on: August 29, 2019, 08:57:42 AM
You seem to have reading comprehension issues and didn't exactly pay attention to what i wrote. I mentioned harec, ginebra, Alicia and a raider shae. What you failed to understand was that no one other than harec, alicia, ginebra can actually reach a shae antagonist. she can easily depending on the player can camp up there, give out orders to wardog grunts to either protect, go after any member of the team. yes it takes a coordinated team of raiders to distract shae or come. Up from behind, but there is the issue of the tall structure that no one, other than the aforementioned characters can reach. But that's rare on spacelords. doldren can snipe, but can't reach shae, harec can, that's if they aren't already being discovered by the antagonist. Alicia is about the only one who can actually get the drop on her. as mentioned by others, unless ginebra can sneak up from behind without being unoticed. with the master of puppets update, this makes a shae antagonist more focused on picking off raiders while the minions and slicer tank elites do the dirty work. I would further explain, but you are impossible to Converse with without resorting to 5th grade name calling and insults. If you do respond, which you will, I'm not going even waste my time reading your drivel good day 😊