Are the lengths of time for finisher animations different among the characters? I notice some seem very fast other very long. For instance, Mikah's Elite finisher is very fast, but Valeria's is very long. As far as grunt finishers from a grab, Mikah's is long and Hans's is very fast.
I only ask because it is kind of relevant when planing what you are going to do next during you own finisher or against someone finishing an ally.
you know how you can grab an Elite right after they finish an ally? You can do the same against en enemy player, but the timing is more finer. It also depends on if they react at all. The game will make you golden and immune to all damage UNLESS you attack and then they can react. When an antag finishes an ally stand right there unafraid and the second they finish grab, they should react, even though they would realistically have no time to do so, and then you will grab them immediately. If they, or you, are smart, you will not attack while in immunity and merely walk away making all attacks bounce off. But the moment you attack you'r immunity only protects you against weapon fire the CQC if in full effect.