutorial.

Regardless, even as someone who read the guide, I still feel like I would really benefit from an advanced tutorial/challenge level. I'm having a lot of trouble learning how to see CQC tells and react in time, especially when I'm in the heat of a match and dealing with other players and potentially high ping. And it's clear I'm not the only one having this issue, as so are the people I'm playing with. My teams keep getting smashed on the third part of the prologue, even when there is no Antagonist in our match, as the elite enemies just keep swarming people and killing them with the 1HKO. Just giving me a simple single-player mission with a bunch of elites would be really helpful to me in learning how to properly exploit and enjoy this Rock-Paper-Scissors mechanic rather than becoming frustrated with it and giving up.

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