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Messages - LeDeathpacito666

Pages: [1]
Fan Corner / Re: What's Your Favorite Faction and Why?
 on: July 27, 2019, 01:25:08 PM 
Wardogs because they're FAST BOIS and don't need to cover to regen health

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Lycus's Spinning Coin could be better
 on: July 27, 2019, 01:07:22 PM 
Boy, that's a problem of every character equipped with "level 0" guns. I'm an Alicia main, but sometimes (when someone chooses my main before of me) I play as Lycus and I must say he's actually a far balanced character if played with a forged weapon! I can assure you, you've just to forge a weapon for him and he will be a pretty solid tanky character!

Gameplay Feedback / Shae must be nerfed in pvp
 on: July 27, 2019, 12:58:45 PM 
Hello guys, I just wanted to share my experience with all of you about this character...
I was playing in the third mission of the Native Raiders campaign, where you have to find the protector and escort him, using Alicia with smoking daisy equipped. Since the beginning, the Antagonist was able to instalock me in shotgun range (she was using the burst sniper) and kill me in no time. How it can be possible? I mean, in the later phase of the game I was able to "counter her" by releasing Smoking Daisy's clip on her head, but that's still a problem since she makes Herec unuseful because of it. So please, nerf her "aimlock time" in closer ranges at least because that makes her pretty unbalanced to play against!

P.s. Excuse me for some "broken English" phrases, I'm not a mother tongue speaker

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