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Messages - Shiro

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Hola Surdonov,

Muchas gracias por tu análisis. Como habrás podido comprobar en las notas de Parche que publicamos, la dificultad de algunas misiones se ha ajustado para que el juego continúe resultando un desafío, especialmente para jugadores experimentados como tú, ya que ganar cada partida no es precisamente un reto.

De hecho, tu experiencia y nivel de juego determina precisamente la alta dificultad de tus partidas, haciendo muy recomendable que, cuando sea posible, cuentes con un equipo con el que te puedas coordinar eficientemente.

Precisamente comentas que algunos Raiders son los más indicados para ciertas misiones, y eso es la intención del equipo de Diseño; incentivar la experimentación con diferentes personajes y loadouts para encontrar la fórmula idónea para masterizar cada misión.

En cuanto a esto, creo que Surdonov se refiere a que se ha priorizado el dar más dificultad a los pocos players que han llegado a niveles altos por encima de gente nueva que quiera aprender y mejorar en el juego, pero no me voy a meter en eso.

El problema real radica en muchos detalles que no hacen el juego difícil, sino injusto.
Me explico:
- Guarida de la bestia: en ocasiones aparece una francotiradora que no tiene láser en el rifle y que es capaz de disparar a cadencia completa, el jugador no tiene ningún tiempo de respuesta ante esto y muere sin más.

- Bots de Iune: No soy el único que ha experimentado como en partidas difíciles, en las que los bots son héroes del combate cuerpo a cuerpo y maestros de la puntería, esto es normal, vale. Lo que no es normal es que con Iune captures a uno de estos super bots y de repente se convierta en un  inofensivo muñequito a pilas. No le llegan ni a la suela de los zapatos a su habilidad anterior a ser poseídos.

- Mis favoritos, los "hackers":  En esta categoría incluyo las diversas veces que me he encontrado con un bot que, al estar yo golpeándolo cuerpo a cuerpo, son capaces de dispararte o golpearte. Me ha pasado muchas veces y no soy el único. Se supone que en las mecánicas de este juego, si te están golpeando lo único que puedes hacer es rodar para salir del combo de golpes y poder hacer algo.  Pues bien hay veces en las que los enemigos se saltan estas mecánicas, lo que lleva a una frustración mayor ya que esto no es dificultad, es hacer trampa.

-Bots con radar: Juego mucho aliens, y me gusta aprovechar su habilidad para entrar en sigilo y eliminar ciertos objetivos sin arriesgarme a un intercambio de disparos. Me he encontrado muchos casos en los que bots (sobretodo élites) te "huelen" cuando te acercas a ellos en sigilo y o bien empiezan a correr a una posición más segura o alzan el arma y me apuntan directamente a través de la pared sin verme.

My Squad and I noticed the same at 76%+ .

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Loaht's forever beast form has to go
 on: January 19, 2018, 07:58:26 AM 
Coming with the next patch (patch notes here:, the Tough card from Loaht does not affect the Beast's health degeneration. That was an unintended consequence and it's been fixed. (Aaaand, we forgot to include that in the patch notes :( )

Combining the right cards and getting into the game with a clear strategy in mind is the intended design of the game.

The kind of strategy-counterstrategy discussion we have here is just beautiful! However, we do keep an eye on any combinations that are getting out of hand and fix it as it is the case.

I hope the bug where he cannot transofrm again after de-transforming during some matches is fixed too, that was making him barely unplayable since you can only use the beast form once per life

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: January 07, 2018, 04:35:47 PM 

we play with people who just skyrockets the difficulty score with their levels (and levels adquired by buying's unfair),

Just to be fair, player's levels don't raise up the difficulty of the missions, that's just an aestethic thing. People "skyrocket" the difficulty score because they win matches, so their ratio increases. Every time you win, you add 0.5% to your personal score, when you lose it decreases by 0.75% aproximately.
The thing is the playerbase is pretty small so we can't afford to have a strict matchmaking to even the games.
I personally know what playing high difficulty levels is, and its unfair to newer players, those games require to have a good setup of characters. Ultimately that happens in all online multiplayer games, there are times you can pick the characters you like the most, but at last, we all want to win and we know that we must pick the strongest characters for every map (and yes that involves not picking 2 snipers in close range maps).

Suggestions / Re: Reward and Progression Ideas.
 on: December 20, 2017, 03:09:41 PM 
I second this  ;D

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: December 18, 2017, 07:28:08 PM 
I can at least admit that with the higher bump in players, it no longer takes nearly thirty minutes to find matches like it used to, which helps out with the higher gold rates. Unfortunately, for people like me who have small friends lists (since I only add people I know personally, or have played a ton with) the invitation system is basically useless. Everyone I know either doesn't want to play the game, played it and hated it since it was/is an unfair grind with crazy wait times with a clear incentive to try and force you to pay more real money,  or already owns both campaigns.

