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Messages - aadkaa

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: The Antagonist system need reworked.
 on: April 15, 2018, 04:55:03 AM 
"you punish us for losing an Antagonist match by taking away from our MMR"

After purposely trying to lower my MMR last night.... lower MMR is NOT a "punishment" my dude.... High MMR doesn't offer any better rewards, and the games are just harder and takes longer to get antagonist games. High MMR is a scam and I no longer care to keep it up.

That’s not the point. If having an higher MMR increases the chance of getting weapons I want it high. If anything will help with this shit doesn’t drop system I’m using it.

I think the issue is the level system. It’s flawed.

Gameplay Feedback / The Antagonist system need reworked.
 on: April 15, 2018, 01:32:50 AM 
Y’all can’t be serious?! So because I have a life and can’t get to level 100 within the 1st couple weeks of the new system. I can’t even damage some of the Raiders.

I played 2 matches as the Antagonist. 1 with players over level 85 and the next one person was on level 122! Haha like wtf? I got job, go to school, and got a social life.

I dropped the payload with the smoking daisy on the person that was level 122. Didn’t even take half his life. Haha.

I’m so confused as to how this is what yous wanted to achieve. Screw the gold you spent leveling up your random fist symbol to become a bow ,then knife and axe. Which was pointless. Not only will you punish us for losing an Antagonist match by taking away from our MMR now you punish us if we don’t play the game in a week because you come back and try to get into it in the Raiders are way beyond your level of skill.

When this game first came out I had to farm for 2 months for smoking daisy. So I understand your frustration. And I have no words of encouragement because this game does so much to wreck it’s on Fanbase.

My MMR is 58. I’m level 45 even tho I’ve been playing since day one. But anyways I get matched up with level 2’s and 3’s all day and I do all the work only for them to take the weapons and if we lose my  MMR drops cause the team I’m forced to play with is trash. This game is bullshit!

It's possible you need an 'Advanced Blueprint' because that confused me a lot too. I didn't know there were multiple versions of blueprints I thought you just kept using the same ones. However, apparently there are qualities within each blueprint now and you need the next best quality to do upgrades.

Oooh that could be then. I didn't realize that.

Ok, Thanks for response.

Got all requirements for The Makilium but I can’t build it. Also I’m getting blueprints for weapons I already have but it’s showing a red x next to the blueprint I’ve just been rewarded. So I can’t upgrade.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Blueprints
 on: April 04, 2018, 07:41:12 AM 
Yeah I just got the Ferox Impetus and I’m having the same issue it’s not showing up for upgrade.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: OK I tap out, I submit. MecurySteam you win.
 on: December 19, 2017, 07:51:14 PM 
Fuck this game dude! I was going to get into it but after reading so many of these negative post. I think ill pass. I tried the 1st mission, was fun. But I don't have that kind time on my hands at all. Play Overwatch, or Warframe. Both drop rates are better. And there isn't this timer you speak of to use items. Don't waste anymore money. Sometimes you just have to admit you got burned and move on. Seems this developer doesn't care either way.

Its honestly a fun game. So it’s hard to just stop playing and they are trying it feels like. But I have posted multiple times about this issue and emailed these guys with no response. And I’m not even complaining about the money. I can farm for characters but the weapon drop rate and having to wait a week for Antagonist rating blows.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: OK I tap out, I submit. MecurySteam you win.
 on: December 18, 2017, 08:25:38 PM 
I'm surprised you still have squadmates. They must be very patient people.

Yeah they are pretty cool people. And we all pretty much enjoy the game. But have they are trying to convince me to keep try only for us to come up empty handed. But I’m done. This is to much.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: OK I tap out, I submit. MecurySteam you win.
 on: December 18, 2017, 08:22:57 PM 
did yall lose your sets of of lives
because if you lose lives back to back your difficult rating wont be really high when you're being graded thus meaning no skins big fella

My squad is pretty good we have made it through that mission only dying once. And never losing all our lives if an anatgonisi was present. I don’t think the scoring system matter cause the aura Mortis drops no matter what or nothing.

