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Messages - Soul Devour

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It happens to everyone from time to time. If your internet acted up or your power went out during the match, you are treated as though you quit and will recieve a 5 minute penalty and warned not do it more or there will be harsher consequences. I havent heard of anyone being permanently banned, but rest assured, it happens to everyone.

I see. I understand that, that can happen but it'd be nice if it didn't. It's kind of a mood killer if your penalized for 5 minutes or longer just because of a match that you get disconnected out of. Even if I got disconnected, I usually join back in, not just leave it to make me become penalized later.
I hope this work on this bug, because as I said, it's a mood killer.

Me and my friend decided to jump on this game after a little while and when I go to get on the game, it said that I've been penalized for 5 minutes for abandoning a match, when I don't remember ever doing so. I'm not the rage quitting type, and my friends can vouch for that. This is the second time I've been penalized after a long period of time for not playing this game. I don't know if this has happened to others or not but I am honestly getting annoyed.
If they need my gamertag to check my play history, it's Soul Devourer20 on Xbox One.

I also still don't have the Elite skins and I'm a founders pack owner, bought it day one of the game's release. GT: TheFlamingDrago
I see a bunch of low levels, like actual newbies running around with the skin, I don't know if they had the Founders or what and just never played, but I doubt it.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions! just that
 on: August 26, 2018, 05:49:33 AM 
This person here honestly made a lot of good suggestions, and a lot of great points! Hitting home hard on everything that could use a good fixing. I especially love the solo and private match making you mentioned in the first couple pins. If anything needs to be taken, I would honestly take from this. I hope other people can see this and agree with this so that Mercy Steam can see how professional this is and well thought out that they might even consider it in the next couple of updates. We can only hope though, other than that, I love this.

I read through all the comments, and I agree with all of them. I've been with Mercy Steam since day one, even before the game came out when I was watching the trailers and all that. I sincerely was excited watching all of it as it had some amazing cinematics and look genuinely entertaining. I thought it would honestly be a triple A game.

But then the game came out. I enjoyed playing the game for a couple months, in the beta and when it was full released. I was first sadden by the lack of Private matches so me and my friend could just play games on our own, see what it was like and explore before going into any real online games to get the real rewards, but we couldn't. We were forced to sit there for hours on ends in match making, getting lucky when we found a match but then raging when one single person didnt accept it.

Then the times of the nerfs and a lot of issues being continuously added, left and right with everything new update. I honestly was a little turned away, my friend definitely was and I had to convince him to play with me even though the annoyingly long waiting times. I really didn't like that, and I still don't do this day.

Each new campaign taking longer and longer to get out, along with the new characters, being locked behind LARGE amounts of gold to buy. Then now the level system. I liked it and not liked it, one big reason being how much grind it required to level up and then how much it costed to get a booster. So having to split the gold between the booster, characters, and gun blueprints, we struggled to be able to build or get ANYTHING.

Yeah, we aren't hardcore players, and yeah we could've played a little more, but Mercy Steam makes it so hard to give us incentive to really play. I love the game still though, even to this day. Even with the missions now being locked behind levels, the ridiculous character prices, only compensating veteran players with "skins", also being a Xbox player I can't even play the game unless its in Training Mode which even then I can't enjoy the new missions because they are locked behind the Star system now which you are forced to PLAY ONLINE.

I really want to give Mercy Steam another chance, but they have been given so many. Why is it so freaking hard to add a Private Matching system? Why do the characters have to cost SO RIDICULOUSLY MUCH? Even adding in character deluxe packs to buy when the skins ALONE cost a ton themselves of our real life money.

Mercy Steam, I love you, and like I said, I've read ALL of the comments previously, but even someone like me, who has a crap ton of patience I starting to lose it. I'm not gonna uninstall the game, I will wait till Monday to play, but it seems that the real important suggestions aren't really being seen. A lot of the lesser ones are the only ones being worked on. I hope to see a real change in the future. Until then, keep fighting on Spacelords.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Xbox version ?
 on: August 24, 2018, 03:50:41 AM 
Same here. Can't load into any online matches. This is a bad first day for Spacelords on Xbox. If only they had the private matches options.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Season pass not recognized.
 on: August 23, 2018, 04:27:41 PM 
I'm having the same issue as well. I'm sorry to say to the developers but this is really unfair to those who were here since day one supporting and paying for all the campaigns before even WarDog Fury even came out. We don't even get a special bonus for even getting stuff from being here and playing since DAY ONE. Just a couple skins. We can't even get that clearly.

Suggestions / Re: Privat CO - OP
 on: December 02, 2017, 01:53:45 AM 
No, I wasn't suggesting you start over again in a new region, unless you hadn't invested too much into the game. It wasn't my real solution to the problem, but a consolation prize, so to speak.

Sadly, this is a multiplayer focused game from a small studio, their profitability relies on a large number of online players. You wouldn't expect Overwatch or CoD to go single-player for similar reasons. They need people online to flesh out the community and keep queue times reasonable, so they can't make everything available offline - but it's beyond that point for you.

Again, I agree that the drip-feed of characters and the pricing of skins is worthy of derision and should be brought up again and again. Keep making noise over these issues, they will make some concessions where they're willing. Offline content is likely not one of those areas. Likewise, keep making noise about the queue times in your region, but please state your platform and region. Hopefully they'll find a solution, even if it comes to merging regions and playing with higher ping. Ultimately, I think the W10-Xbox One playerbase will keep shrinking, so they need to do something now. Whether it's promoting the game in those territories, doing giveaways, I don't know. I think they're more likely to give up on it though, unless an alternative solution is discovered. Another option may be to scale to a certain number of players. So having 2-4 players and adjusting the difficulty around this.

Either way, I'm on your side, I'm just trying to be pragmatic.