Just a note, Shiro, your argument is terrible. It might just be a peeve of mine, since I hate that argument IRL as well, but I feel that "New people shouldn't complain because older people had it worse" (people should always complain if they see a problem, even if the problem isn't as bad as it used to be) is meaningless, especially if the system is still bad.  And again, it's a coop game. Talking down about someone's time to beat a mission means nothing when it's all cooperative. You could be the best player in existence, but that doesn't mean a darn thing if the rest of your team doesn't know how to play. I've spent exorbitant amounts of times on missions because my team kept dying, and I stubbornly just ran around surviving until they were revived.

My argument can convince you or not, its just my point of view.
Then you are recieving an invitation system that allows you to rush characters pretty fast, but it is not of your convenience because you lack on friends to play.
So now imagine they just raise up the gold income enough for people who can't use invitations to get the new characters in less time. But of course, people still can get tons of gold by inviting other players .
What do they do with that amount of gold? it makes the game boring having all content (the free content of course) in less that 2 weeks. In that case some people would get bored about the game, not having more objectives and leave. We are again at the point were there are not enough players to find matches in a reasonably amount of time. If you dont want to use the gold income system they hand at you, then you shouldn't complain, i know people with more than 600k of gold, with already all the content unlocked, they are no unicorns, just people who have been earing it by playing.

The fact is that by "complaining", we got this system at least, and we have learned to use it so now the gold income is pretty good.
You can't change a whole game mechanic just because one player can't or doesn't want to use the invitation system, that's pretty selfish.
That's why i said new players shouldn't being complaining about something that is mostly fixed nowadays, it feels a bit disrespectful to the rest of the community who grinded hard for those items.

Now about the "i only find noobs in my games so i can't raise up my scores and get better rewards".
I started playing this game alone then, someday, another player who i was playing with added me in steam and we started playing together. After that, another one, some time later i got invited into a discord channel with a pretty great amount of players which i have been playing, improving and, the better part, getting fun. If you play alone because you don't want to play with unknown people its fine, but you are closing yourself to the chance of actually enjoying the game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: December 18, 2017, 10:19:10 AM 
I just made 100K + of gold in one day, your argument is invalid, so are your maths ^^

I'm curious, were you also being forced to share that gold between three others while also waiting anywhere between fifteen to twenty-five minutes between each mission?

People in this forum seem to be under the belief that if they themselves got lucky and managed to get a lot of gold quickly, that everyone else also must be. Like that picture posted just above my post. Sharing that image as if it's common for any one player to get that much.  Most of the time, it would have been split between the team.

Yes, i had to share almost in every game with 2/3 people. The key here is that you can use the recently added feature of inviting people to play the game with pink tickets. When you invite someone who don't have the campagin you are playing, at the end of the match you both earn 5k of gold, wheter you win or not.
Having that in mind, even if you don't pick gold in any of the games you play, for every 10 games you and your partner will be gaining 50K of gold.

Moreover, if you need 30 minutes to complete ANY of the missions in the game it's because you need to play better and learn to do objectives. A well played mission usually lasts about 8-15 min as much, that adds a little change to that mathematic formula someone just put in here.

I am not defending the prices of the characters, but I feel new players have no rights to complain about Iune's price when some others had to grind 120K or 360K when the invite feature wasn't even implemented, and there were half the missions we can play today.

Now you can get Ginebra in about a week. Still a lot of time of course but let's be honest, there aren't THAT many characters to acquire and the gold income has been raised a lot since game started.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: December 17, 2017, 02:47:27 PM 
I just made 100K + of gold in one day, your argument is invalid, so are your maths ^^

Hi, sorry i was out from the forum for a while.
I followed Stranno's advice and emailed

Already recieved an answer so I'm satisfied.
Thank you so much Stranno and MSE_KarenHB for replying.

I don't know why there isn't a report player option ingame, btw i'm posting this here. Today i was playing hanging from a thread and GAROU1vs1 (console player) started burning up lifes suiciding at the spawn zone. This has driven the team to a premature defeat due to we were 3 players against the IA and that guy was wasting all our lifes.

I was able to make a screen of one of his suicides, so i was wondering if you find this punishable. I think there should be an option to dump this kind of players from the game.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: After mission cutscenes crash
 on: December 07, 2017, 11:48:35 PM 
Hello there, I have a friend with exactly the same issue, he has just losty the chance to get any reward in the mission "The enemy Within" and that's not even the first time it happens.
He sent a message to the game support a week ago, still haven't recieved a reply.

We need some help with this issue, theres too much people with this kind of crashes that feel pretty ignored.

Hope some devs can answer this someday

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