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Messages - AlephWeaver

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Chat
 on: May 11, 2018, 01:34:31 AM 
I agree, or at least a system like monster hunter that lets you set up premade messages. i like that we can give out calls but it would be alot better if you could say exactly what you wanted. Having messages set up for specific scenarios and such.

Suggestions / Re: Top Tier Character Health Boost
 on: May 09, 2018, 10:25:31 PM 
I don't disagree that they have really good potential. I just feel like that slight boost of health would be nice. If a shotgun unit comes up behind you or you get more than one persons attention on you. I'd like to feel like with level my armor is actually doing something. I don't feel like bumping them up to 80 health would make them unbalanced.

Suggestions / Mikah Dopple Switch
 on: May 09, 2018, 09:11:34 PM 
I think the need to reduce the time Mikah has invincibility frames after switching with her dopple. Ive seen mikah take on entire teams just from nobody being able to land a hit on her or the invincibility frames lasting long enough for her to get away. Its not fair to have one person in the game who can completely deflect being hit from a strike,sometimes that's the only advantage lower level players have over an antagonist is being able to fight them hand to hand.

Suggestions / Deck Merging
 on: May 09, 2018, 07:38:07 PM 
Rather than being able to select one card from each category. You should make it so that they aren't separated. Make it so that you can choose still only 2 cards to take with you, but the option to use 2 cards in the same category.

Suggestions / Top Tier Character Health Boost
 on: May 09, 2018, 07:34:55 PM 
I noticed that even at higher levels all the characters in Locales Faction are very easily downed by antagonist and grunts. Maybe a boost from 60 to 80 just to give a slight bit more survivability. Iune for instance absolutely has to grab an enemy to make use of her mind control ability. Which more often than not can end in disaster against a single grunt.

Suggestions / Chaos Mode
 on: May 09, 2018, 08:39:15 AM 
A mode where it changes the enemy spawns to not be specific for a stage, for example the Hanging By A Thread mission. Rather than just the regular grunts, Make it so elites or even other enemies from the other factions spawn in together.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Cheater
 on: May 06, 2018, 06:08:10 PM 
Yea I played my 2nd game with him today and he did it again. me and my friend intentionally failed the mission just so he couldn't get that much from it. I really think they need to make it so he cant connect to the game if he's not even going to play or even more so increase the difficulty for other players and not even help.

After playing a several matches with Iune I noticed that enemies that are converted by you, when falling from an height above you will actually stagger your player. Not a game breaking mechanic but ive had it happen a few times and that interruption can cause a problem.

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