The thing is about Overwatch and CoD is they at least have a Private match mode/custom games where you can 1v1 a friend or fight against bots if they wish and not have to play online against other people or wait for the queuing time. That's what they need to do. Have a custom game mode where we can earn the same rewards and have the same amount of fun.
Other than that, there is no real solution to this. None of us want to see this game die, which is why we are even complaining about having an Custom game/Private match mode. So we can keep playing the game, recommend it to others, and keep this series alive.
That's all we ask for. Us who HAS PAID for the unlike a big chunk of the community who only play the free demo.

Suggestions / Re: Privat CO - OP
 on: December 01, 2017, 04:00:17 PM 
I agree with this, 100% as I have put up a couple posts before about it myself.
The developers shouldn't have the mindset that this game should live or die just because of the large community they want it to have. This gave has potential and I'm loving it so far. Characters, missions, rewards is a eh, but mostly it's a good game.
It's a shame that it's one HUGE downfall is it's match making time because they won't add in a Private Match/Co-op feature because they are so heavily set on making it a 4/4v1 game.
Games are meant for the players to enjoy so that the developers get paid. They should listen to the feedback and actually try to do something about this since this is one of the BIGGEST downfall this game has. How long it takes to even join a game. Me and my best friend were all day trying to find a group for the new DLC Wardog Fury and NO matches at all. I wanted to play by his side and help him but since there's no match making option, we had no choice but to quit because he doesn't like to play solo, and is not very good at the game to do so.

Please Developers if you read this, make some type of way to have a private match session, so those of us who aren't as fortunate to find a random group of players to be able to play the game still with 1 or 2 of our other friends. It would greatly save the game and make it more recommendable, because having such waiting time kills patience and not make the game very playable or re-playable.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Fury of the wardog
 on: November 30, 2017, 06:27:57 AM 
I'm wondering the same thing. It's probably because they are going to fully release it their time, GMT 9 AM.
For us in the United States we have to wait till basically 4 AM our time before it's in full release.
The buying thing though, I don't fully understand.

Suggestions / Re: Private Games
 on: November 28, 2017, 05:10:19 AM 
This is the last thing I'm gonna say, as I don't wanna seem like a pest, but this game really does need some type of Private Match. Seeing as the player base on the Xbox community is not very big it's really boring looking for a match. And when we do find a match, it's always the first mission. Hanging by a Thread because no one wants to pay for the game. Us who do pay for the game, and play the other campaigns don't have much flexibility when it comes to playing online. I would love to play other missions other than the first one every time.
It's not fair to us paying players to have to wait so long for a single match, just because it's either wait, a lot of the times because 1 player failed to confirm, or play solo which is also very boring.
A private match update should really be on the opportunities list for us who do pay, and for us who want to play the game more, so we don't have to find a match, still get the same rewards and be able to play with a friend or 3-4 in a game we didn't have to wait 20 minutes to get into, and not need to play the same mission constantly.
This is the last I'm gonna say. I hope you guys become very successful with what your doing. Good luck.

Suggestions / Re: Private Games
 on: November 28, 2017, 01:56:52 AM 
So there will be no type of update or fix for Raiders of the Broken Planet to have any kind of Private Match system?
It would be easier to make my own games with a group if I had more players to play this, but seeing as only one other person than myself that I know plays with me this game, we are still stuck in the process of sitting for like I said, long periods of time, it's still a annoyance. I would love to recommend this game to friends, but I'm afraid I might not be supporting this game any further without some other feature to let me play with friends alone instead of having to play solo or sit there for long periods of time waiting for a game. That doesn't make a game fun in any kind of sense.   

Suggestions / Private Games
 on: November 27, 2017, 09:34:47 AM 
Hello there, I am an Xbox gamer. I love this game so far and would love to continue supporting this game. I know this isn't as much complained on the feedback topic section, but either way it is still a big one seeing as there is no option for it, and plenty of games have it, and the player base for this game isn't very large. I don't know how many people play this game, but for how long the waiting period is to find a match, I don't believe too many.
I play around the afternoon and I enjoy this game a lot. I'm excited for the new campaign to be released in 3 days since I own the Founders edition. But the player base for this game is very low at this point, and makes it hard to find matches, antagonist or raiders. I attempt to do both and it takes almost thirty minutes to find one match, or to even get into one without one player not accepting the mission.
Being able to play Private Matches, so I can play with my friends, or at least earn the same rewards as if I was to play a public match would make the game 1000% times more re-playable and recommendable to others.
I know you may not think it's your problem, but people don't have so much patience to sit there for so long, with nothing to do, just to play a single mission, just to have one person not accept and have to wait so much longer.
Please, if you read this topic, let us, or just me, know about some sort of update towards this. Private matches to be able to go into a match with just one other friend or multiple would be amazing. Thank you very much for reading.

Gameplay Feedback / Ginebra Transformation
 on: November 06, 2017, 08:32:54 AM 
First off I would like to say, I am loving her as a character and her mechanics, emotes, and all. The only thing I am not liking to much, is that Ginebra is weak when she gets in that form, but she cannot fight back to protect herself. I know it's like a means of getting away since she is a slower tanky character, but since she's in that state and can only run away, but not fight back is kinda a weakness. Which I get is good for antagonists, but is kinda annoying for the player. At least one attack would be nice, since she is very fragile in that state.
That's all I had to say about Ginebra, it's just my opinion.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Some Suggestions
 on: September 29, 2017, 06:38:27 AM 
Mechanics true but humor individuality of each character but still together if you've played borderlands you should know what im talking about I have great hope for this game

I've played Borderlands, all three of them multiple playthroughs, but I don't really see a resemblance from Borderlands and this game to be honest. Kinda the art style, but that's really it.

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