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Messages - Hesh

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: "Come with me"command
 on: July 26, 2019, 11:17:35 AM 

(they also need to add the "someone needs to shut up" command, when you encounter a leader who barks orders every 3seconds and who should try to act more and order less.
not telling this for you, but i just end a game with a guy like that.)

Maybe some kind of Mute option ?

Suggestions / "Come with me"command
 on: July 25, 2019, 11:39:14 AM 
I'm max level player , so i get A LOT -most of the times annoying- mentoring games, i can carry the 3 players rank 6 who know nothing and teach em but since the "come with me' command was removed , i can't even tell them to come with me to protect them or even show 'em what to do, so pretty please put back this command , it was pretty important.

Pages: [1]