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Messages - Felwulf, the calm

Pages: [1]
Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Spawning problem
 on: May 03, 2018, 11:10:43 PM 
Can you get off your high horse and understand that we paid for a FULL game??? Just undestand that and you will see. They said that was a BIG OVERHAUL, it's not like the game is on beta, or at least, the other beta games don't have so much broken mechanics! I not accusing you of "white knighting" you the one who came here to ditictade how I am suppose to say or expose the problems. Do your own thing and I will do my own, it's that simple man. As long this games sucks this much it has no value.
I worn down of dealing with fanboys and weak people. You play well, but thinks too small about how big this game can be. Look how much time the game already launched, for the sakes of christ on a cross. Now keep playing and beign the person that you are, I like you and you are something that I can't right now, but dont coming with verbosity trying to educate me, man. You are just another person.

Oh, and BTW you can't demand nothing to me, I'm not the one who spoiled you. Grow up.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Cant connect to server
 on: May 03, 2018, 06:01:43 PM 
My advice is gather evidence to some kind of refund, that's what I am doing.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Spawning problem
 on: May 03, 2018, 05:56:31 PM 
He isn't wrong though problems like this should be fixed ASAP.

And yet, this isn't any way to report a problem. Have you ever worked tech support and had someone call just screaming about things not working and your job is to fix it, without giving any proper information, but they are sure to let you know how angry they are? I report problems as much as possible, but cursing about "bullshit" replies and "F-in updates" isn't gonna get anyone anywhere.

I have worked customer service tech jobs for years so this is not cool, the post just sounds like someone angry that we can't get a technician out to their house today and they have to wait till friday, so they yell and ask to talk to a manager :|

Also, this is relevant:

I f they take the game to BETA I will report will all sccreeshots and videos that u want, but I pay a full fledge price I want a full fledge game. ~OOOOHHHHHH my god, Felwulf. What you saying? We can ask for a game that works well after we payed?~
Yes, we can!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Spawning problem
 on: May 03, 2018, 05:51:28 PM 
Or your guys from MS can grow some ball give all money back, and get the game back to some kind open beta, then relaunch the game *cough* *cough* FF14 *cough*, but I know this will not happen...

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Spawning problem
 on: May 03, 2018, 05:45:29 PM 
Stop beign so polite and starting demanding things maybe things get better befor the game fails. You all are so polite and everything and I don't see nothing happening, no hotfixes or other things, I asked if I can get my money back based on poor matchmaking and inabiliy to play the game, no one answer. Now I just dont recommend we someone ask and I not alone, all my friends who dont know the game well just say: OOOOHhhhhh that broken game? I will not play it, theres better free to play.

You want to compete in gaming you have to compete, people will not get out of their way to understand and be chill.

PS: stop focusing on my bad choice in words and focus on the bad balance system that when I bring new players they get fucked by the shit mmr system and can't kill nothing. Nice way to go breaking your own game MS, nice way, we love and want to play the hell of your game with all of our friend, but u sill just a little Warframe game, the updates comes, we play and then we let go, the problem is that we only play for a 2 days and leave alone like those cartriges of "great" games that don't work well.

And f***** u all with love
Felwulf, the calm

Bug report & Technical Support / Spawning problem
 on: May 01, 2018, 10:03:43 PM 
I spawn and can't move just change cameras and my character still get hit and kill. Direct answer please, no polite company bullshit. This supose to be a hotfiz not make we wait for a F update. Step ip up, guys. STEP IT UP

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Ammo and spawn bug
 on: April 27, 2018, 06:28:24 AM
his a example of the spawning problem and the ammo I got it too. I not sure, but happens alot when I'm not the host and sometime when I'm the host.

Power Penguin, where are you from?

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