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Messages - XjabberwockieX

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Remove the grind and add fun.
 on: February 25, 2019, 07:08:16 AM 
I love all these new players telling everyone how the grind is too hard and that the game will die down soon if something isnt done. Characters are much more affordable now. Play the game (Or don't) stop expecting everything to be handed to you after 5 or 6 matches. Fyi, if the game did die down anymore it would literally flatline, it has plenty of problems but making characters even cheaper than they already are is NOT going to fix any of them.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: 5 minute penalty
 on: February 11, 2019, 08:53:57 PM 
In my experience Placelord you have to sit out penalty with game opened. You know, for reasons.. ::)

If Spacelords retained half the low levels I have witnessed rage quit never to return again then business would be boomin. If they fix this problem by implementing the kind of locked difficulty settings that may make matches a breeze for more experienced players when paired with starting ones this game would be in a better state. Similar ideas have been brought forward quite a bit for months now and to my knowledge it has yet to be addressed. I run into players level 20 and under all the time even though I have high mmr and they have no business being put into a match they have no chance in. More than half the time they quit early and many I can't say I can recall ever seeing again. I'm not a programmer and I don't know how much work it would take to put a system like this in place but it needs it.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Kicked out of group
 on: January 28, 2019, 03:50:43 PM 
This is indeed true. Since the guild update I was finally able to invite and  play with friends from both France and Australia! Before the update it was not possible for me to do so seeing as how I am on the NA server and they are not.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 24, 2019, 01:15:24 AM 
The craziest thing to me after watching the marmalade melting video in 8 seconds is that I have NEVER seen anything like that when my team gets an antagonist. Even the same antagonist from the video (Mr.Senpai) When he or ANY OTHER Antag gets us, they get help, PLENTY of help. When we win (not always, but usually) It is because we are better as a team and familiar with the tactics needed to win the match. On average we are around 65-75 mmr at any given time.
  I believe Draco when he says Antagging is dead but somethings gotta give because in my experience as a lifetime raider as opposed to lifetime antagonist, these levels do give the antagonists alot of help. Its gotta be with the mmr rating. Too many low mmr players running around getting top tier antagonists and the map just fails antag completely.
 Any antag that wants to have a good fight, XjabberwockieX is my psn, I want to invite you to friend me, allow me to set up a match with you and my guild and I can prove to you, the maps give help, lots of it. I really enjoy improving against the best the antag world has to offer, and ya'll deserve some backup too. See u guys out there.

Spacelords Universe / Re: New player
 on: January 12, 2019, 05:47:22 PM 
Queing for matches can be anywhere between 15 seconds to 5 or 10 minutes  based on how many maps you Q for. The more maps you select the faster you will find a game.
Your mmr is the level of difficulty the missions will be. It is averaged among all four players. Starting out your mmr will be low (20's probably) and by winning missions it increases, losing decreases. Above 50mmr is widely considered high mmr so enemies in missions starting at 50mmr feel a bit more bullet spongey and there are more of them.
 Being carried is just something that will happen at times and its best not to worry too much about it. This games matchmaking has a tendency to throw level 1s in with 3 300+ lv players often enough and a level 1 just wont be effective. Use that time to feel out the combat and level and observe your allies while trying not to die every 15 seconds because the team shares lives ;)
   Welcome to Spacelords!

Spacelords Universe / Re: Sooma or Aneska?
 on: January 11, 2019, 01:24:03 AM 
Man I hope its not three more months. Its been an eternity since Valeria.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Sooma or Aneska?
 on: January 10, 2019, 09:55:17 PM 
@Arnold, love the El Dorado clip! My vote if we have only one for right now would be Aneska! ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 10, 2019, 09:51:11 PM 
I dont know how that Hive in the video was still standing. She was getting lit up by the adds like The Hulk at the end of the first Avengers was from all those little hoverships. Definitely shooting bb's, what a joke. If I remember correctly our match with you was after the update on Weapon from the Past and afterwards we saw that we had the higher mmr advantage and you actually got solid help, we didnt even get into the 2nd phase of that one. If a player as skilled as you is losing 90% of the time as Antag then something within the game is broken and needs to be fixed. The teams I run with always get Antags lower than us, never higher and so all I have seen from the Raider view has looked balanced but that video clip..Something is definitely off for sure. 

