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Messages - xXGigglesXx

Pages: [1] 2
Bug report & Technical Support / countdown timer at start of match
 on: November 09, 2018, 06:47:35 AM 
Almost anytime that I am the host, I get a 000.0 countdown timer (and annoying countdown klaxon) at the start of the mission. It stays there until I get a cut scene.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: State of Difficulty: 11.2
 on: October 31, 2018, 10:41:09 PM 
I agree. Consistency is key for a good game experience.

I play as Valeria quite a bit and I'm actually glad that they nerfed her whip's quantum projectile. It was way too powerful. But nerfing the power of the gun itself is crazy! It's such an underpowered/inaccurate gun to begin with.

I agree with raising the level cap for mentor matches. If they have never even had the chance to play as an antag (1-9), then they should definitely be tagged as mentor matches. Most don't realize that the Antagonist gets to pick from several spawn points, it's not just random.

Also, if you have never played a level before, you should be tagged as a mentor match, regardless of skill level.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: MMR Madness
 on: October 17, 2018, 10:00:10 AM 
Technically a higher mmr means that you can score a higher rating as difficulty is one of the scoring sections. In reality, the higher difficulty slows you down which offsets any gains you may get from high mmr

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Character selection BUG
 on: October 12, 2018, 08:01:02 AM 
I just ran into this issue. To reiterate what B3O said, selecting the same character at the same time as someone else causes a bug where you are not assigned a character and you are locked out of choosing a character. You have to just play as whatever random character the system chooses for you.

I ran into this on PS4 - update 11.0

Bug report & Technical Support / Hades resistance card not working
 on: October 08, 2018, 08:29:31 AM 
The Hades card "resistance (rare)" does not seem to be working with Mikah's character card "photon shield (rare)".

-Resistance says that it extends invulnerability 85% (200% with aleph boost).
-Photon shield gives you invulnerability for 2 seconds after switching places with decoy (3 seconds with aleph boost)

With an aleph boost, it should last 6 seconds (assuming you don't do something like punch, which drops the invulnerability), but it only lasts 3 seconds

Got blueprints 19 and 20.
Finally, after 20 blueprints! I finally got another tolchok!

Programmers, please please please... If you could just add some code to avoid getting the same blueprint 17 times in a row. That was the most disheartening thing about this game so far.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tolchok is still broken
 on: October 03, 2018, 08:31:54 PM 
I play with the Tolchok pretty regularly and I've gotta say that it has its weaknesses. The slow spinup, quick overheat, and garbage at long range means that it's not impossible to fight. It's just like any other character, if you choose the right antagonist, Kons is boned.

got blueprints #17 & #18
Both were O.shtorm. That puts me at:
15 shtorm
3 Smerch
0 Tolchok

Bug report & Technical Support / Update 11.0 Antagonist spawn Bug
 on: October 02, 2018, 08:09:11 PM 
This is playing on PS4 pro.
As Antagonist after the 11.0 update, I've had problems with respawning.
-Sometimes the countdown timer doesn't appear for 30 seconds or more.
-sometimes you respawn, but you can't move. The respawn points are still showing and you can use L1/R1 to cycle through them even though your character is visible. Can confirm that raiders can kill you while you are immobile.

Both of these have happened to me on the three maps that I played this morning.

Enemy within
In medias res
No reservations

16 BP
13 shtorm
3 smerch
0 tolchok

15 blueprints
13 shtorm
2 smerch
0 tolchok
Only a 0.22% chance not seeing a tolchok after 15 BP's

14 blueprints.
12 o.shtorms.
0 tolchok

I can't verify that this is a bug due to the nature of the randomness of receiving blueprints. But I have earned 13 blueprints with Konstantine and haven't had a single chance to earn a Tolchok. Now by my math, there's only a 0.51% chance of this happening over 13 blueprints.

11 of the 13 were o.shtorm
I will update as I get more blueprints

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