Gameplay Feedback / OK I tap out, I submit. MecurySteam you win.
 on: December 18, 2017, 03:33:55 PM 
 So going into the 2nd week of farming for the smoking Daisy. I decide that every moment I get I’m just going to play hanging by thread. Got my team together no matter how bored and annoyed we got we kept doing hanging by thread until they found me the smoking Daisy no luck not even a coin flip.

So around 11 PM I decide the farm for the thing by myself because they all got to go to work in the morning after three missions I find a smoking Daisy but I lose it to some random dude in the coin flip. Gave me a little bit of hope at least after two weeks I finally seen the damn thing in coin flip.

Play around 6 more times. No luck so I go to sleep I wake up around 6:30 jump right back on the game start playing hanging by a thread. Still no luck. Then around 7 it happened my Antagonist ranking goes to 0. So even if I somehow get lucky enough to get the smoking daily after all this time of not being lucky enough to get it I have to wait a whole week for some timer that mercury steam feel necessary to hang over peoples head after I already bought campaigns, skins for some reason yous  have this Nazi protocol in place to let the customers know this is when you can reap the benefits of something you worked hard for and that’s exactly what his game has become Work!

One of my squad mates hates doing hanging by thread so much that he avoids playing with me sometime because he knows that’s all I’m going to want to play so I was kind of forced to play alone when I finally did see the drop after so long of waiting for it. 

Oddly enough Antagonist mode is one of my favorite features of the game. But I haven’t honestly had fun playing the game for a while because I have been working and grinding 15- 20 minutes at a time playing hanging by a thread for something that only dropped once for me in 2 weeks.

Everyone on my squad jokes that maybe I have an ex that works at Mercurysteam because the amount of times that we’ve all played that mission together it makes no sense that it’s never dropped. But seriously they downloaded the game before wardog fury came out and they obtain the smoking Daisy and other weapons before. Now most of them have all the weapons and even they noticed that the drop rates are different especially for the smoking Daisy because it is on a mission with three common drops maybe.

I feel so much resentment towards this game. It’s like a relationship you don’t want to walk away from but I’m just too stressed out from a damn video game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: the end...180K
 on: December 18, 2017, 09:40:16 AM 
At this point I can’t even argue with your logic. It feels like you spend more time trying to come up with reasons to keep playing rather than simply enjoying it.

I got 200k only cause I’m have been saving gold for Ginebra and having been grinding for 2 weeks for Smoking Daisy. Without a single coin flip appearing for it. Around 11 pm today I decide to play without my squad mates. And after 3 matches the Smoking Daisy drops and I lose it to some random player in the flip. After trying to find that blueprint for 2 weeks with my squad. It drop at free 11pm! Like what kinda sick joke? So now I’m up almost 3am now trying get it to drop again.  10 matches in no smoking Daisy again. And I don’t know how many times I’ve played this hanging by thread mission in the last two weeks.

 I know it’s a little off topic but the point is valid this game just feels like WORK!  It’s crazy because I don’t work this hard at my real job! So again I understand your frustration.

I appreciate the feedback from other players, but Im at a lost for words with this game.  I have done everything got a team, got high scores, had Antagonist, but still no luck.
My brother has Xbox one we farmed for it on there for a week before war dog fury release. Took about 5 days but we got it and the had to wait for Antagonist rank. Now after release of content it’s harder to find because it’s on a level with 3 common weapons. And they drop 9 times out of 10. So I have been trying get 1 weapon for 2 weeks on 2 different consoles with no luck. I just don’t have it in me to play this game the same mission for the 1000th time only to get an Aura Mortis. To hell with this game! Haven’t even seen a coin flip for it.

1st this games rating scale is from 0 through 7.9 they handing out nothing else haha. I found a good team and for like 2 days now we have been playing “ hanging by a thread” and even they think something is up now. And I play Warframe I know about grinding. Raiders is just punishment. Buy the next expansion or you don’t get blueprint.

I’m done with this ridiculous game! Why the hell is the drop rate so damn stupid it not even fun. I done same level 40 times with no blueprint drop for smoking Daisy wtf!

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