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Messages - Droptehsock

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: My issues w/ raiders
 on: May 16, 2018, 01:38:01 PM 
Doldren antags are a right of passage. You get wrecked by a few and then after that you will never be stealth grabbed again,  even if your screen turns off.  I often punch in the direction of that sound even if it's not me being grabbed lol.

That spawn invulnerability is there to prevent spawn  camping. Prevents disgusting things like blitzfaust trap on spawn,  bubble when spawn is near edges, etc. It also let's you orient yourself so if someone is squaring you up you can do the same.

Ayaan needs tension to use her extremely low cd ability. To increase tension you must create distance between you and your target and or bend it around the environment.  It is very easy to aim and few things can break it.   The two universal options every unit has is either matching ayanas movement or wounding her. With the length of cord she had it was hard to do this,  especially with cards that make it easier to activate or increases her speed. Ayana usually just stayed as far back as they could and hooked constantly instead of shooting. Considering you can one shot 60 hp characters,  pull anyone off of a ledge, or be used in conjuction with a shot or two plus the cord to kill just about anything.  Ayana isn't meant to run away,  she's supposed to weave around the battlefield,  lay traps,  and not be afraid of getting her firsts dirty.

A tip everyone should know about queue times. Pull out your phone, or use the built in browser. You can check the forum out or go to what's on broken planet and get on twitch.

If we had a big enough player base I'd say a casual and competetive queue could fix this. In casual after a win/loss streak the game could ask you if you want to move up/down to the next 10%mmr bracket. Competetive could have no bs armor stats and weapons would all have combat stats and a set amount of points that is the same for everyone.  Might needs to give the Antag a small armor/resistance buff in that mode as teamwork is a lot more likely. I've been thinking that if Antag got animation cancelling on successful strikes (upon landing a strike could cancel animation/cool down instantly towards any other target than previous. This would make 2+vs1's possible but would still get wrecked by coordinated squads. 

The the game does have a few steep inclines in difficulty and it be nice if they were smoothed out but we would need a good replacement/fix fo the current progression system. Perhaps every 35 levels/breaking into anot get 10% bracket/ score above 9 you get a free/heavily discount on next weapon built or perhaps every 10 levels you get 1% increase in blueprint drop rate. I'd prefer something tied to difficulty as that seem to be the biggest cause for certain  types of players to cheese/afk/throw games (and now that I'm above 60 mmr Id like to be able to use my 60 hp characters without needing a stacked team

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