on: October 24, 2018, 06:25:26 PM
Is it not more akin to a fighting game were you are playing single player but other people randomly challenge you, you can't decline to play with them either.
If you win back into the fight with the AI you go, if you lose the same however, if you are one hit away from finishing the AI on multiple occasions it gets annoying fast.
Say it takes 30 minutes to get through arcade mode, it will be increased up until nearly an hour if random people invaded. If you just want to see the end for each character it could nearly double the time by the time you finished it will all the characters.
I feel the system is the way it is to gate progress in the game to a degree, because by playing as or against an antagonist the level and weapon progression is slowed. This stops people rushing through and then forgetting about the game to a degree. Here the rate of progress if you are just starting is incredibly slow so it isn't needed.
In addition the level differences and forge differences can make any PvP match horribly unbalanced. I feel like everybody should be on an even playing field in this regard. Which again having it separate helps with as you won't dive in with underpowered gear if you don't have to. As whether it's an issue or not a 500+ player stomping a group of new players will not feel fair from their point of view, and as you have to play as a raider for the first 10 levels will make some people just give up on the game straight away. This is exactly what we are seeing and why all the complaints are about antagonists, mentor matches and people quitting or throwing games.
It's less of a problem for the antagonist as you can choose to play the mode with a 200+ character with all the guns maxed out, new players can't do that.
Sorry that's a bit long in the end Niether side is right or wrong, but we can all agree more people sticking with the game is a good thing, so why wouldn't any changes that help with that be added?