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Messages - TheHex

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I understand what you mean about the grapple change but.
Dont you think that cqc cards are busted?
Back in the old days, Locals had a card that they could 1 hit wound ANYONE if have'nt shot for x secs. Even with the lethal grapple, you could counter doldren easily.
About the elites: yeah, it was hard to fight a brawler while they had invulnerability and they could grapple you, but, shooting them was always a option. I miss that so much because they were a real treat. Now they will come close, start boosting for like 5 secs standing still and THEN start moving towards you,
They are just free aleph now
About the aleph bombs: They are lame. You should'nt be able to aleph bomb while WOUNDED or gettin hit by a strike. (You should'nt even be able to drop aleph. Remember when you used to become a timed bomb if you died while having at least 1 aleph? that was such a nice touch to the game. Not even the Lyre sphere can one hit you anymore, they just push you back and that's it. Aleph should'nt be a controlled explosion. It was never like that, not even on the lore.) Remember why we need to rescue Lycus on hanging by a thread? They could'nt kill him because he absorved a large amount of aleph, Killing him would make him explode and take the whole station with him. That should be a mechanic and never be changed.
That's why I dont think the game is fun as it used to be. Everything could kill you. Used tot be challenging. The only challenge now is playing against a low mmr antag with the AI dificulty 60+.

I Agree with you. But, if the game is suposed to be PvEvP, make it fair for both sides.
Ok, antag plays against 4 raiders
Antag has a entire army of grunts/elites/looters/captains/brawlers/snipers to back them up.
If the match overcompensates a antag just because of his lower mmr, makes it unfair to raiders. Even for a full squad of raiders, that makes the match a whole bullshit.
Grunts will not stop shooting untill they kill you. Their weapon will never jamm. Elites will shoot as soon as they get wounded and will take like 80% of your health (if you are lucky enough). The ammount of aleph requirements skyrockets 50-80% above the normal.
Low Blow for example: 5+ engineers spawning and they can drain the pressure in less than 5 secs even with 5+ alephs on the generator.
Things like that made many of my friends quit. The AI is broken when it's above 60% dificulty, playing as a raider feels like a punishment at that point.
Idk... I just want MSE to listen to us and stop making changes on their own. the best thing for me and I believe lots of players think the same was, the mind game involved on CQC.
That's what hooked me the first time I played. My very first match was against a lvl 300+ alicia on low blow. I had no Idea what to do but when I got my very first kill on cqc against a antag, that felt so good.
When you used to fight elites for aleph to complete objectives was the challenge that made the game so fun.
But now... If you're losing a cqc, roll and drop aleph bombs.
If someone grapple you, you're more likely to survive, even if thrown against a wall.
Idk... The game used to be fun... now is just a: play 5 matches and wait for another day to play again kinda of.

NO antag = raider MMR is the dificulty.
WITH antag = If raider mmr is higher than antag, even if  by 1, the game will overcompensate with a way higher mission dificulty
Already made a post about it with prints, go check them xD

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec Nerf When?
 on: March 12, 2020, 10:00:41 PM 
I think that if we're going to ask for a nerf, why not make his stalk cooldown based on how many shots he did?
Fewer shots = + cooldown
Lots of shots = - cooldown
I Do not agree with any card that rewards with a huge CQC damage since, the point of CQC is the mind game involved. You make a choice, You pay the price. right?
The weapons are kinda busted for now with the new forge but... idk
Harec stalk is fine for me like it is. The weapons are the main problem.
But what do I know, right? ^^

