on: May 05, 2019, 06:50:49 AM
you dont get much grouping up in solo q. here situation i found myself yesterday: two assault elites, one of them boosted so i decide to bail. turn a corner and here stands "she" with her back towards me about 2-3m away so i decide to grapple... result is she does 180 and melts me. i only experienced that with Lycus on his lucky day and he has severe range limitations. she also has little window to shoot her, Harec stays out of cover long enough to shoot him before he pops you and also can miss, Shae needs 0.5s or so to melt you without you. i tried suppressing her with Konst Smerch and she just pops out loses 50% hp and melts me in return. you say use cover to cover for approach but forget that time between covers is enough to melt AND you have more and more goons plus elites swarming you the more you pay attention to her. take example on a council campaign... 2 minutes spent on antag is enough to have your field filled with mines. there also assault elites moving you out of cover, shotgun gonns pushing you out of cover and into the mine you go. but yea... on some maps it isnt as prominent, i had less problem with her on 1-3 and the like. effort to play with and against is not balanced. i dont mind one shot weapons but those need some skill and that just does not stand true... look at Aneska's arsenal and how often she can one shot for effort you put in using her guns