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Messages - can_gooroo

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mmr is this game biggest problem
 on: August 27, 2018, 05:43:49 PM 
In this case, I do not think the MMR was an issue. You just could not carry the team in the high MMR, 63, and no one could without collaboration and planning.
You guys did not know what you were doing.

thats so no true, that I seriously suspect your average MMR 40-50 (or you usually playing with low MMR public so they pull your team MMR down). I have no intention to insult anyone, Im just sick of people explaing me that this is only locals who oneshot blasted with shotguns. Any expirienced player who watched this footage clearly can see how just couple grunts melted player even though he's from fifth councul and they quite tanky (you also can see how one grunt downed Shae with a single shove and then blasted in a second without any way to react). But I have to say, right there its not only MMR but also game overcompensating for lower-MMR antagonist and basically winning game for him (thats is how game works, in case you didn't know).

I wish Mercury actually tested their changes instead of just tweaking numbers based on players performance. I also want to say about difficulty in general, I know you increased difficulty in order to compensate our new fancy weapon upgrades, but here's a thing: we have more damage output, not more health. You designed such a great game, you clearly have to understand such obvious stuff better than any of us.

Bug report & Technical Support / Penalized for finishing mission
 on: August 23, 2018, 10:30:44 PM 
Just beat last mission with the group, made it all the way to reward screen, and apparently I penalized for leaving too early...
Also this mission crashed for 3 of us before successive try.

Also a bunch of weapons reseted to level 0, but it's stated as known issue.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Question About Skins
 on: October 24, 2017, 08:21:38 AM 
yeah, skins counts towards your rank.. personally I don't care, since raider rank is basically a cosmetic too.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Possible Hacker
 on: October 24, 2017, 08:19:34 AM 
yeah, I experienced game like this with ping 300 playing as Mikah, like literally nothing I could do when he's in the air and only rely on teammates or melee, and he was decent in melee.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Possible Hacker
 on: October 24, 2017, 07:08:37 AM 
I believe this is "hovercraft" card, it switches off his stress when he use his jetpack, so he can just fly around and regenerate his health.

If I understand correctly, I must first kill all the enemies that appear there, and then interact with the button? Well thank you

no, you need to kill elite enemies in melee (you can recognize them they have HP-bar above their heads unlike regular grunts). This way you will get "aleph" which you need to be able to overload reactors ( 1 point of aleph for each reactor).

keep in mind, that you not necessary have to fight them in melee, but you need to make a final blow in melee, it will initiate finisher-animation and give you aleph afterwards (so you can put them in a "downed" state and easily finish them with Q-button attack (light strike), they still can shoot you back in this state though).

Fan Corner / Re: Fanmade Skins (Post yours!)
 on: October 22, 2017, 05:47:32 AM 
is bunny Harec suppose to go as a part of cosmetic?

What does it do? The only time I can think of when he's invulnerable is when he spawns. Sorry if this is a stupid question lol.
I believe it affects Invulnerability after you land finisher on other player or elite.

Not really a bug, but definately annoying exploit, just saw one player (host) denied objective win to antagonist by leaving and reconnecting to the game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: This is the Best Game Ever !!!
 on: October 13, 2017, 12:13:12 AM 
It resets each week

Spacelords Universe / Re: General information collection
 on: October 12, 2017, 06:27:07 PM 
Killing enemies is 'never' as important as completing or preventing the objective
I disagree with this statement though. Clearing grunts almost as important as contribute to objective. I've been in this situation couple times when team was blindly focused on the objective and was flooded by simple grunts.

Spacelords Universe / Re: When's the next dlc?
 on: October 09, 2017, 11:40:40 PM 
there was a developer on someone stream in the chat and stated that they really hope to make 1 campaign each 2 month. So, as well as I want new mission content too, we shouldn't expect it any time soon.
I really hope they use this time to keep quality of content on the level and also expand variety of mission mechanichs (last one is what I little bit concern about, since I can see it might be pretty much the same missions in a diffirent environment). Hope they'll introduce new elites, new cool objectives and boss fights... Have you mentioned though? There is no elite troops in Fifth Council so far as well as any aleph-related objectives in missions with them? I wonder if they planned any or it's kinda "army feature".

Fan Corner / Re: My Fanart
 on: October 09, 2017, 08:40:55 PM 
good job, man, good job indeed

AFK farming #PapaKembaliKeDP
okay, this dude still in the game and AFKing farming, just mentioned him on someone else stream... looks like Mercury Steam doesn't care.
he changed his nickname a bit, it still him:
he also created this topic on steam:
rip if he's going to farm 120k gold this way

Spacelords Universe / Re: Do we have a date for Kunzmann?
 on: October 06, 2017, 05:31:39 AM 
As Kunzmann said himself: I'll be back... uhm!.. real soon.   ::)

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