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Messages - Rukio

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Suggestions / Re: Raiders of the Broken Game
 on: November 02, 2017, 08:08:49 PM 
Rukio, before speaking with such condescension toward another player, you should really consider that perhaps you are the one who is inexperienced in this scenario. Your post was rude, and hilariously uninformed.

I'd have to disagree on that part! I'll however do a better job at collecting information to provide to you that way you and myself can stop making assumptions to have a better discussion.

I do value your opinion however. :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra seems a bit too strong.
 on: November 02, 2017, 09:47:10 AM 
See the problem with this is, the animation to go into Cougar and out is pretty long, as well as it cannot counter a grapple or melee attack. She cannot run normally so she requires it. She's super annoying to kill as the antag but maybe something else needs to come into play? The Devs probably have a counter to her in the making.

Someone that shackles would be nice.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: There needs to be a ping limiter
 on: November 02, 2017, 09:44:20 AM 
Do indie games ever have dedicated servers? I mean it would be fantastic of course, but seems a bit unrealistic. Unless they can get a big publisher behind it, but that seems unlikely with the low review scores (underserved) and low player base (also underserved).

I completely agree. Was just something to throw in the pipe. With the community of this game dwindling, I can completely see the reason they want to mix up their community together. There probably is a ping limiter that gets more relaxed the longer you wait.

I'm just choosing to stay up when I get home at 10 PM - 3 AM and most of the US is sleeping or not on Raiders.

This honestly may be something thats fixed when the game gets more players.

Gameplay Feedback / There needs to be a ping limiter
 on: November 02, 2017, 05:54:11 AM 
I'd rather sit in queue for 10 minutes than play a game where my shots come out 4 - 5 seconds later in a game 400 - 700 ping. Hopefully this is an option! I love being able to play with people anywhere. Just not like this.

Maybe dedicated servers is the proper option here?
I have no problem with it as it stands now, but only if there is a way to make sure I don't get into a 600 ping (Just finished playing, antag rage quit because he couldn't play) or a host migration to someone who gave me a solid 999 last night.

Suggestions / Re: Raiders of the Broken Game
 on: November 02, 2017, 05:36:42 AM 
This seems like an interesting, friendly discussion!

1. Difficulty:  You have created a system that punishes good players.
Hey I'd disagree on that point! The game has stayed consistently hard. The better you get at the game, the easier to becomes. I am aware that there are difficulty %s, it's all the same to me! However there comes a respect for the game where you can't run and gun. Some mobs have shotguns, it's not all assault rifles. Run at an AI with a shotgun, you win stupid prizes. The game has a cover system. Use it.

Each character has their own motive and way to be played. You can't expect to run around as a Shae and CQC everything with 60 hp. Some characters do better on certain maps. Example. Bringing Ginebra to fight Dr Kuzmann is a mistake as you only do your flat 70ish damage since you can't knock him back for example. Or bringing her to fight the guardian balls in the third mission on Alien Myths. Same thing! Hopefully you and your friends can better adapt to the roles each character brings.

2. Rewards: Whoever programmed the calculation for rewards, is an idiot. I have not had any consistency with overall score and the reward outcome.
Not sure if you've played enough matches then and paid attention. Each map you select has bars towards the bottom right of the screen showcasing how much of a currency you get regarding what mission you play. Playing a match on Hanging By a Thread without an Antag will almost certainly  give you the same amount or in the general ball park, depending on how well you did. I'll do some more testing for you later!

Instead of demanding gold with every roll and making it a useless roll, maybe a better solution would be allowing each resource available (Faction and Character) to have more meaning. Maybe to lock a skill in your character tree, have it require 25k Character pts instead of 25k gold. Add Faction and Character points to the requirement for building the weapon and lowering the gold required amount for balance.

3.Antagonist: Allow antagonists to join games at any time, just pop into an active game and mess stuff up for Raiders,
That doesn't sound like a bad idea, but what happens if I dc and am currently trying to reconnect? I've had times where for some reason the game will completely close on me and I have to wait for steam to reverify so I could get back into the game and THEN reconnect.

