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Messages - Roronao

Pages: [1]
Russian (general forum) / Re: Болталка
 on: November 25, 2018, 10:56:13 PM 
Это баг, если сразу после начала 2-го этапа взорвать бур, то засчитает поражение

Russian (general forum) / Re: Ошибки локализации
 on: September 25, 2018, 08:54:45 AM 
Вкладка "Вселенная".
На миссиях, в роликах перед и после миссий их зовут "Защитниками", так что тут надо переименовать:
1, 3, 4 - "Защитники"
5, 7, 9, 10 - "Защитников"
6 - "Защитника"
2 - "Защитники" (ничего другого, как по мне тут не вставиш)
8 - "Корабль-носитель" (в английской версии тут стоит "the mother ship")

Russian (general forum) / Re: Ошибки локализации
 on: September 25, 2018, 01:35:33 AM 
1 и 6 - "Следующее улучшение на LV199" или "Следующее улучшение после достижения LV199" или "Повышение Кузнечного навыка на LV199"
2 - Долдрен
3 - Рак Маюра
4 - Аяна Квена
5 - Шнайдер

Зачем делать костюм, который выглядит стрёмно и в придачу стоит 12$  ?
Вот если бы было, что-то вроде "Монашки Кустодии", как на Шае, то ещё можно было бы подумать.

Suggestions / Re: New HUD elements since latest patch
 on: April 29, 2018, 01:44:17 PM 
it useful for Lycus coin and maybe for Gans K8

Suggestions / Antagosnist MMR
 on: April 18, 2018, 12:52:30 AM 
Create one MMR for raiders and second MMR for antafonist. Problem that if you have mmr 60 or more you will play against 4 players with same mmr and you will have 0 chances to win (that mean 0 chances to make some fan or blueprint). also was problem in finding a game for antagonist with high mmr

I 1,5 week try to get blueprint for kuzz, complete mission with score 8.1-8.8 and get bluprint only when fail mission. So 5 days grinding is not so much as you think.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Mastery?
 on: December 04, 2017, 09:44:39 AM 
Give opportynity to see how much Mastery i have and how much mastery have my teammates, friends(if you sometame add friend list)

Loath rare weapon(Buble gun) dont make damage to Marmelade. I shot too eye, hand, his weak point but dont make damage. Same story with uras-beherit this gun take damage only to lower spore, when i shoot to higher spore grenade just bounce off and fall to ground and dont make damage, in The Shock mission same problem i cant make damge to tentacles.
And I found new bug in The Shock, a few minutes after the start mission this gun stoping making damage to characters and mobs. This bug was in solo mode.

 Well core gameplay and characters design is the reason why game did not die in October

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Can't equip locked cards.
 on: December 02, 2017, 10:39:08 AM 
I have the same problem

Agreed. also:
-Disable accese to prolog mission antagonist that have 2nd rank of raiders and higher, becous they easely kill newbies, and newbies after these leave game forever, give F2P antagonist acces to 2-3 mission from DLC and change avalable missions every week, this will give us some newcomers. I think this change can be very quickly introduced.

-Greate some Leage of Riders and Leage Riders vs Antagonist, where every months will be best score for compleating mission and best average score for compleating all missions. must be reward for average score all missions and reward for each mission, reward should be given to all players, reward should be the mercury point, this will give some goal to veteran to stay in game and you can leave the prices for skins Ginebra and Loath. Similar system of seasons work in the Overwatch and Diablo 3, when the new season begins, the number of players increases.

-Add chat where you can find some players, friend, where newbies can ask help and ask some questions about game. Add friendlist. I dont ask give us chat in mission, but give us opportunity to find teammate before mission.

-Give antagonist opportynity to surrender, becous somtimes  ping was 200-300 or Raiders was too strong. Give antagonsit 3 minute to decedi leave or stay, if he leave in that time he dont lose stigma and raiders continue mission. When ping was 200-300 melee system dont work propetly and some shots dont make damge.

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