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Messages - EliteRider21

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 20, 2018, 08:49:38 PM 
I've had about enough of this damn antag system... I kept encountering the same scummy ass russian antag just praying on newbies on no reservation as god damn Doldren, always punching out of his damn ability! This is just why we need a switch, so we don't have to deal with that shit, plus everytime i played that mission, the connection was so bad and the scumbag was perfecly fine to the point on the second run i just quited out, then my game kept crashing everytime i get to the main menu... I swear if that's how you're banned and i can't play Spacelords on PS4 anymore... I'm reinstalling to see if it'll fix it. But seriously, antags needs to be kept out of mentor matches or we need an ON/OFF switch for antags that's on by default for new players, i'm really getting sick of this damn system and those scummy antags...

Suggestions / Re: Full cross-play between platforms
 on: September 27, 2018, 02:57:52 PM 
if they could make a third party account system like Paragon and Fortnite while somehow letting us choose which account from which system to use to play anywhere, i would be so happy cuz i'd like to play the PC version!

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: September 24, 2018, 10:29:31 PM 
This is why i like people i antags like you, i do the same thing by going as Ginebra in cougar form just mindlessly running around and see if they can catch me.
But yeah, we really need an option like an ON/OFF switch in the adventure menu or something, cuz i'm really getting sick of encountering high level antags picking the most OP characters and weapons.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: September 24, 2018, 07:02:22 AM 
Here's a thought, How about a On/Off Button in the adventure menu? Turn it on, you'll randomly get Antags like usual. Turn it off and regardless someone in your team would have it on or not, Antags are kept out, making Mentor matches safe for new players. Antags needs to be kept out of Mentor matches no matter what though.

Suggestions / Option for no antagonist
 on: September 21, 2018, 03:43:26 AM 
I know it may go agianst what the game is supposed to be but if not, cool.
Now hear me out here, i'm a guy that doesn't like PVP these days, i'm more of a PVE kind of player. Everytime i get an antag, it's anything but fun for me, i don't hate games having PVP because it's always separated from the PVE modes, but i do not like being forced to play PVP while i'm playing PVE. Another thing is that i'm not good with the melee system (i'm a button masher) so i can't win a single melee fight unless  it's someone that's low level who doesn't know how to fight.
Now i'm not saying i want the antagonist system gone, because i know some of you likes it and that's good, but i don't like when i'm forced to deal with PVP, i've also heared Dark Souls games on PS4 and Xbone now has something similar which is called invaders and has the option to have them come in or not.

basically, i'd like the option to not encounter antags, i don't enjoy forced PVP mixed in PVE, i don't find it fun what so ever mainly because i can't fight any players that knows how to melee because of my damn mashing habits and my character not wanting to dodge for some reason if i get punched, and they mostly pick the stupidly overpowered raiders...

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