Gameplay Feedback / Re: So... Is this supposed to be happening?
 on: March 12, 2020, 09:50:41 PM 
Hello Laura, how are you?
Yes, this happens all the time. People started to figure out that high antag mmr means grunts/elites/aleph requirements alot easier to manage.
ppl started to drop their mmr to gett a better AI, even before the  update that allowed the antag to command troops.
I do not think that ppl who lower their mmr on porpuse just to get a advantage wrong, since its how the game works, they only take advantage of that... but... That does'nt mean that it SHOULD happen like that.
That's why I'm against the use of MMR on ANY kind of game. That only make queues take longer and longer to find a match. Not to mention again the AI dificulty, I love a challenge but, that is BS xD
Another thing about the MMR system, the queue times are 5+ minutes. Everytime I try to solo queue as raider, I do it while watching youtube videos because I know that the queue will take forever to get me a match...
But yea, that happens alot. If the Antag MMR is around 60, the mission dificulty will go like 20-30. If the Antag MMR is below 30, the mission dificulty will spike to 60+. Grunts will shoot like 50 times before reloading, Elites will shoot their shotguns like 15-25 times without a single reload (in case of 5th concil, they will knock you back EVERY TIME they shoot, does'nt matter the range). The game becomes more of a frustration than a challenge... Sorry for changing subjects mid speach.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: So... Is this supposed to be happening?
 on: March 10, 2020, 01:01:10 AM 
Almost 1 year after the post was made... We Still have the same unsolved problem.
Did the antag played well? NO HE DID'NT.
Did the AI did all the job? YES THEY DID.
One year ago I made the same post about Low Blow situation. (5+  engineers alive at the same time.) Still unfixed and no reply on my topics. So, why not repost on the same topic that at least 1 staff member answered? Here, take a look.
Again. did the antag played well? Absolutely not.
The game OVERCOMPENSATES a bad antag with low MMR with a WAAAAAY greater AI dificulty.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Elites Again
 on: March 04, 2020, 06:41:46 PM 
(In advance, my english is terrible)
5th Concil shotguns should'nt have 100% knock back chance. That's a fact.
The snipers teleporting at close range is "fine" but they should'nt be invencible during it. Also, I (and many more players) miss the melee elites insta boosting melee invencibility like before, they were some kind of a threat. Now they are just a pace breaking since you need to stop EVERYTHING you're doing to shoot them and MAYBE (if it is not a 5th concil) be able to stop the aleph boost (if you dont have any knock back skill or weapon).
The rewards system is punishing EVERYONE who spends a bit more time on the game, since the rewards have a maximum value PER MATCH after the 5th match. Thats annoying and yet again, A change that nobody asked for.
Some high tiers cards that you need to wait +25 days to get (beside the faction points being over 200k).
Another thing, Please remove the wounded raider/antag ability to drop aleph bombs on their feet x.x this is SO ANOYING and WRONG that blows my mind to think that was a addition that NOBODY asked for. We already have strike and dodge while wounded. If you're wounded its because you failed on a CQC or shooting fight. Wounded state is a punishment. Aleph bombs goes against EVERYTHING that i learned from the game since I started playing the game. Remember when you used to become a bomb and kill even allies if you have at least 1 aleph and died to someone shooting at you? what happened to that?
What happened to the Hanging by a thread that the hades division could'nt finish off lycus because of the amount of aleph he had absorved on his body?
The game is trying to be newbie friendly by betraying its origins and breaking itself.
Maybe I am a cry baby? yea, maybe. But I know that many more players who left or are about to leave the game forever, think the same about it.
Cmon MSE, make Spacelords enjoyable again =/


you really need to look for a better solution for this...

Like making a Versus matchmaking instead of a "gambling" to see if you're gettin a regular queue or antag queue.
To be honest, many ppl quitted the game because of the antag system.
Mmr is broken and bad antags are rewarded with greater AI dificulty.
Yea, Still unfixed.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: About JK-5
 on: March 04, 2020, 06:10:16 PM 
Yea, I  Remember  that. Also, Mika's K&K have the same issue: reloads hella fast and the damage from anchoring is RIDICULOUS. can instakill even 5th concil.
Also, when will 5th concil grunts/elites shotgun get a nerf? knockback on every single shot is ridiculous. Some times you can't even finish a elite because he will shot 12+ times without even reloading e.e

Anchoring and Antimatter are both broken and ppl are exploiting it.

Gameplay Feedback / About JK-5
 on: March 03, 2020, 11:58:14 PM 
Is the weapon working as intended?
I've seen ALOT of doldrens exploiting the weapon (that has to be a bug) by the simple fact that: It will kill you with ONE HEAD SHOT.
Not matter which faction you're playing. IF you get headshotted by that weapon, you're dead.
Many many many doldrens are using this gun and they not even need to use the ability. they will just hold a corner and kill you.
Not even harec can do that without charging the damage multiplier.
My question is: JK-5 is working as intended? 15 points on anchoring is working as intended?.

Challenge Accepted

eventually you would be buying her... so... why don u grind again and buy more raiders? I mean... if you get 3 more players with Bounty hunter on their weapon, you can farm 5-8k gold every match...
just saying '-'

I know your pain, my brother... We all've been there
More than 1 year of ppl complaining about it... still not even a change for the old man...

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