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Unbeatable Shortfused
 on: January 10, 2019, 05:08:50 PM 
Thankyou for addressing that, good to know it wasnt intended. :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 10, 2019, 05:05:50 PM 
10% sounds about right lol. Whenever I need some cards on the Antag side I Q  for antag, finally get a match, get a generally very experienced team across from me, lv300+ and by the time the match starts I realize very quickly I am on my own, completely on my own. Like if I dont spawn the Raiders have nothing at all to shoot at.
  @Draco, could your bad matches be an mmr thing? I generally sit around 70mmr, many of the players I regularly play with are high 60's as well, so our maps balance to 68 or 69mmr 99% of the time. When we last played you as a team, and lost, with your mmr mid 50's or so, you had an enormous amount of back up, and they were swarming. With you being among the best antags in the game, you must have felt you had more than enough map support at that point. Has the game to your knowledge been altered from that time, or is it that you are still very often a much higher mmr than the teams you come across and its a matter of Mercurysteam tweaking the toughness and AI of the backup you expect to recieve, but haven't been benefiting from recently?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback from a 1 month player
 on: January 10, 2019, 04:49:04 PM 
Level500+ Player here, I agree with every point you've made. What is considered a Mentor match especially needs to be redefined. It should ATLEAST be lv.20 if not even higher AND increase based on how many low levels you carry through. No disrespect to you either as you seem to be a knowledgeable player but in general when higher level players see even level 50's or 60's we feel like there is a great chance they could drag the team down. Mercurysteam is constantly evolving spawnrates and adjusting difficulty that most of us arent even breathing that true sigh of relief until max forge level. (That used to be lv150, now apparently its 200 or something.)
  Recently when I team with one or two other players (usually members of my guild) We are still paired with very low level players >20. We are talking a difference in mmr of 30+ points, atleast! All they can do under those circumstances is eat up the lives because the difficulty is punishing, often they quit, even if collectively we are winning the level despite their struggles. When lv375 antags show up and we have 2 level 10's, how is that fair? Particularly to the lv10's? I dont have all the answers for how to fix everything but I like your ideas and encourage you to keep bringing things up to help Mercurysteam improve the game.

It happens to everyone from time to time. If your internet acted up or your power went out during the match, you are treated as though you quit and will recieve a 5 minute penalty and warned not do it more or there will be harsher consequences. I havent heard of anyone being permanently banned, but rest assured, it happens to everyone.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Cutscenes skip. Seriously.
 on: January 09, 2019, 07:59:29 AM 
I wonder if its possible that each person has the choice to watch them or not. If I choose to skip the cutscene could I spawn into the game and get started regardless if Johnny Lv.5 decides to watch the cutscene or not. Perhaps Huey, Dewie or Louie could spawn in their place until they are done watching it. If the antagonist wants to watch it, let them, it really only hurts their time to make our lives hell. I believe this is a good idea that could satisfy everyone as well.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Cutscenes skip. Seriously.
 on: January 08, 2019, 08:26:51 PM 
100% agree cutscenes after the first time are a waste of time, break up the flow of the game and when we are forced to watch them repeatedly by either new players/antagonists/people who need a quick bathroom break. It can be maddening. I know I went off on a tangent about mmr but I felt like I had to address your assertion that a person's  inability to skip cutscenes we're driving away new players worse than anything else and I obviously disagree with that. A overall player vote should be implemented into cutscenes so that they don't detract from the flow of the game and waste 99% of players' time.
 The entire subject is extra frustrating because these things have been brought up numerous times and it's pretty obvious that Mercurysteam is just not interested in changing it, in fact with the cinema mode they have given us an ADDITIONAL way to enjoy the cutscenes not address our desire to bypass them in favor of maximizing our game time.

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