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Messages - WhoSaidUWereGOOD

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Adjustments: Rewards and Antagonist
 on: July 21, 2018, 07:19:36 AM 
To the contrary, as raiders we can get a 9 point score perfectly fine without an antagonists invading. So antagonists invading doesn't advantage raiders at all as it rewards nothing above what can already be accomplished verses just the AI. So raiders have no incentives to want to be invaded, there are no extra rewards. Although I'm not saying antags shouldn't be rewarded as well, the disadvantage of incentives and rewards are heavier on the raiders side.
Talking of the advantage of more likely winning the match. I don't think anyone advocated for raiders wanting to be invaded, but if they are you're better off rewards wise than the antag because of the amount of safe guards you have to help you win.

Also the rewards losing as raider vs antag are not the same at all because quad stack bounty and treasure hunter regardless make it better than playing as an antag

Suggestions / Re: Adjustments: Rewards and Antagonist
 on: July 21, 2018, 05:54:45 AM 
In regards to the reward they are about the same except in limited circumstances everyone has bounty hunter but only 2 people take the gold.

I still think the rewards should be buffed as a antagonist though because there is limited motive to play as one, due to the current frusteration of spawn camping, certain maps, dumb bots and other things, but its mostly dependent on the MMR difference of who it favors.

It should be more rewarding as an antag because of the 4v1 advantages regardless of AI being good or not 4 people can outplay things way easier than 1 person can with bots. As it stands most people play antag solely for weapon or affinity, which is sad because it has potential just not well implimented for antagonist to enjoy most games or be rewarded enough for kills.

Gameplay Feedback / Antag main issues
 on: July 21, 2018, 04:55:13 AM 
First issue of playing an antagonist is the lag caused by the host severely limiting the antag's gameplay. Lagg should not favor the host in the manner that it affects the antag's respawn timer.
There are instances where the internet is so bad I’ve waited over 10 to 15 seconds to simply respond outside of the 18 sec timer. It makes a huge difference in possibly wining the match or not. If you die when they’re out of lives and I only have 40 secs to kill everyone, but because of the host I have 10 secs or less after a death just due to lag favoring the host.

Second issue is the lives or time to eliminate everyone.The unlimited lives is an issue to winning many instances as an antagonist. 36 lives is more than sufficient for raiders to still have a safe guard, while giving antagonist a realistic chance to win. As shown short fuse is easier maps to win outside of character niches for certain maps or tolchok.   

Another solution is making the first time downing everyone 16 times timer at least 60 seconds. Antagonist after the first down do not have enough time in most cases to eliminate 4 people in 45 seconds. This isn't a huge change in terms of math of time per person, but significant enough to be more possible as an antagonist.

Third issue, which i'm sure has been mentioned before is the respawn placements for certain maps are just terrible. Most notibly on Hanging on a thread round 2. I would suggest spawning where ever a person wants, but to a certain part of the map restricted.

Last issue is the scoring part of an antagonist. Most maps you wont really have a chance until the last round or second to last. The issue is scores being largely round based to have a high score. Most maps just guarentee 3rd round because it's that easy like Fistful Sand, Enemy Within, Weapon of the Past, No Reservation, Hanging, all easy for being decent. Kills should weigh more into a persons score if over 36 kills as that takes reasonable effort to down a coordinated team to use 2 aleph refills 

(Please keep in mind the focus of these suggestions are to increase possibility of winning and make being a antagonist less frustrating against a system favoring raiders.)

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Healing/Dr.Kuzman
 on: July 13, 2018, 09:52:10 PM 
Arc length effects it, but I've never seen higher heal numbers and we've tried a bunch of cards.  Was trying to make the unkillable Kuzzman build.  Does not effect it, and they don't crit.
. It’s unfortunate nothing affects the heal it really should because as it stands weapon is not viable healing at 8

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Healing/Dr.Kuzman
 on: July 13, 2018, 03:24:01 PM 
With all cards I stated?

Spacelords’ Advice / Healing/Dr.Kuzman
 on: July 13, 2018, 02:05:55 PM 
I’m asking for more information on healing for Kuzman’s L Horizon. As it stands just Incase some didn’t know his heals never crit, shot damage increase cards do nothing. I don’t know if weapon damage or flat damage or arc damage increasing cards affect the healing numbers. If anyone has the information please let me know before I waste more resources

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