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Messages - mindminetv

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Bug report & Technical Support / Micro-Stuttering / Lag
 on: November 28, 2018, 08:19:04 AM 
We've been host of several games (we have Fiber and are usually at 30 Ping, if not lower) and we've been in other hosted matches and experienced micro-stutters/strange lag. We have been getting stuttering happening where actions don't take place and suddenly due later or where enemies will just suddenly be spawned in front of us and insta-grapple us. We were just in a match with a HIVE antag and she was on the center of Breath of Hope only to teleport 50 feet to me and insta-grapple me. This happened to multiple people on the team as well.

It has nothing to do with the PCs being used or the internet connection (high-end PCs and fast internet). I can provide internet specs as well if needed.

There are multiple times as myself or from what I have seen from other players where Kon's bubble does not much anyone away instantly but instead their body sort of hesitates which gives them time to grapple or strike. I've seen people, like Doldren, also grapple through a bubble as of today.

Loaht's Cookie ammo is not registering stagger/push all of the time. I've seen multiple NPCs just walk through it like it was nothing and I've seen multiple players just grapple through it without being interrupted.

Spacelords’ Advice / Guide to: A Fistful of Sand
 on: November 24, 2018, 07:59:11 PM 
Does "A Fistful of Sand" feel like you're in quicksand? We're here to pull you out!

Ship's Log / Re: State of the Game Address #2
 on: November 19, 2018, 05:41:45 PM 
Thanks for putting this together for everyone; we really appreciate the time this took. We know a lot of people have been curious about how MMR really works. We will say though that the issue seems to be MMR difficulty consistency rather than the players understanding the MMR.

We've played for over 200 hours now and we still see constant inconsistencies in difficulty (without an Antag). We've been in groups of veterans who have played since the start and who said that they don't understand why a specific mission felt like it was a 50+ MMR when everyone in the group had anywhere between 25 - 35 MMR. We've felt that constantly and it is hard to actually gauge and grow as a player due to this. This is also something that scares away many new players as we've seen a lot of rage quits due to random extreme spikes of difficulty.

It is incredibly easy to see the spikes as enemy NPCs take more strikes before being downed, looters/engineers have a shorter time of impacting an objective etc. This happens constantly from one game to the next. There have been many groups we were in where the sudden change was so overwhelming we just surrendered (but even after that loss, we went into another game only to be swarmed just as hard if not worse).

Due to the frustrations of the player-base, many have mentioned letting players select their own difficulty over having an MMR system (especially as this game is so heavy on team-based action over individual based actions). We mention this as we don't know if this has been voiced directly to you all and it is something to think about if further frustrations arise over MMR.

Thanks again for all of your work!

Bug report & Technical Support / Elites Healing From Wounded Status
 on: November 02, 2018, 08:41:44 PM 

I was just in a match for Weapon From The Past. A teammate was fighting an elite and I wounded the elite. My teammate was also put into a wounded status from something else and I actually saw the elite heal back 15% to 25% of its' health in order to do a finisher to the teammate. That should not be a thing that happens. It all happened within 1 second or 2, so the elite shouldn't have been able to regen like that - it was also like the AI saw the wounded status of the enemy and just went "I need to grapple".  :-\


A Breath Of Hope is the third mission in Spacelords, and the second in the Locals' Story Campaign. Watch our guide to learn more about the objectives of the mission and the enemies you'll encounter in this mission. We'll also tell you about some tips on how to survive the maze and what you might expect in the Inner Sanctum!

In Shock is the second mission in Spacelords, and the first in the Locals' Story Campaign. Watch our guide to learn more about the objectives of the mission and the enemies you'll encounter in this mission.


The Pain Killer shotgun was originally designed by Dr.Kuzmann for the Fifth Council support units. When the deranged scientist joined Harec’s Raiders, he gave the prototype shotgun to Alicia, in a clumsy attempt to assuage her after kidnapping her at Shulliss Nara Moor.

This weapon fires H0-D nanobots (the same technology used by Ayana’s Versatile), preserved in amniotic fluid shells. When the shells hit a target, the nanobots run a blood diagnostic test: if the target’s DNA is stored in their database, they enter the subject’s blood stream and boost their cells regenerate damaged tissues. If the target is not identified as friendly, the nanobots will cause severe damage.

It used to be that you would shoot down the snipers at the end of No Reservations and weaken them before you could take them down otherwise they use their Aleph to teleport. 2x today we failed the mission because no one could even shoot them to weaken them. Multiple times we saw them get shot at and insta-teleport.

No one could get any Aleph because of this to keep the ship flying. I even saw two snipers huddled together and a Lycus simply shot his shotgun, the blast hit both and then just teleported away. There was no attempt at a grapple or strike.

Not sure what is going on but figured we would report it in case something weird was going on.

Spacelords Universe / Unveiling Alicia's Newest Weapon!
 on: September 20, 2018, 10:00:36 AM 
Watch LIVE on Thursday, Sept. 20th at 6 PM PDT to watch the gun in action and ask any questions you have!


In the clip, there are two screens. The one that shows the bug is the one in the lower left.

Gameplay Feedback / Antag with new players & spawn camping
 on: September 15, 2018, 02:14:02 AM 
Hi, All!

So this has happened a lot to us and it is getting a bit frustrating. It is awesome to have new players but I truly believe that if you want players you stay, it is important to not have them get into Antag matches so quickly. If you can't be an Antag until level 10, you shouldn't be facing Antags until level 10.

On top of this, I have had multiple Antags just spawn camp missions and destroy people. I understand the brief invincibility is there but they can still see and track you down. Hanging by a thread (at the last part of the mission) and several other missions have been pure aggravation. If I am getting angry (and we've been playing this for a bit now) I can only imagine how new players feel.

We've been streaming this to our community but several people have stopped playing the game and the same concerns keep being stated:

- Getting Antags when you first start makes it feel like they can't even get any game time because they keep dying (as they become a target because the Antag knows new players are easier kills)

- Spawn camping, which makes them feel like they are constantly just getting "mowed" down.

- Not having a solo tutorial when you first start, that you can jump into at any time to work on your skills (until you unlock the specific missions) and what kind of character you work best with (many other games give this option including Overwatch).

- The balancing of weapons, especially when facing an Antag who can just simply one-shot you. 

We love the game, we want to see it grow and we do earnestly care about seeing its success so we say these points not to rip anything apart but to help build it up. It is especially rough when we want to get our community to play this game (whether old or new members) but they keep coming to us with the exact same problems because their own personal stress meter is higher and more constant than "Alicia's".  ;D

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