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Messages - Dogma

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Hey guys! I'll go ahead and write what's going on in English y español. You can also translate with


You're invited to play and stream together the game Raiders of the Broken Planet (on Steam, Xbox One/Windows Store and PS4) this July 26th, 2018. Head to the post at r/raidstream to know how to join:
Estáis invitados a jugar y retransmitir juntos el juego Raiders of the Broken Planet (en Steam, Xbox One/Windows Store y PS4) este 26 de julio de 2018. Entrad al post en r/raidstream para saber cómo uniros:

To be clear, this is an initiative created by and for gamers and streamers, and hasn't been sponsored or organized by MercurySteam in any way.
Para ser claros, esta es una iniciativa creada por y para jugadores y streamers, y no ha sido patrocinada ni organizada por MercurySteam de forma alguna.

Iba a crear un post con unas cuantas sugerencias dirigidas en torno al éxito que Raiders of the Broken Planet podría tener en el marco de juegos multijugador competitivos, pero me gusta bastante lo que ha iniciado Elyleo aquí. Desde luego hay que tener en cuenta a todos esos jugadores que no son capaces de jugar de forma constante si no hay una serie de sistemas por rangos y recompensas con microtransacciones en el juego que le den esa "palmadita en la espalda" cada vez que hacen algo. Voy a esperar a la siguiente beta antes de sacar conclusiones y una vez haya jugado lo suficiente añadiré mi perspectiva sobre ello, si os parece, aquí mismo. Mejor añadir aportaciones bajo un mismo tópico que ir soltando cada uno lo mismo por hilos diferentes. ¡Seguid así, chicos! Y mis kudos/karma/likes para Elyleo, que he leído otros posts suyos y son geniales.

Ship's Log / Re: My experience with Raiders
 on: October 09, 2016, 08:02:49 PM 
My point of view is practically the same. The game is going in a great direction. 'Til next thursday then! Can't wait!

Same thing happened to me while it was loading the last boss fight. Good thing the game gives the chance to hop into the last session after the crash. Awesome for a beta.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Rosetta tribute!
 on: October 03, 2016, 10:28:33 PM 
Looks like a nice place for a picnic. Do we have to reconstruct the image and post it here?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Introduce yourself!
 on: October 03, 2016, 09:31:45 PM 
What's brewin', raiders!
I'm Dogma. That's all there is to it. I'm a swiss knife currently studying for compositing and film editing.
After what happened with Lords of Shadow 2 ("specialized" critics can kiss my round and shiny pair of cushions) I've been begging for Mercury Steam to come up with something new for my enjoyment. And OH JOLLY! Did they come up with something! When I saw Raiders of the Broken Planet's first trailer I flamed my pajamas. Quite awesome concept, indeed.

So here I am. I want the same thing everyone else does, I guess. But when I get it, I'll play it with a Steam controller... I'll be a noob in style.

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