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Messages - Prism

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Still Too Many Antags...
 on: August 05, 2018, 09:52:31 AM 
Level9Drow, your reasons for progression and how an antag is detrimental to that are basically the same reasons my friends refuse to try this game with me. They take it a step further though by generally seeing PvP as a hindrance or a series of setbacks as opposed to another layer of depth.

One friend specifically said that the game looked cool but as soon as he saw 4v1 he said nope and backed out of the store page.

I'm torn because I like the antag system but I too feel frustrated when you spend a lot of time playing a match to walk away with next to nothing because I too am trying to get better stuff/more characters.

I like your idea of opting in for PvP to get even greater rewards and I'd like to add that, even if the rewards are far more limited than a pure PvE or PvP setup via matchmaking, you should still have the option to solo and still gain something more than one time. Simply having more options and styles of play will help more people gravitate to the game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Still Too Many Antags...
 on: August 03, 2018, 08:30:59 AM 
I just started playing about a week ago and so far I'm loving the game! I tend to play at strange hours so the matchmaking is extremely hit and miss for me. That said I will have days where its Antagonist constantly and then days where I get none at all.

I know that the Antagonist system with no option to play coop without it is keeping all of my friends away :( Other games with 4v1 mechanics put a bad taste in their mouths. So, I'm toughing it out alone trying to learn and taking my beatings when they happen lol

The worst for me is when people disconnect and not only are you at a disadvantage numbers wise, the AI isn't scaled down in difficulty to just get wrecked. Even IF you tough it out and do your best you're likely to get little to no reward for doing so.

I want to try Antagonist some day but atm I don't wanna contribute to all the imbalance going on x.x

I too hope come August these systems can be ironed out. I'm enjoying this game so far despite my frustrations :)

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