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Messages - derhaifisch234

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Best idea ever
 on: May 20, 2018, 01:52:40 AM 
here's another idea... no.
lol in all seriousness they should at least let you get the blueprints for the characters you haven't unlocked

do you guys realize that they would have to pay for the rights to their original owners? and looking at the prices they're throwing at players for a skin, I dont think they are able to afford themed skins

until they update? you better have a saint's patience because i bet you anything they're too busy figuring out how to attract more players by fishing streamers to play the game and new ways to be able to sell mercury points to buy those "full game price skins"

so you rather spend +30 min trying to win on a raiders match with 3 idiots which have to be protected if there's an antagonist through the entire match and have the skills of a one handed person?
Either you're part of the developing team trying to dodge a week of work trying to fix this mess or a blind fanboy who should return to play fortnite.
 And by the way if you want me banned so bad there's this thing called Go ahead and show them some tears and don't forget to add a sad violin song to make it believable

oh suuure im going to wait 20 to 30 min to find an antagonist match to lower a 60 mmr down to 40. knowing that each lost match only reduces 1%

if the solution for this problem is start kissing asses and beg other people to join you to lower the mmr this game's doomed.
So everytime you hit 50 mmr we should start recruiting people to reduce it?
As i said before the perfect solution would be to let us lower it by losing on offline matches but since the developers don't care about how we drop that rank i'm going to keep spreading cancerous suicide emo behavior to be able to lower that thing

so you expect players who have a mmr above the average to wait 10 min for a raiders match and 20 min for an antogonist? Ain't nobody got time for dat.  if you know a better way to lower your mmr let me know

Well since i've to wait between 10-15 min to get a raiders match (at least)and most of them i get 3 new players which are as useful as this game's ranking system, I'm just going to suicide at every match and try to lower my mmr% making new players rage at this cancerous behavior making them think twice to keep playing this game and lowering even more the game's players pool since thats the only way to lower the mmr, because the developers haven't fugured out to make it possible to lower your rank by losing on solo matches. I guess the good side of this is that the rewards you get from losing or winning matches are not that drastic to make you even care  8)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: mmr% punishing players
 on: May 12, 2018, 01:35:28 AM 
so far what I've seen is that both antagonist and raider matches shares the same mmr% final outcome, either one of them ends up being raised or lowered no matter which role you're playing. But it only seems to be affected when you try to find an antagonist match if your mmr is above the average because this ranking system doesn't have any problem putting you on a raiders match with 3 idiots which have to be carried for the entire game (and at least one of them end up leaving) and usually against an antagonist.

Gameplay Feedback / mmr% punishing players
 on: May 12, 2018, 12:15:16 AM 
so right now i have a mmr of 65% and the amount of time you have to wait to find an antagonist match it's ridiculous (If you're able to find one) . so the game is basically punishing you for winning matches too often?

Spacelords Universe / skin pack in the future?
 on: May 11, 2018, 05:29:59 AM 
Any plans on a skin pack in the future? I'm  kind of a new player and didnt get the chance to get the ultimate edition

there's 1 at in shock right when you spawn at the start of the match, at the last part of fistul of sand  there's another one and I'll  tell you a third one when you give me a third reason

I've noticed this thing on many maps. you spawn 2 feet away from a cliff and facing it so if you're on a rush spamming the respawn button and running forward, that's an instant death. And I'm tired watching teammates wasting lives by this bad game design

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