I disagree on lowering the difficulty when an Antag comes into play because at the end of the day. It's 4 players vs 1 and exploitable AI. Sure when you have 3 random players, a Kuzmann is OP. YOU know to break LOS with your teammates so you don't get zapped. But then NoobOwner69 sees you're in a good spot and runs over to you to join you in cover, he dies, you're wounded and the antag kills you with a melee. Players will get better. Or they will learn. Hopefully. I doubt it. I hate randoms most times but I digress.

I'm totally on board for certain Antag bonuses! Like you said, getting a certain amount of stigmas (would have to be a decent requirement) would give a dark/morphed or like you said, evil, skin that you get to buy using Gold and or Character Points and Faction Points. Maybe Stigmas become a currency and you have to use them? Rewards are important I get it. This is an ongoing topic that needs a lot of feedback on. :)

I'm totally down to keep chatting with you about how to make the game be in a better spot. Lets just keep our salt out of it so it doesn't scare away any Devs from looking in here.

Ship's Log / Re: Ginebra is available for Founders Pack owners!
 on: November 01, 2017, 11:33:20 PM 
It's obviously that she's not only my favorite, now it become a real challenge to pick her first ::)

I had a lot of fun making these images of her <3

You used Ansel for these tight? Doesn't it require you to still be in the game world? Meaning you are most likely going to die the second you get a proper pose?

Also Ginebra is a VERY good Fifth Council hunter. No longer will Kuzmann and Konsti plague the rank 0 Raiders on my watch. She is a little broken though. I'll be starting a bug list tonight.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Economy
 on: November 01, 2017, 08:10:59 PM 
Honestly, locking a card should require the corresponding points instead of Gold. If you want to lock a character card, it should cost 25k character points, and Faction points for Faction cards. Gold is already far too highly weighted.

+1 to using the corresponding points to lock a card instead of using gold, an already hard to keep or obtain resource.

Suggestions / Re: Empty Matchmaking Solution
 on: November 01, 2017, 08:06:13 PM 
Im down for a daily login. I am unfortunately only able to play during the night, around 10 pm - 3 am EST. So my frame to play with people is when e everyone is probably sleeping.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Never ending waves of enemies?
 on: November 01, 2017, 08:04:53 PM 
I love that the game is absolutely ruthless. I know what you mean on that second phase however. I had three rank 0s on my team and they all disconnected at the beginning. I had to solo the entire prolog campaign VS an Antag. Lucky Ginebra is good at hunting down any character at the moment with high survivability with map knowledge jumps.

I was stuck in that match for 55 minutes. Running to one side of the map. Making his Konstantin butt chase me. Then immediately dragging him and the other 4848695939 troops to the other. Get a few shots on the ships. Run back.

Im pretty sure there is a # cap on soldiers that really allowed to be spawned because they stop coming after awhile. But it's enough for them to form a complete circle around ya. Scary stuff!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra rare gun.
 on: November 01, 2017, 07:58:20 PM 
lol already saw someone with her 5000 skin so I guess they'll keep making all the new stuff really expensive because people keep buying it regardless

Was probably me. I like to support games that are kind of small.
Was it worth the price? Maybe not. Am I helping the community in terms of lower priced skins? Definitely not. But I did it as support because there is no other way at the moment.
it's a damn good looking skin. Just happy to help.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Overpowered Antagonist VS New Players
 on: October 31, 2017, 09:15:49 AM 
Eh because of this thread. It's kind of made me realize why there are super high level antags all the time in the prologue. So if I don't want to lose with 3 other randoms I cannot communicate with, I have to go Kuzmann or Konsti. Against a Kuzmann, if I'm anyone else my teammates will follow me and get me killed. Just kind of siphons the fun out.

Think I'll stick to queue in the Alien Myths and have fun derping around.

Suggestions / Re: Communication discussion (Text or Voice Chat)
 on: October 30, 2017, 07:26:24 PM 
Hi Rukio!

