on: December 03, 2020, 05:15:13 AM
"Is that so? I'm always having hard time dealing with HIVE."
For my 1500+ hours in ROTBP/SL when i see HIVE against me i never thought:
"Damn they picked HIVE , it would be tough match"
When i see HIVE pretty much always she is easy frag.
She is one of easiest characters to deal with no matter who you pick ,
just monitor where she is and dont allow her to get close , thats it.
There is no need to pick her when Lycus exist , same role and playstyle but overall better than her.
"Doldren? Well... ok. Harec? Maybe.
But what about Shae and Iune?"
Any Local counter her with ease , thanks to extremely good talents and damage.
340-500 hp is nothing for locals and can delete HIVE with no problem while HIVE only tool what allow her survive is Shy protective bubble.
And they can also easily beat HIVE in CQC thanks to talents again.
"Choosing a melee fighter on the map for a sniper and complaining? Seriously?"
There is only few stages in the game what allow HIVE to feel decent.
First stage of Breath of Hope(maze) and White Noise are only ones where she feel very good.
Other CQB maps and stages are bad for her due to poor spawns and objectives. Raiders can easily spawn camp her and rush objectives with ease.
"But all characters suffer from MMR , poor spawns and objectives!"
Yes all suffer , thing is if this issues will be addressed all characters will be indirectly buffed.
For example:
HIVE current "strength" is 5 out of 10 , other characters 6-7 out from 10.
After this issues will be fixed , HIVE would be 6 out of 10 while other characters would go 7-8(just example).
She have fundamental flaws what cant be fixed by skill and current talent roster is very lackluster.
She is pure CQC character in the "gun meta" state of game , plus add how buggy and inconsistent CQC is(I dont think CQC will be ever fixed)
I'm not saying she is weakest character in game.
She is decent Raider but as Antagonist she is one of worst character you can pick.