Are you kidding me? with how precious and rare blueprints are now antagonists are hated even more now than ever. I have only one chance in a 48 hour or more period to get a blueprint and this son of a bitch ruins that for me? Before it was just something that pissed you off for a while, now you get FUCKED for multiple days. The antagonist can literally take away the reason to even jump online and play. When your BP chance is ruined I notice many players just leave and don't log back in until they get another BP mission, which could be multiple days. I lot of people I have grouped with and were advocates of the antag system and didn't share my criticism of it, people who were previously optimistic and gentle natures are now pissed with the BP system and hate antagonists. I don't feel a sense of victory either because now they feel the way I do, but a sadness because as easy as I am to piss off, the system was able to piss these otherwise friendly and competitive people off now. It's sad seeing them change in this way because of how hard gated the BP are now.
I peaceful antag, and when I saw how pitifully low the rewards for losing as an antag I ALMOST thought I may have to play as antag, as much as I would be ruining the other person's day. But when I saw how the BP system worked I though to myself I could NEVER be that much of a fucking ass hole as to ruin the BP for someone else, it happened to me and it was horrible and rage inducing. So despite the reduced rewards I still peaceful antag to lower MMR and get affinity, because I'm not that much of a dick.
Until they fix this horrid blueprint situations I feel forced PvP is even more of an egregious mistake. Then I will just see forced PvP as a necessary evil, right now it's just plain evil.
Nah not kidding you,I already alter the way the game was meant to be played by just not spawning or by acting as an Aleph farm last I get blasted in msgs afterward for playing the game.
Don't hate the antagonist, hate the devs and their rewards/MMR system. As someone said if you don't like how things are currently toucan easily play something else until it is if it ever is.
Because it really seems your issue is with how the rewards and MMR get skewed/more difficult when an Antag invades which is a legitimate complaint but you overall just really seem to not want to deal with PVP at all and that's fine, nothing wrong with that but the game was always advertised as the 4v1 with the possibility of an invasion. I knew that before downloading the game and I accept it, loss or not.
As Draco said the Xbox issue is going to be at the forefront as it should be. What I think would help alleviate some of this constant thread salt would be if a member of MS actually chimed in. This is the only official forum I have been on where I haven't seen a CM or dev response. As someone who has done PR and CM the lack of communication is surprising and a bit disappointing.
So focus on the issues at hand,it's not the Antag it's the devs.
I almost want to stop being this "nice antag" because it seems to be expected now which is just dumb IMO.