We have seen your post on Steam too! Thank you again for your ideas, we'll have them in mind in the future ;)

Loving your presence here more and more Karen. I can see the problem with adding in Voice Chat or Text Chat. So one of the other options is preferred. Hopefully this thread will bring the community out to either: Drop their own ideas or agree with one and make it known they prefer one over the other. This way the devs can see what move they should take.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Ginebra (Coming Soon???)
 on: October 30, 2017, 01:41:17 AM 
Her other skin is pretty cool.

Awesome! Can you do any close ups on a turn around?

Also.. isn't there a console screenshot option?

Suggestions / Communication discussion (Text or Voice Chat)
 on: October 30, 2017, 01:29:29 AM 
So after talking with the devs, it seems this is something the community needs to talk about in a discussion. Hopefully this generates enough discussion and an answer for them to put in something extra.

Is communication going to be available in the game? Being able to write, atleast on PC first, will help with missions. (Context: Myself and my friends have spent extra 10 - 20 minutes on objectives because we had no idea what was going on. Dealing with it now and not being able to help people learn really hurts the community.)

This is a tricky proposition. We have tried to empower communication with the ingame icons, as our community encompasses dozens of different countries and languages. And then there’s the cross-platform component (platforms don’t communicate between each other!) It’s something we are not immediately changing, but we’ll keep an eye on it if we receive an overwhelming number of petitions.

Currently in the game there is a communication wheel to say four different non-voiced options.
"Come with me!"
"I need ammo!"

While this is an ok start, the problem lies in a community unable to talk to each other. Explain things to each other. Grow with one another. As stated earlier. I was stuck in matches where people who take all the Aleph kills and not know to use it on objectives to progress. My biggest thing is I'm not able to make friends. I cannot teach people things that they may have not of known for their class. Heck, I forgot I had character abilities for a long time! Mercury has expressed that issues may pop up due to language barriers. We all know how things get when a language foreign to you enters your chat, people will often make fun of them or try to harass them/troll them.
Let's give them some options!

Some options I have thought on include the following:

-Voice the lines via the character's Voice Actor, that way you're able to distinguish who is talking to you.
Honestly, the text that appears is just a solid color with no black outline, so you barely even see it sometimes. Having characters voice things, kind of like Smite, would be extraordinary. To prevent spam, ensure you can only use a voice line once every <seconds> , if it gets spammed. Disable them from using emotes for <minutes>.

- Added emotes/icons
The current four can be used for maybe... 1/4 of the game. Then there needs to be communication of whats actually going on.
"Need Aleph to do <objective>"
"Antag has respawned "
"Do the <objective>"
"Cover Me"
"Antag sighted"

 Adding more and having the above option merged (Character voiced lines) would be pretty great.

- Pre-written messages that auto translate to the user's region language or language of choice.
Final Fantasy XIV has a great example of this. You have tons of text you can select through that has tons of types from greeting, to objective, friendship and goodbyes. This would eliminate the language barrier and as long as certain lines were mission specific, I don't see why this would hurt.

"Use Aleph to overpower the generators!"
"Get on the cannons and shoot the aircraft."
"Use Aleph to overload the Guardians!"
"Kill the snipers!"
"Use Aleph to over charge the prisoners to find the protector!"

- Typing
Now the response received mentions how PC and consoles cannot communicate. Paragon was (not sure if it is or is not still) cross platform, however they allowed PC players to type in chat and the console players were stuck using the emote system, kind of like how it is in Raiders. I'm almost certain the consoles were able to read what the PC players wrote.

- Voice chat
This one is honestly my least preferred. Without proper options to mute people and dealing with people who do inappropriate things (Yell racial slurrs, demean people with lack of proof for reporting, blaring music, etc) this could turn into a nightmare REALLY quickly.

We all know that with the ability to communicate, problems arise. Language barriers, stress, trolling and toxicity. That's where we need to make a proper choice here to get across to players how things work. The game is still fairly new, why not test the water?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Ginebra (Coming Soon???)
 on: October 29, 2017, 11:14:05 PM 
She was whooping my butt last night, but tactics out did her! She is apparently out to console players (Xbox I'm guessing). People were playing her as the Antag. Was quite a show! Her crossbow has insane animation interruption. Seemed like it was on charged up shots and not charged up shots? Couldn't really tell. Was fighting for my life and carrying as Kon.

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